Tree of Savior Forum

This game is in open beta, please understand dont quit

That’s not a reason to not release the same version as kTOS. “Oh iTOS has more jackass, better release a version with less feature so they complains more?” Nice logic


And about your stuck item, IMC done anything about it? :slight_smile:

Its in no beta you troll moran.

As well as @bloodychaos17

People like you who haven’t been around for that long shouldn’t talk. Long time players who have already been there and done that have seen IMC’s mistakes for MONTHS.

I would like you to note that TOS already had at least 4-5 beta phases before its current release, so learn your actual facts before you open that ignorant mouth of yours. Bugs that have been around since the first iCBT still remain neglected.

People have already been more than accommodating and patient with them. I’m doing you a favour now telling you this - don’t go around wasting your effort defending things that don’t deserve to be defended, kiddo.

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It’s the player’s choice to stay or to leave, don’t waste your effort trying to convince them to stay.
One thing that I learned in this game is that the community is never satisfied and it will always find a motive, as petty as it may be, for backlashing.

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There are other MMO games that are in open beta and have cash shop… It’s common in western MMOs…

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I’ve been playing on the Korean version and I’m pretty sure the game is going to die out before I quit.

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okey thanks bye game!

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@joeswaaz This isnt a Beta this is full release. I don’t know where you got the info that this was a beta but you are wrong. As for where ive gotten the info that its in full release you can check the steam page or look for the word beta on the Tree of Savior homepage where you wont find it. A simple google search could have told you that you were wrong but you still felt the need to post wrong information. Next time use or look at the steam store page before posting.
Quality bait you made me respond to your stupidity.

All new games are Open Beta nowadays. Some betas better than others.

Aw man… you had the chance but you missed it!

“Some are betas than others!”


Puns are against my religion.

Can you tell us why?

The game is now in open beta, its just badly marked on steam page.
Open beta = server stability testing + minor bugs
As I understand they close the server for new players because of problem with server stability with is acceptable in open beta phase.
Server stability has nothing to do with technical aspects of game with should be fixed in closed beta (client crashing, low perfomance etc.)

Again its not beta its a full release where they never fixed bugs from the betas that they had and clearly labeled as betas which is a different thing entirely.
As much as i like the game. The fact that they decided to release in a shoddy bug ridden state doesn’t change the fact that it is released lol.