Tree of Savior Forum

This clover event is proof of how disconnected are developers with the game mechanics

We are still doing the “knight” thing? I thought we were over this.

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Welcome to Luckless Land…

am just paying for expensive cookies and buff

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What about the real weapons. Did you had tried to Enchance some Weapom of Lv 270 above until Lv 15? Its almost impossible because its hyper expensive use Golden Anvi (and then fail)l. I dont even know if its possible.

They don’t “want” to give us diamond anvils. :frowning:

Already got +15 three times and only the first one clover lost more than 3 potential. You only need to know how to work with RGN and it’s “time-response”, lol. It’s not that hard.

I never get lower than +10 for the past few days though (one day I got +20 then it just avalanched straight down to +11 :pogchamp:)

Ro makes me a gambler!
And now its the same thing in tos with Eq upgrades.
+12 +12 +15 but i miss the thrill on it.

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