Tree of Savior Forum

This is how easy it is for IMC to create an EU server

ToS is running on Amazon cloud servers.

Check out how easy it is to create a new server.

edit: please post in the main EU thread so they give us our server soon!


You are comparing 2 different server systems and call it easy? LOL


They are exactly the same system.


Try watching before commenting?

Also, I am an IT engineer.

Dafuq you talking about? You are confusing hosting with server file setup? LOL

Not counting the cost to do so.

nvm…i totally forgot after i get off work the game actually starts so yeah go for it spam these forums lol…

So are you telling me they will script it completely differently depending on which cloud they are using?

They are already using amazon cloud hosting for their existing NA servers. They simply use their same server scripts for the EU servers and adjust a few variables.

That’s kinda the reason people use cloud based server hosting in the first place.

You really are clueless.

It probably isn’t all that difficult to have an EU server, and I don’t think the debate was whether it was too difficult to have one or not.

More than likely, from the data provided, it didn’t seem like having an EU server was profitable/sustainable.

EU counts as 24% of the purchases. If we take the EU region out of the purchases, the other 76% only count as 2 servers (Klaipeda/Orsha), so probably at this time they felt it was not worth creating an EU server.

But I’m sure as we transition into f2p and more players come in, it would make a lot more sense to have one.


The reason EU is 24% of the purchase was because there was no EU server.

Imagine if the only servers was Asia, do you think NA would still be such a large % of the purchase? Use logic please.

These pathetic fanboys have shitty arguments for everything. You can literally copy existing server setup to another location with a few clicks.
But why am I even trying to explain to such a dumb ■■■■? You probably couldn’t even install Windows on your own.

Informative video just… there is already a sticky. Go post it yourself and don’t spam the forum like this. They already know and are aware man. I’ve been crusading for it over a week.

A day before the launch isn’t going to do much anymore if my parade that started as soon as Early Access was announced didn’t do enough already. I can see why now some US guys are getting sick of this.

At least someone here has some common sense.

He has a point. If TOS only had asian servers, NA people wouldn’t buy it. Why do you expect EU people to buy it despite the awful lag ? Especially when it’s gonna be F2p anyway.

That doesn’t change the fact that it is still 24%. Perhaps we would have more people from the EU playerbase if indeed there was an EU server.

But without hard numbers, it’s not an easy business decision, and they certainly don’t have hard numbers for a “What if we did make an EU server?”.

So please, understand that much. No one thinks it’s difficult to host on Amazon AWS.

For the most part it looks like they do want an EU server in the future, and you’ll be able to transfer into it.


You realize they are doing it the wrong way right?

If they made an EU server first, they would get hard numbers. If it was unsustainable they could close the server and migrate the EU players to NA servers.

It appears you are completely in the camp of “fanboy” and will not see logic on the matter. That’s fine but you have nothing left to add to the conversation in that case.

Closing a server down due to lack of population is worse press than adding in a sever in the future with free transfers. It’s much easier to do the second part during the F2P transition especially.

Everything I say, I at least give reason for, and I listen and respond to everything you say. Falling back into an argument of “fanboyism” is pretty lame. I think I’ve gotten my point across. Your first main topic post was about how easy it is to make an Amazon AWS, my response is that the difficulty of making the server was not the reason they did not do it.


Imagine there would have beeen ZERO founder pack purchases, what happens in this case?
TOS instantly closed?

First off, this is not HTML codding, both for Crownfall neither ToS.

Second, there is cost, Crownfall if i am not wrong was doing pre-sales or kickstarter campaign (correct me there if i am wrong, i am not following Crownfall development), ToS is doing it right now, not sure about other countries, but here on Brazil it is the one that most sell, all 3 packs are in the first page of top sellers, 2 in the first 2 positions and other in 4th i think.

My guess would go on that direction too.

It is easy to come here and cry for a new server, but there are lots of things in the process to do so. I don’t get it, if it is because everyone bought the packs and now that they know that there is no server close to them they start crying, then should had waited to buy it after confirming if it would there be or not.

I don’t really care either will there be a server close to me or not, i am staying on the Steam ones because most of my friends are playing there.


Just stop posting, you have no idea what you are talking about on this subject.

Well I’d imagine if there were 0 founder pack sales, they’d probably rework the whole founder pack system or scrap it entirely and push out only one server.

I mean, that’s fair enough? But there were sales, and there was hard data provided by those sales.

How about you publish the game in EU and run the server then. Stop complaining. All these threads need to be shut down from now on