Thank you for this interesting read, Pappus.
Gold sellers are impossible to be stopped. Like it has been said before, even if IMC were to remove all trades and auction house completely, gold sellers would still be able to sell accounts. And people would buy it.
Even then if somehow account selling was prevented (by some sort of magic), gold sellers could still sell services in game such as rushing dungeons for your characters or leeching exp / items for you.
In my opinion IMC needs to focus more on stopping bots rather than trying to stop gold sellers. Thatâs their current main source of income and what hurts the player-base the most.
If all bots were completely blocked from ToS somehow, gold sellers would have to either transition to a real person farming system or moving towards another game to do their business.
If they were to hire real people to do the farming, IMC wouldnât be able to do anything against them other than sueing those companies one by one (IMC canât stop real players from playing afterall). But at the same time, those gold sellers would have a lot less profit and farming efficiency for using real people. Also, the game population would be way less flooded and economy would be a lot more stable (youâd have only 1 person per machine instead of 20 bots).
After all that being said, my point is: Gold sellers canât really be stopped with trade restrictions or AH restrictions. What needs to be stopped are bots because those are the real issue to the game, overloading servers and making economy crumble into ruins.