Tree of Savior Forum

There are people now abusing channel crashing to upgrade weapons

Then it’s not true right now. We saw this persons weapon hit 0 and it returned to 1 after the fact.


Right, it could have changed. All I’m saying is that it was fixed before and that’s what @benjaminlyr1994 was referring to.

That’s pretty concerning though given how many crashes there were.

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Pretty sure they’re crashing channels on Klaipedia too. Lots of channels keep going down and up -_-


I’m so gonna find out how to do this exploit, can’t wait to + my sword to 26. :muscle:
and ofcourse, Leticia’s cubes as a compensation if i got banned.



Last time this happened, IMC handed out ACTUAL bannings, though. With that precedent, I’m not sure why people would risk their account over some weapon upgrades, really.


maybe is this one

Look at something interesting that happened in Klaipeda a few days ago, it’s not mine lol, I just saw someone linking in the shout…

I feel even more like I’m hugging one of these than expect something from IMC at this point in time.

Specially lately, since every single patch comes with massive issues.


I have seen legit +20 weapons on official ragnarok. Tbh it should require an investigation everytime someone takes anything past 220 violet/orange over +20, pve wise having a strong weapon doesnt matter tbh, but without diminishing returns on stats that damage is impossibly huge in pvp.

In all honesty, I’m not much worried how they hit there, it’s IMC job to see if it was legit or not.

What gets to me in that aspect is that there is no limit, so if that person decided to make a +100 I’m sure he could do it, even if it doesn’t add additional damage.

Imo, the enhancement should be at max +15, specially now after the rebalance.


They can’t put a cap since people already went to 30, the cap could be 30, so you can reach high numbers with bad weapons that have good effects. As i’ve said, outside of pvp numbers matter jack nothing, you are not competing with others outside bosses.

I guess they won’t get banned and will be rewarded.


I’d like to see enhancements max at a certain level too, but most importantly have Potential removed from the game.

potential is the only thing keeping the equipment economy alive until they put some kind of item/equip sink. In other games your equipment either insta-breaks when failing or you pay to avoid that, so most low-mid tier equip is gambled and lost.

I don’t see why they can’t put a cap on it, reimburse who did legally and screw who used exploit, simple as that. It’s a lot of work but it’s possible.

Well, I’m not sure about the potential, since it’s sort of a unique system for this game (I don’t recall other games having something similar).

Then again, if removing Potential from the game, at least add some sort of penalty for using enhancement, whenever a fail occur, the gear lose some of it’s stats, for example:

  • I enhance my sword that has 1000 damage as base damage to +7 without fail and now have 1700 damage (note that is 100 damage per enhancement level).
  • The next enhancement I do it fail and the enhancement drop to +6 also, instead of be 1600 damage, it drop to 1560 damage (that is what I meant by penalty if it fails).

If you don’t put this kind of thing, you will see too many people with powerful weapon and the game lose it’s fun tbh.


Don’t know how i’m supposed to see a lot of people with 20+ weapons when an high end gear requires at least 1 month to get and has a low chance of getting over +16. The untradability of trascendence was meant as a system to sink powerful items away and lock them on one character.

In all honesty I can understand it for trading, but for personal use I find pretty idiotic to lock it, I mean by not allowing it being transferred through TS.

Specially since the game content is so freaking boring, we want to level as fast as possible and test our builds, and that is all it has to offer in my personal experience, I’m not into PvP, I know most of the community are into it, but for me and some others who don’t bother much with it, the game is pretty lacking in content.

The only Raid content we have right now is locked into guild, I don’t want to have a thing with guilds, I had my fill with it in these past 13 years of playing Online Games so I’m fine being “alone” (still have friends to play with tho lol).

In anyway, there are still too much stuff to be redone and reviewed.

I forgot to mention, that taking 1 month to get a piece of gear that will be outleveled in later stages of the game is pretty dumb.

I’m not saying to make it easy to get, but there should be a balance in there.

For example, me, all my chars have crap gear, but why I still can outdps some players with better gear than me?

Hence, I don’t see any point in grind my ass off for a piece of gear that won’t make any difference for me in the end.

It’s not really the only thing keeping it alive. Rarely is potential lost due to player trading, which really only leaves enhancing, and even then most players don’t enhance until 0, but instead aim for +6 or +11 and call it there to be safe. At most it helps with decreasing in the amount of items which isn’t a problem to begin with, still that is a valid concern of too much equipment eventually entering the economy. The immediate solution that comes to mind is adding more varied equipment to cut down on one particular set becoming too popular, among other options like also adding “Trading Potential” that depreciates regardless of Token status.

I was thinking the same thing. Even confirmed free enhancements for equipment up to the same grade and level could work, maybe more depending on the reaction.

Potential being unique is not enough to justify its existence if it doesn’t provide enough of an advantage for keeping it. Unique features are certainly a good thing to have and encourage though.

The reason for my dislike of potential is for the exact reason of it being too powerful, and it all being based on luck. It’s very unfair for players to either be put at a major disadvantage for something entirely out of their control, or alternatively lucky players being put at a major advantage for it. It further degrades weak features like Awakening and Briquetting that are rarely worth it when it costs potential. What you’re recommending should be what Briquetting, or another feature like that. Enhancing could be a decent silver sink, and while you could lose silver and be placed at a disadvantage that way, there would be no long term effects like it is now, which is what the main problem is, some disadvantages and luck are fine, but missing out on potentially 100’s-1000’s of attack isn’t.

Weapons being too powerful could be solved by once again rebalancing the effects of enhancement, which perhaps should be done anyway given how much of the content is relatively easy now.

Why can I already see the 1332535th episode of ToF drama: people getting banned for this and after crying why were the dpk exploiters rewarded but we banned for crashing channels. :rolling_eyes:

Please for the love of sanity prove me wrong.

Maybe my brain is too huge, but no one will buy something like a +8 weapon with 4 remaining potential. If you end up with 1/2 potential remaining on your weapon people will just try to get a clean one, so your weapon is literally sinked away since no one wants it.

You cannot remove potential now since the game has been based around it unless you create a system that refunds potential. Like they couldn’t delete transcendence.
@Nirimetus if we want to talk about the game’s state now, i literally kill packs in 4-5 seconds with shitty equips, i cannot party with my friends since they just slow me down, if the devs are not retarded they will start implementing fields for parties and fields for single players in the near future. PS: Hunting grounds are trash for partying since they give basically no money and you have to split the loot.
We went off topic btw.