Tree of Savior Forum

Provide us SOME ways to trade 1:1 for transcended weapons?

No one is laughing at you - just curious as to why you would re-transcend a 315 weapon by choice, you like to swing your HoG around then why not use it as a re-skin for your next weapon?


Do I really need to retype this? It’s literally in the same post. It does NOT have to be a 315, it could be a 350 or a 330. HOG is just an example, not everyone has the silver to reskin a weapon and trans 10 it again.

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you can rather easily swing 350-360 weapon with the look of Heart of Glory…

Welcome to gear progression in an MMO?


The funniest part is that’s like 20 years and more that mmo work this way.

Shameless plug initiated. . .

To Trade a Gift

…? Trading gears to friends/other people does not mean me I am not making gear progression. In fact, the person whom I traded gears with could very much be making a gear progression.

This is the 2nd time I quote myself. Try to read this??

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But it’s not easy to trans 10 and enhance another 350 weapon…? What if my HOG is +21?
A +16 350 primus still gets outdamaged by a +21 HOG.

Also you are missing the point. I could easily have a 350 weapon that I no longer use and I want to give it to a friend. Why does this transaction have to go through the market?

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We are talking about why you would re-transcend your 315 gear during 360 content - you said its because you like swinging around your HoG.

The correct thing to do would be to get the new gear and then re-skin your HoG to it. Dumping a bunch of blessed gems in your old gear is silly and questioning it isn’t elitist.

EDIT: If it is already stage10 from previous content - then that is why this is about gear progression, the weapon is still good, use it till you get a better one and transcend it.

I think the main reason for this restriction is to prevent RMT where players can just straight trade RL cash for items. Hence everything now needs to go thru the in game marketplace where IMC can monitor the trades.

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You literally disregarded the whole post and tunnel visioned yourself into 1 single thing that I said to respond to “why would you transcend your 315”. Nowhere in my statements have I mentioned anything about dumping more gems into a 315.

Since you don’t seem to bother to read, here is the original statement:

“IF” I have a trascended weapon that I no longer use and I want to give it to a friend. The weapon could be 315/330/350, it does not concern anyone other than me and the person that I am trading with. You don’t decide what the “correct thing” to do is for everyone as you know nothing about the weapon nor the players involved in the trade.

NO ■■■■ genius, this is exactly why I have a previously transcended weapon that I no longer use and it could greatly benefit a friend/a new player who may or may not have just joined TOS. It takes a significant amount of time for non-whales/elitist players to farm enough gems to get a trans 10 weapon especially when saalus is nerfed and we no longer have the discount gear event.

Why should this piece of weapon mold in my storage instead of benefiting someone of my choice??

Btw, please make sure you understand what you are responding to because I really don’t think you do.


I don’t think I would agree with 1:1 trading of transcendent weapons - would make it too easy to sell the equipment for RMT purposes.

Getting a trans10 weapon is not as bad as it was, it doesn’t take an ‘elitist’ or ‘whale’ (terms you are throwing around to marginalize people who put effort into their gear) to get them. Getting blessed shards and gems is easier than it ever has been. Saalus was only nerfed for those ‘elitists’ you speak of who had 12+ characters spamming saalus. The rest of us run saalus 3 times, run Gemstone Feud for gems, and kill elite monsters for their 10% chance to drop 2 shards.

It shouldn’t mold in your storage - sell it and use the silver to buy something for your friend who may or may not be playing, or use it on an alt as a leveling tool.


Tfw it takes half of the gems to get to Stage 10 as compared to before and you still get called a Whale + Elitist in this casual game.


Let’s talk about how this would “make RMT easy”

  1. RMT typically comes from automated bots running around fields farming raw silvers. Players who RMT sell cheap garbage on the market so multiple bots can buy these pieces for a total amount of X silver.

This has very little to do with transcended weapons. The account who possess a highly transcended weapon is also typically not a bot account. I have never seen a necro bot running around with a trans staff. I have also never seen RMT transactions using transcended weapon as the mean instead of silver. It simply makes 0 sense for a bot to buy a recipe > craft a weapon > buy the shards > transcend the weapon > buy a token > then trade the player for cash.

If we are talking about 1:1 RMT between ACTUAL players instead of bots, then I think that’s really none of anyone’s business. How can you regulate that?

  1. I mentioned “some ways” to make this possible. It doesn’t have to be a simple 1:1 that applies no restrictions. I don’t care if it’s buying TP / paying in game silver (Mabinogi has similar concept like this where a upgraded weapon has to be “unlocked” by a TP item). For something as basic as this IMC should be able to come up with something.

  2. Please don’t forget the fact that you can trade this on market now. Problem really is to designate to a particular person. Even if the weapon is on the market for a reasonable price, there’s still no guarantee. There were multiple scenarios where both parties agreed to a price and the weapon got bought by someone else.

I am all ears on how you think allowing trading of transcended weapons is tied to RMT.

“Not as bad as it was”

Getting a trans 10 weapon for a 1 handed weapon takes a total of 142 gems. Say a casual player who happens to have 3 characters do saalus everyday and obtain 1 gem everyday (9.9 shards), that takes 142 days. That’s a whooping 5 months. Probably 7-8 months for a 2 handed?

And let’s not get into Gemstone Feud where the same 5 whales just run around and farm players by 1 shotting them. Some people just don’t like anything PVP related?

