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dont worry every 1 guy quit 5 more bots will replace him
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Meanwhile KR version already have PvP.
Wake up dude, they just don’t want to give you updates.
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I think you’re confusing closed alpha/beta with open beta. An Open beta shouldn’t be like this.
EDIT: Also, the game is LAUNCHED.
I don’t think you know what open beta is… This is a fully released game.
I however still shall not leave any time soon as with sadly all the downside I still find the game fun.
You can’t really call a game “beta” and have a cash shop already open for business, that’s not how it works. The moment it has a cash shop and sales, it is no longer in open beta imo.
Yep. 20 seconds of slow and stop is indeed imbalanced lol. By the time someone catches you with those debuffs, let go of the keyboard and get yourself a cup of coffee.
please understand dont quit
give them a chance
go play another mmorpg
I like where this is going
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Where did you get the info that this is open beta?
Neither the steam store page nor the title screen says anything about this being in open beta.
That being said : i think it’s kinda false advertisement when they write
"Team Battle League (PVP Content) - Joust your skills with others in the arena!"
as a game feature when it’s not even implemented in the current product.
Hmm, how about the many more differences? Like balance for swordman, TP shop, 5 dungeon runs per day etc etc?
I play this game since iCBT2, I bought the most expensive founder pack, I give it enough chance. I never said I want the game to be perfect, I just want IMC to show a little bit of care and potential.
So far I see nothing announced from IMC. Even something simple along the line “Dear saviors, we know you are struggling with swordman (and level 200+ maps), we are fixing it”
But no, better add more loading screens, and tree root crystal.
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I agree to this in a way, mainly because they don’t really have a proper cash shop yet? I’d consider a game to be out of a beta state when real money is already being circulated around it regularly.
From what I gathered reading the different posts, the frustrations of the ones quitting or (well) angry seem to be rooted more on the lack of communication from the dev side (or whoever is handling the game right now).
It would be easy for us to assume they are trying their best. But they have to find a way to address issues that leave players to doubt this game’s longevity. A “thanks for pointing that out, we’re looking into that too” post from them can go a long way.
It matters because people are planning to invest a lot of time into this. But who would want to stay if it feels like everything is being dealt with halfheartedly.
Never happened
Ktos was released way more earlier than Itos, they’ve more stable servers and less jerks. So yeah, less many issues than us to fix.
I dunno man, I’ve given them their chance. I’ve been patient. I think I’ll just drop the game for a couple of months before I pick it up again.
Do you even know what an Open Beta is?