Tree of Savior Forum

This clover event is proof of how disconnected are developers with the game mechanics

“Enhancement Stage 15”
“Enhancement Stage 20”
“Enhancement Stage 25”


Have they ever tried to enhance something in their own game?!

Get a +10 is already a feat, maybe if you are very very very lucky you can get it to +15, how are they expecting us players to get to stage 20 or 25?


Thats the point diamond anvils are insane. They want them to be hard to obtain and +10 is easy.

git gud -imc
cmon stop exaggirating +10 is not that hard

Because if you can get diamond anvils for free (in theory) then it’s not p2w! At least that’s what forum knights tells me.


You cant make everyone happy, and everyone will complain.

Honestly those cubes are abysmal if someone wants to spend literally a thousand dollars to get a couple anvils or prac by all means ill just laugh at all the things they could have spent that on.

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They should just RMT its far cheaper and direct :grin:


Right i did the math on it out of curiosity with what people were showing on youtube and twich for cube results and rmt looks like it would be 1/4 t0 1/5 of the cost lol.

Yes, that is one reason why i consider TOS cash shop prices to be way overpriced compared to other games.

Fun fact: some people did get to +25.


Fun fact : the event is not fun.


people are getting to hung up on the anvils fortune cookies with no expiry date and 100% xp for a hour each day yes please. Alt making time.

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I’m having fun leveling my chars with 100% bonus and 5x everyday cookies that can be saved for any distant future and for any new alt you make :surfer:


my current reseult these 3 days,

+8 0 pot left
+25 3 pot left
+20 0 pot left

My regular gears is another story though i only passed +10 once, the other items i got refused to pass +8
some stuck on +6

That’s the fun part after doing the event, the bonus is cool indeed. But what you have to do is not really funny.

The whole point of this event is that they know exactly how the number work while the majority of players dont (and afraid of it) so they create this event as encouragement.

Refinement is not that hard, especially when the chance stop deteriorating from 51% onward. I made 1 +20 with 8 pot left on first day (went 22 and got 2 fail) and my friend made +25 with 1 pot left yesterday. I couldnt get it over 10 now but overall now i know my chance of hitting 10+ is pretty high.

In fact, after getting my first clover to 20, i gathered the courage and went 11 on my Viena Mace (not as lucky as the clover but enough)

When thing come down to chance, there gonna be bad day and good day, you just have to live with it.

Ugh… this again? Humans are bad at probability. I’ve ran the numbers on this with a simulator. And it’s very very possible to get high. Go hammer it out yourself. It’s extremely unlikely that during this event if you hammer each day you wont reach over 20. In fact there WILL be many people will get +25 during this event potentially multiple times!

This topic makes me salty. I kind of imagine this whole event was designed to show people that coin flips like our upgrade system produce a high variance. And that’s NORMAL probability for a coin flip.

Seriously… Go grab a coin. Start flipping and see how many flips assuming you’re starting from +8 it takes you to get a variance where you’re up 15, 20, or 25 like you stated. This event is going to give you a monstrous amount of coin flips. It’s going to happen.

I dunno I have a hell of a hard time getting that stupid clover to +8, most of the time I am lucky to get it at 8 and keep it.

So far every day i had no problem enchanting the 4LeafClover to +10 or a bit higher.
No one expects every player to get +20 or +25 clovers with this event, it’s just a prize for high luck. What would be the point of the other prize tier if +25 were no problem to get for everyone?

I think the problem with this event is the lower rewards are very poor. Maybe golden anvils worth it, but the other ones are garbage. They could give us some abrasives and vouchers at +10 or +15

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