Bottom line, stop forcing these “how you are supposed to play the game” bullshit on everyone , just stop. You don’t represent most players. Not everyone “farms all day” and “saalus with 12+ characters”. The population of this game is already low enough, if you truly want to make everyone’s experience miserable you might as well just play a single player RPG.

If you never RMT because you “farm all day”, and you think getting a brand new trans10 weapon is easy, then by all means you are not casual.

…lmfao really? OK Rermiri you are such a genius you got me here.

I should totally sell this piece of weapon and buy the exact same weapon that’s not transcended, and buy all the gems needed and trade my friend all these.

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Because people sell their items for Real Money all the time in other MMOs, hence, RMT.

It is an endgame goal, it should take time. Gemstone is fine, you can walk around the sides or stay with your group and do fine as well. No one is forcing anyone on how to play, the goals in this game and how to achieve them are very easy to accomplish. If you are miserable while playing the core game then you should quit.

Or buy something else, again it is up to you. Work within your constraints. 1:1 trading of transcendent weapons would be nice but it really isn’t game breaking, and can encourage people to sell their accounts.

You really don’t need to “farm all day” to get a trans 10 weapon easily. If people have trouble finding content in this game to earn you easy silver, then that’s their problem. It IS easy to get a stage 10 weapon, now.

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Avoiding all the rhetoric of who’s elitist and who’s a whale and what is doable and what is not, I am for directly trading transcended equipment between players. I don’t understand what is accomplished by the restrictions that currently exist, especially since you’re allowed to sell transcended items on the market. I guess these are some thought experiments I had trying to justify these trade restrictions.

  • Some argue that is deters RMT.
    Specifically that this prevents people from paying a player cash for a transcended weapon. I concede that it would make a direct trade of a transcended weapon for nothing rather inconvenient, but I don’t think it’s impossible. Why not ask the seller to put it up for cheap and then have the buyer carefully watch the market for it to show up? Okay, that’s risky. How about putting it up for a mid-range price that wouldn’t be easily bought up while giving the buyer a bit of a discount for the silver they’d spend to make it more secure. Or how about selling the buyer a bunch of silver through the market and then having them buy the transcended weapon at a normal price? That might take a bit of tax accounting, but a deal could probably be conceived. But then we have the problem of moving big amounts of silver by selling cheap things - that’s no good because it’d trip IMC’s automatic RMT detection on the market. How about trading over real high value items (like legendary cards) from the seller to buyer, buying it back for silver, then selling the transcended item for silver. Extremely convoluted, but it probably won’t trip IMC’s automatic RMT detection and uses prices that are high enough that no one could snipe the item during the transaction. Might take a bit of work, some trust, and a lot of accounting, but it’s probably still easier than farming a few months for a super upgraded and transcended weapon.

  • Keeping it all on the market makes it trackable! Even your super convoluted plots to avoid RMT detection involves the market at the end of the day so it’s still trackable!
    While it’s true that market transactions are trackable, so are direct trades. IMC should have logs of everything that happens. I’d be more surprised if they didn’t. After all, they were able to figure out how some player in kToS made a +40 Velcoffer pistol and verified how he was moving diamond anvils around. Ultimately this means that forcing transcended items to be moved around only on the market doesn’t make it any more trackable.

  • Making such big-value items market-only means that huge amounts of silver have to be moved around on the market. This results in big taxes to reduce in-game inflation.
    This is true, but it’s just stupid. Can’t we get other silver sinks? Isn’t Velcoffer supposed to be the big silver sink? I don’t think the benefits of having this silver sink are enough to justify giving players the freedom of moving items the way they want.

  • Letting players put it on the market gives newer players a chance at getting these strong equipment.
    And how would letting us directly trade transcended items not accomplish the same? For all intents and purposes, a lot players treat blessed shards like currency. Why can’t I trade my friend a transcended item for a ton of blessed shards? It accomplishes just as much as selling my transcended item for silver. Better yet, wouldn’t gifting my friends my old equipment bring up the playerbase even more?

Incidentally, I think whether or not getting trans 10 is easy is off topic. There are probably a lot of players with trans 6 or less temp or test weapons that they want to get rid of. Why can’t they directly exchange those for things other than silver?

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This is an excellent silver sink in that it targets, more than any other type of player, the heavily geared and immensely rich whales.

Inconvenience, in certain cases, deters activity that is against the Terms of Service. Make it difficult for people to sell their accounts, items for RL money and you will deter most people from doing it.

I agree that inconvenience can be a deterrent, and ultimately this system is inconvenient. However, I don’t think this is particularly strong mechanism preventing RMT. In fact, RMT happened before transcended equipment was tradeable in any capacity, so whether or not transcended equipment is getting moved around by in RMT seems irrelevant.

Instead of trying to get a very particular completed item, an RMT buyer could probably just use buy the resources to make their super transcended equip. They could find the blessed shards and a highly enhanced weapon separately and those are things that can be directly traded to them. And that wouldn’t be so hard compared to the convoluted mess I was imagining earlier.

As for the seller, they could put their transcended item on the market, get their silver, and then use that to sell something else for cash. At the end of the day the RMT buyer and seller probably don’t care where their goods come from or go as long as they get what they want. The RMT buyer can buy power elsewhere. The RMT seller can get their cash elsewhere. I think these restrictions hurt normal players the most because they don’t have the resources ‘to go elsewhere’ when they want to do something like help out a specific friend.

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