Tree of Savior Forum

To warlock users is mastema better now than pole?

With its new attribute are you shifting to mastema than pole of agony?

You could get a decent lvl Agony pole + high attributes, and buy another pole through enchanter magic scroll. You will have 2 Agony poles with high damage to cycle. The enchanter agony scroll will use your attributes.

Mastema still needs some more testing.

But enchanter using pole with 571 int doing only 70 damage so im.not really into double pole thing but your right it still needs testing…

For Warlock C2, the new attribute just makes Mastema worth putting 2 points into it. I wouldn’t go past that. I don’t think we’ll be seeing a lot of Warlock C2s though.

coz c3 will be…


so you really think pole of agony is still better than mastema in warlock c2?

mastema for the debuff :sunglasses:

yeah mastema -50% str dex int and how about DT is the number of hits scale with the level or still 25 hits with just the damage scaling?

For Warlock C2, I think Mastema is better than Pole of Agony just because it looks a lot more usable and has much lower cooldown. But I still wouldn’t put more than 2 points into Mastema because it only gains slightly higher base damage after level 2. Meanwhile, each point into Pole would increase its base damage and hit count. But Pole is low priority for me. I’d be fine leaving it at level 1

isn’t pole base damage at lvl 10 is 1864 while mastema lvl 10 is 3279 that’s almost half with 37sec cd on mastema and 120sec cd on pole…

mastema at lv10 is 5x fc’s damage .

There’s one important thing you guys are missing: Hit count.

To shorten the formulas, I’ll just write Char.Atk, which would include magic attack + magic amp/2 + elemental attacks

Frost Cloud is 3 hits per second for 10 seconds (but for some reason hits 32 times)
So Frost Cloud Lv.5 is (Char.Atk + 643) x 32

Pole of Agony hits 3 times per second
Pole of Agony Lv1. hits 36 times (with Duration attribute)
= (Char.Atk + 586) x 36
Pole of Agony Lv.10 hits 63 times (with Duration attribute)
= (Char.Atk + 1864) x 63

Mastema with attribute hits once, then hits 12 times but weaker (looks like 60% of initial damage)
So if those 12 hits are only dealing 60%, then they’d be equal to 7.2 full hits.
And then we add the initial hit: we get an 8.2 multiplier
Level 2 Mastema
= (Char.Atk + 1335) x 8.2
Level 10 Mastema
= (Char.Atk + 3279) x 8.2

If you want to know more about hit counts for skills, check this reddit post

There are some errors though (like dark theurge)

Lets do some easy math here:

Pole of Agony hits 3 times per second
Pole of Agony Lv1. hits 36 times (with Duration attribute)
= (Char.Atk + 586) x 36
Pole of Agony Lv.10 hits 63 times (with Duration attribute)
= (Char.Atk + 1864) x 63

so max pole gives 117432 damage on a 2min cd and the most shitty aoe size in this galaxie, thank god maintain exist for that skill…

Mastema with attribute hits once, then hits 12 times but weaker (looks like 60% of initial damage)
So if those 12 hits are only dealing 60%, then they’d be equal to 7.2 full hits.
And then we add the initial hit: we get an 8.2 multiplier
Level 2 Mastema
= (Char.Atk + 1335) x 8.2
Level 10 Mastema
= (Char.Atk + 3279) x 8.2

Max matesma gives 26888 with a 37cd decent aoe size and the new debuff. Plus it’s actully not a ground skill so you dont care if the mob stays in the aoe or stuff (very nice for boss, freaking golem rolling out of frost cloud).

So now if we compare dps on the skillz
120/37 = 3.2
26888*3.2 = 86041
117432-86041 = 31391

So you gain 31391 damage by maxing pole over matesma.

Now lets analyse this, in pure terme of dps, the way you can see it is:
31391/26888 = 1.1

Now the way i see it is… pole is a super bad skill… like really, the only good use for pole is either you have linker, or you use it for bosses. Because in farming session the aoe sucks so much it’s unusable.

I personnaly think as an elememe i am gonna ditch pole for matesma.


Pole of agony (2min cd), just help ur dmg in bosses and is good for pvp, theres no reason to put more than 1 point into it… so lv 1 is fine… use your points to max other skills… mastema is also fine in lv 1…

What I plan to do, I already have Pyro2>Linker3>Warlock1 going to be enchanter, indeed I will only put 1 point in Pole of Agony for attribute purpose and double PoA.

Hopefully the video showed the 70 damage is a bug

everything is better than ur pole its fragile and soft and can’t even make me moan

Mastema from Warlock C2 > Pole of Agony.

Pole is a 0 points wonder where you buy the attributes and use the skill from scrolls, you can put 1 point into it but it has such a big cooldown I won’t even bother.

I actually love Pole of Agony for its damage and effect but there are 3 major problems with this skill.

  1. small aoe
  2. long cooldown
  3. cast at melee range

Unfortunately all those things are super bad aspects at high level game play but until we get Warlock c3 it’s really hard to know what skill to max at this point. I think most Warlock c2 people will use skill reset once c3 comes out assuming c3 is beast just like elementalist c3 is a beast. I have two Warlock builds. Wiz3/Ele3/War and Wiz3/Psycho3/War. Love the 2nd one but will be going Wiz3/Link3/War for another new character. That’s as future proof as you can get even though there is no such thing as full future proof. I love leveling new character up to rank 6 and above. Just put points in whatever you like because it’s almost guaranteed you’ll have to either reroll a new character or reset your skills once Warlock c3 comes out. Imagine you are putting points in for Elementalist c2 without knowing what Ele c3 will bring. It’s almost guaranteed that you wont get it right the first time around unless you barely learn new skills and have all the skill points left unlearned for months and months.

IMO there the “safest” way atm is wiz3 for utility and quick cast alone
then go linker 3 because it will never be outscale and is good for solo and multi (the only pb with linker are linker immune mob, they are pretty rare tho)

will that Mastema changes affect Warlock C1 Mastema too?