Heya loves! How are you today?
I discover this from Nexon Korea web, named, Class Comm. http://info.tos.nexon.com/character/info.aspx?page=rankup.
For me, it is brilliant!! Until I see this chart, I couldn’t understand how the class rank system work.
I don’t know that is useful to ToS users…
Anyway, I translate four different rank system. I hope these chart may help you to understand the rank-up system.
Chart 1 : Rank-UP system
When you choose one class, you cannot choose other class in that rank.
For instead, if you chose peltasta from your rank 2 swordman-type class, the other rank 2 classes, in which swordman and highlander, will be disappear from your options of rank 3 class choice. Otherwise, your selection will be fixed three classes, in which circle 2 Peltasta, circle 1 Hoplite, and circle 1 Barbarian.
Chart 2: What if you chose Peltasta…
Thank you for reading this topic
I hope the next BT came soon!
Sincerely Yours.