Tree of Savior Forum

Thresh Spear actually exists, might be 10k DPK

weird how the wiki didn’t have dpk values in closed beta but now does right? wonder how it appeared there without being updated.

you mentally handicapped?

weird how you assume im talking about tosbase/fan site and not from datamined values

can i speak to some1 not mentally disabled?


Unrelated to all the fighting above, this happened recently… (Oct 28)

Seller probably thought it was trash drop or worse, it was * gasp * generic. :smiley:

it settled then, maximum price for thresh spear is up to you, guys. Case closed!

totally legit guys, hes not lying!

That thing was actually important? I remember getting one and just npc’ing because it was eating my weight.

Remembers selling Vubbe Blood to npc :sob:

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wow you really dont know how to shut up and stop while youre ahead

actually no nvm every1 knows ure a retard so you can keep on going.

all in all, thresh spear = 80k shut up and sit down with your trash thx

Buying Thresh Spear 80K, PM me. I don’t even know what it do, but buying.

Hey guys, I shared a story… I was not saying 80K was the fixed/set price of a Thresh Spear c’mon. It had nothing stating this.

Why is everyone so aggro? I got lucky, that was what I wanted to say.

I never said: “Hey, I got it for 80k herp-derp, it should be easy and cheap for everyone herp”.

F*ck this, never sharing again.

Whole point of my thread was that some people will not know the value of certain items and chances to buy it at extremely low prices can and will happen. But I guess you’re all too busy thinking that I’m saying something else.

Go DIAF and lose hope then you f*cktard-*sshats.

Found at the end of my original (0 edit) post. Guess you guys got too btthurt to view the whole dmn thing.

@DiMeowgio the only person mad at you is joeretard not us

sorry but you might be dyslexic/have reading comprehension problems

If you’re not @myself, @hendyhero10 or @joeswaaz, then that comment was OBVIOUSLY not for you.

I thought it was obvious enough that I didn’t need to actually @ each one of them, guess not.

You must have the reading problem or dyslexia then?

There was only 1 person mad at you. Reread hendyhero’s post. Are you thread poster? Ever

Learn 2 comprehension. you said guyS and EVERYONE when it was just joeretard.So it would be safe to assume you’re dyslexic

Ok, let’s say thread poster was relating to “thread starter”, technically I posted in the thread and qualify as a “thread poster”.

Next, the users: (myself) and (joeswaaz), following your rule, are 2 people, “guys” can apply to them.

What’s next Mr. English and grammar deity?

Good job.


“Hey guys, I shared a story”

You referred to yourself in that sentence? Now i can’t tell if you’re liught weight autistic or need 2 lrn 2 english

he said i ALSO bought it for 80k AS WELL, so if you have learned comprehension, he was not talking about


@myself is a god-d*mn USER NAME!

@BlackGhost is too stupid to recognize and admit that he’s stupid.

End of story.

dude, you really need 2 lrn 2 comprehension.

In what way was he mad at you? Why on earth would you need to address it to him? Hello? I asked to speak to someone not retarded.

You’re the one that said mad, my issue with the USER NAME (myself) is that he was obviously mocking MY POST.


No he wasn’t. Value is what the owner sees it as, he was stating a common fact. You really need to lrn2english

10/10 would recommend you to lrn some comprehension skills.

Just admit that you misunderstood and got butthurt as well. Maybe you don’t have a Thresh Spear too? Was that it?