Tree of Savior Forum

To warlock users is mastema better now than pole?

C2 mastema seem better than pole for those who come from ele3 due to how more easy to use, but for those kino3 or linker3(well C1 is enough for swap or link) they have utility skill to support the small AoE of pole.
And pole(skill+scroll) seem strong like a burst IMO.

C3 Pole of Agony manifestationā€¦


I will reset my skills and be man enough to max mastema (and dark theurge) I will not put a single point to PoA because base on my experience while the damage is good I do not use it more often. Im a Wiz3 Elememe3 War1 PoA is good if you are a Linker build.

The new skill Drain I think I will put 5 points on it for DarkT support because that CD reduction is enough for me.

Hi just want to know what the common stats build for warlocks? If i go wiz3link3wl2 is better to go pure con since i need to go near enemies for my DT damage or 100 con rest int is ok?

You can go 4 int for 1 con itā€™s the standar dps stat for damage wizz.
For hp just look for armor with hp boost on it, and if you have the money, you can buy enchanted headgear (you can get from 1500 to 2000hp from headgear)
I personnaly use plate armor (because lol cloth is so bad in this game most of the part gives you more sp, but plate gives you more hp)
Hp gem on all parts of gear also

For all my dps characters other than my archer I go 3:1 until I hit 100 con without gear and put all points into int, spr, str whatever the damage stat is. But people who min max go all int or mostly int and put on hp gear. Iā€™m not into min maxing I just put con at 100 because itā€™s a pretty number and u get the 5th bonus point going from 98 to 100. So good point to finish at. Itā€™s just personal preference. I think you would gets tons and tons of int if you went all int. I guess we will get more stronger and stronger monsters as we get new ranks so Iā€™m assuming going no con is not the best for the future?? who knows. I havenā€™t done much end game content I just have like 8 characters leveled to rank 6, 7. I just like leveling characters.

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i only have 30 con at 280 . i have about 13.4k hp right now with virtov plate + 2x level 6 red gem and virtov plate gloves . when i get virtov plate pants i will have around 15k which is plenty for end game content .

New mastema at beginning:


How does that make any sense? Youā€™re gonna pay 12.5k to use it, youā€™re gonna spend money on its attribute, but you wonā€™t get a single point in it and get basically double the output? You know scrolls have the same cooldown values as the base skills rightā€¦


you can use it at level 1 and still have 12 seconds of PoA, paying only 2,5k silver or the price of a level 1 attack scroll.

Iā€™ve seen a video of a Warlock with 2x Pole of Agony and it was actualy strong. With Pole level 1 and scroll you have a ā€œoverheatā€ for 2,5k silver

Level 1 is 8s duration. But yeah you said youā€™d get 0 points in it? Which struck me as a complete waste.


have you heard of an attribute called Maintain?

IF the scroll had 20~30 seconds delay Iā€™d leave it at 0, as it has 1~2 minutes, Iā€™ll be using both at level 1.

Yes i have. Do you know what it does? Because it doesnā€™t increase your poleā€™s duration, only the DoTā€™s (if you even manage to apply it) :wink:

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Yes, but in the end the effect is sort of the same to be honest, the DoTs are multiplied by both quickcast and attributes so only the base damage is lowered, considering you are only taking it at 1 the DoT is almost as strong as the Pole itself.

+4 seconds on the DoT gives ALMOST the same damage as +4 seconds on Pole.

Pole is a skill you make lots of mobs go through, not stand on.

The DoTā€™s damage decay has nothing to do with your Poleā€™s base damage though, saying

is not only wrong but also makes no sense.

Anyways, no itā€™s not almost the same damage as +4 seconds on Pole - not only will the DoT already be at its lowest damage during those 4 seconds but youā€™re not accounting the fact that having the skill at level 5 does not stop you from ALSO having that attribute, for a 12s long pole + 14s long DoT.

Youā€™re talking about point efficiency right? Because at 10 [dark theurge] and adn 10 [invocation] (both 10 for max number of hits per spirit), thatā€™s 10 points left to distribute to 5 skills ranging from 1 ([evil sacrifice] lol) to 10 pts max.

the biggest problem I see with the PoA and the difficulty to hit it because the effect area is minimal. the skill may well give 36 hits however, who said you get hit 36? with Mastema If you hit, you have sure been right all the hits, I know that the damage of the PoA is based on the monster pass through the PoA and not is up however, who said that you had managed to get everyone the monsters go over? you can hit a 20 hits at most

Position Pole while running with mobs on your back for example, then go through it, all mobs get DoT effects then you only need to keep going back and forth through Poles, thereā€™s a video on the forum showing a Warlock doing this with 2 PoA (scroll) and finishing with that alone (he had level 9 PoA though iirc) and he literaly finished a pack of mobs.

People here are taking magic DoTs lightly, theyā€™re based on your matk with all attributes and multipliers, generaly only the base value is lower, like a level 0~1 skill. Considering high matk values you can get tons of damage out of those DoTs.

Mastema is the same, though itā€™s mist likely another skill to finish linked mobs, with itā€™s short number of hits and maximum power it most likely wonā€™t finish level 300 mobs without Linker, even if you have 100% attribute and quickcast you will barely take 50% of a mobs HP.

For Elememes:

Currently the best path seem (TO ME) to be something arond Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Linker 1/2 > Sage.

Consider the fact that you can, by having Linker, give much better use to all your Ele 3 skills, even Frost Cloud. Eletrocute on Linked mobs with Taoist effects are going to hit like a truck.

Sage already give ranged protection so Theurge loses defensive value. Sageā€™s high base values are pretty good when comboed with low ranks of Linker because it consumes less Hit Counts.

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How all this korean videos have level 315 +o- and lvl 15 class? Its because the x8 exp tomes?

Where is this video?, I readed all post concerning sorc or warlock, never seen it