Tree of Savior Forum

To Trade a Gift

First let me start by telling you what I know…

I know:::

my threads aren’t popular nor are my opinions, that I hate unfair advantages as much as I hate restrictions and above all…

I know this game needs improvements and that I must not let my dislike of something blind myself from possibilities (even if they aren’t for me)…

now to the core of this thing:::

My Suggestion: A box where you can place un-trade-able items/gear…

A gift to others, you buy the box, you put items in it and you trade the box to whoever you want…

Other person opens the box, get items and the box vanish…

I suck at wording my thoughts some times, so I made something that sucks 10% less and hopefully can send the message across better::::

EDIT: If cant see the images well, open them on another tab/window

Staff get their Money, Player gets to trade the stuff they couldn’t before and whales people can place them on market to help economy and those without TP to spend…

it would be a win win situation and I know there are a million ways to mess it up and a billion of complains…

that’s why I wan everyone that can to give their opinion and tackle this until all the positives and negatives are on the table :yum:

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Weird… if IMC would want untradeable items to be tradeable … they would make them… tradeable?

But where is the gain in that, there is a reason they are untradable in the first place :confused:

whether its balance or profit through external means, untradable items have a reason to exist…

this would just allow for a backdoor to a problem created by a “solution”

Would this be different from “IMC makes items tradeable”?
They are untradeable for some reasons.

a guy post a respons to a developer about the “finish of the token system” and he admitted that technically the only uses for a token its restrict the RTM on the game. so thats check that they was making money due the rtm (they get a piece of the cake) instead implement a real control system on the market (who was the first tool for every RTM “company”) they chose to hold the trade system by token’s trades

it would be different cause just making all tradable only would help players which is what we all wish would happen…

but lets be realist, the devs will look for way of making a profit and we need to start looking for things that benefit all, before they find things that screw us over…

Forgot to ad that I would love to know staff opinions too…

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri

does this include untradable event quips? i feel these can be exploited

though i do want to giftwrap a lot of untradable reset pots that i hardly use to people who needs them Owo

though i tend to gift peeps TP bundles when i gift them something that is untradable (char slot, hairstyle etc)

I think it should be up to the dev to chose what and how many…

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i guess it’s ok if it doesnt trade stuff like a event pirated untradable masinios that can be easily exploited by peeps

also i do have 2 telescope now that i wanna trade it for your extra pipe

thanks I finnaly got 1 and some food :open_mouth: thanks for reminder I think I missed 2 days of kick event so easy to forget…

yeah! there are lot of untradable items than this could help with but it also, like everything opens a window to exploiters…

I feel like a counter to it is for staff to keep track of box buyers and that way the can track suspicious trades easier too…

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lucky u ; w ; i ate a lot of fish for this event ; w ;

yeah i guess but what if exploit is using multiple accounts owO i think devs deciding which items are safe to giftwrap is ok though Owo especially if we have to pay TP for the box Owo

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Am worried that if been TP would persuade devs into having no trade limit and only 1 slot to force exploiter into buying lots = more money for them…

all I can do is have faith in the devs and that my suggestion will be properly used :blush:

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Hello DrRM!

We appreciate that you took the time to give a detailed explaination on your suggestion. Rest assured that we will take this as a feedback from you and forward to the proper department for them to review and see what changes can be done in the future.

Thank you for supporting Tree of Savior!

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Thanks for the response, would like to know more opinions about it…