Tree of Savior Forum

To hackapell or mergen

Hello fellas,

I am currently Arch1>Rang2>Wug3>Falc.

Should I go Mergen or Hackapell? From what I’ve seen, Hackapell base damage is a lot higher than Mergen, and the X-Bow + Sword combo seems pretty powerful.

Mergen requires 2H bow, high cd.

Hakka skills do not use xbow and sword damage simultaneously and they are fake multihits.

More info in hakka: [Future rank 8] Job & Skill test info from Korea - (closing soon)

Hopefully you will be able to decide soon

can hackapell use magic arrow while mounted? will i be automatically un-mount? thanks!

You can use MA while mounting Hakapalle.

Your build is best suited Mergen with Falc your AoE will be amazing.

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Thanks Nicola! May i have your opinion on A1,R3,F3 to Haka? I’m interested on the mounting or should i just go for mergen? Many thanks once again.

I think all R3F3 should go Hakapalle. It’s the most reasonable build imo. Since Scout doesn’t work with mount.
One of my friend and top Fletcher build on ToSBase went with Hakapalle. You may heard of DarkNova. His build is great. The thing with Mergen is you want to crit a lot since it’s high burst / long cooldown.

But then again it comes to your play style. If you enjoy Hakapalle then I think it’s great :smiley:

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Cool, great explanation Nicola! Thanks so much for your suggestion and quick respond! I’m heading for advancement now!

Good luck :smiley: tell me what ya think of Hakapalle because thats what I’ll be advancing to on my R3F3.

I have so far not seen a single Hakapalle ingame, so please make a post about how you like the class after you have tried it out for a few days.

I’ve been enjoying it. My build is A1>QS3>Fletch3 though. Still, no complaints, the damage is nice, the extra stats are nice from my mount, and dashing makes it alright to get in and out. On bosses during missions or dungeons unless someone is geared to the teeth or occasionally an SR3 (beat a few I think), I get #1 DPS quite a bit.

I haven’t even been able to level too much since the update so my guildies are blasting me out, but I can do Saalus bosses who are 295 alright with them.

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I haven’t been playing it but eventually I’d like to, yep. As mentioned I haven’t even had time to grind much lately on this character which I’ve been maining. Now if you’re just trying to insinuate you don’t like the build, well… You can speak with other Fencers/Corsairs who are actively working on it and enjoying it? I know some in the Swordsman section of the forums.

Oh ■■■■ if mergen have to crit a lot i screw up qs3wug3 full str T-T go rogue rank8 ? :xxxxx heulp

Lol thats a tough one. I would go with Hakapalle with your build.

Despite being A2R1SC3RO1 I’m really considering Hakapalle. Cloak won’t be too useful, of course, but I retain the mobility with the mount so it’s not a huge loss (and I could just dismount if I want it for ease of questing in PvE).

The part that actually seems it might be annoying is dismounting with Capture but given the long CD on it I think I could live with that… maybe.

Not really sure what I should do for R8 so I’ve mostly been playing alts, heh.

your build is great for mergen though.

  1. Split Arrows with 2h = mergen 2 h
  2. Capture double flare and arrow sprinkler.

Oh yeah, I’m definitely well aware of the benefits but I keep hearing that Mergen is just underwhelming so it’s given me second thoughts.

Mergen not underwhelming just C2-C3 in R8 too strong and mob at lvl 280+ too strong