Tree of Savior Forum

This maint just proved IMC did not read the forum

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Talk about inefficient lol

Well seems the flag system on this forums is highly inefficient if the staff members can be flagged like this

I still lol’d because of how stupidly this forum is being managed by IMC lol.


On one hand that disappoints me, on the other being able to say whatever whenever is liberating. IDK man.

The one really goood/bad/idk thing archeage did was require to tie forum accounts to game accounts and required a certain amount of ingame time before people could post.


Even trino now looks like a better choice…compared to imc

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Still no, just the forum thing; which at the time pissed me off cause I had like 3 minutes logged in archeage before I was like fuqthisgame.

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sigh. Can’t even do any party quest with my friends. Been 2 weeks already and thank IMC for cutting down all the channels for every map which make grinding with my friend less fun and pain in the ass. Thank you whoever spearheading this ToS, u are sinking this game down. Kudos :joy:

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Patiently waiting since last week…

do you even realize how many thousands of kids have been patiently waiting since before open beta? they literally have seen what you are patiently waiting for since last week since its beta… damn the legitness of that fact

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I’ve been playing since the first CBT mind you… I also followed the development 2 years prior of the first CBT. and I’m starting to lose patient here.

yah. well you lasted more than the majority… not a good thing… other ppl can call bullshit when they first see it… you were punched in the face by imc QUITE A FEW TOO MANY TIMES before you said. hey can you kindly not do that im getting fed up… other kids just said yep ■■■■ this company and peaced the ■■■■ out.

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Why not just have a longer beta to test, fix, balance, polish, and complete the product?

Or just release in one region of the world till the game looks more like a finished product.

Released early to start making money off players and maybe to satisfy investors. But if the game is broken players will no pay, players will not continue to play, and investors aren’t going to be happy anyway. Having a failed game even hurts chances at future investment.
Releasing early is a losing gamble.

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as i havent seen the easy workaround for the cutscene bug:

stay offscreen off eachother, as far as im aware and in my testing this solves the hard CC off the bug

This was the hotfix they applied literally of the day it was reported. However, either they didn’t notice that the range of glitching out or they’re misinterpreting it. (Of perhaps with the reports people said warping in and running.)

The glitch isn’t bad in itself BUT if you take in account that channel hopping, character swapping, and even logging out bug out in tandem; people have to exit the game to come back after a boss run. That can happen multiple times per map.

That’s the thing: This bug is literally the icing on the cake for some, and I get that.

Someone get GM Durian stuck. >u>

[quote=“fairyhell, post:1, topic:308859, full:true”]
The bug where stuck after cut scene is no ordinary bug, it’s a freaking CRITICAL one but IMC have not acknowledged it, even in the KNOWN ISSUE this week. There were dozen of reports of the bug.I thought they kept silence and fix it in thix patch, but it’s still there!What’s the point of reporting bug now.[/quote]

How does that “prove”, as you said it, that IMC isn’t reading the forums?
So they havent added the bug to a public “known issues” list and they havent made an announcement specifically fot that bug.
Does that prove that they don’t read the forums? No.
Does that prove they are not working on a fix? No.

All that means is that they haven’t fixed it yet and that they haven’t added it to their public “known issues” list yet.

Sure it would be nice if they’d tell us “we’re working on it”,i agree, but not saying that does not automatically mean that they are ignoring the bug or the forums in purpose.

Regardless how critical a bug is, reporting a bug does not magically make a patch appear in a matter of minutes which then can be applied during the next maintenance.

Bugs have to be tested, repeatedly, to find out what exactly is causing the bug. Then a fix has to be planned, written, and tested several times under several circumstances. That can take quite a while if you want to be thorough.
Sure, there are some bugs that can be fixed in a matter of minutes,but depending on the severety it can take days or weeks to properly test and write a fix.

While i certainly do agree that they should be a bit more active on the forums and maybe post a short “ok, thanks for the report. we’ll forward this to our development staff” in each acknowledged bug report i think we shouldn’t make false accusations.

Community pressure, they speed up the launch.

[quote]Or just release in one region of the world till the game looks more like a finished product.
They do patchs early in kTos and after take them there or it is what they said before announcing that they turned to be two stand alone builds and now they trying to merge them in a only build for the two servers.

Yeah IMC is a box of surprises. Not a good of course.

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It is gamebreaking, for anyone that understands how it (doesnt) work. I assume you understand that, and were trying to be funny.

It is a none-issue for anyone that never has to buy or sell an item affected by this tho.

iirc. You should call us toster no?

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