Tree of Savior Forum

This game is a ghost town after Demon Prison

After Demon Prison District 2, when you get into the 170ish range all of the maps have such few spawns and such low saturation that it is impossible to grind. I would highly recommend fleshing out some of these areas with additional spawns as it is pretty much impossible to grind effectively in any of these areas.

To name a few:
Uskis Arable Land - Level 166
Spring Light Woods - Level 169
Glade Hillroad - Level 173
Viltis Forest - Level 176
Roxona Agency West Building - Level 178
Laukyme Swamp - Level 179
Roxona Angency East Building - Level 182
Verkti Square - Level 184
Roxona Market - Level 187
Mokusul Chamber - Level 188

These areas are all ghost towns. There needs to be more enemies, and I mean A LOT more enemies.


To clarify since people seem to think I am asking for all maps to be the same as DPD2, I think that if all maps had a similar level of saturation to say, Tenet Garden, we would be in good shape.

Why is it that early game has good areas to grind and then it just disappears in later game? I hope this is an oversight and one of the reasons you wanted to extend the beta.

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Roxona Agency West Building - Level 178
Roxona Angency East Building - Level 182
Verkti Square - Level 184
Roxona Market - Level 187

They are fine, the others are not fine tho

I was just at the Roxona Agency Buildings, where are all the spawns you seem to be finding? Compare that area to Tenet Cathedral or Mausoleum and you will see my point, they are barren.

Itā€™s more than just monster density that matters. Spawn rate and experience per kill is very important, coupled with the fact you can just jump channels to farm.

Almost every higher leveled map has elite monsters and farming the elite monsters is just as good or even better than grinding high density normal monsters. In Roxana East Building, tons of elite black colifly spawn at quick rates and they give 5000 exp a kill which is equivalent to killing 6-7 normal monsters.

Yellow Candle spiders elites are also great to farm for experience too since they move and attack slow and give 5000 exp and 4000 class exp a kill.

Honestly I just think it makes the game look barren and boring. I would not want the map mobbed with ā€˜elitesā€™ but just adjust some of the fodder spawns to be a bit more frequent.

Plenty of monsters spawn in the Roxona building. -_- Includng events that either spawn a bunch of stuff, or open portals to rooms with stupid amounts of stuff in it. Not to mention destroying certain crystals spawns even more monsters.

Are you even trying to find these?

Rambears rain down from the sky, in Verkti Square, and there are plenty of corners where monsters gather.

I will check again but it was frustrating going there, maybe I missed something.

I guess almost level 100+ maps needs more monsters.

The game is definitely not finished after 160. Quests become more broken ( will not share in parties on collect quests ), the dungeons have low exp low spawn, most of the dungeon bosses (160 and 175 dun) donā€™t even drop any loot. The few places to level have sparse spawns. There needs to be more world dungeons to lvl in, with spawns like tenet chapel or constructorā€™s chapel.


if all maps had the same amount of enemies and players as tenant garden I would have thrown my laptop and this game to the wall cause parts with high density mobs eat my fps like candy :expressionless:

I do agree that there needs to be more balance between map size and enemy distributionā€¦

i think after lvl 70 , lot of area is just empty, we need more respawn, more mobs for grind, areas lvl 80 + is just here for quest, what a jokeā€¦

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You can spawn 15~20 anchors in a room in roxona west building (which you can stack). Thereā€™s also a similar but different spawning mechanic in the east building. Find out yourself how these work.

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