Just gonna vomit some thoughts here.
Why did you pick Pyro 1 over Wiz 2 for the FF farmer build? I don’t see anything in Pyro1 that looks even close to competing against the C2 Lethargy attribute, or even just extra points in sleep/Shield. Not to mention Surespell.
Besides that, wow linker buffs! Lethargy damage bonus attribute + Spiritual Chain damage bonus attribute should make things pretty interesting for a lot of builds. Even Earthquake 10 will do 8600% damage to a mob of 8 linked ground enemies. Add 20% for Lethargy and however much Spiritual Chain gives, and you’ll have a good chunk of damage with 3 overheat.
Also holy crap the ninja buffs to Shadowmancer!
-20% damage bonus from Lethargy to all SM skills, with their already enormous damage numbers
-However much of a damage buff from Spiritual Chain if you’re in a party.
-Most importantly, +50% dark damage to cursed enemies. Featherfoot just became the BEST splash for Shadowmancers. Kurdaitcha + Conjure for mobs, Bone Pointing + Thorn for bosses, even full SPR builds will be running into the damage cap at this rate.
Featherfoot splash in general looks amazing for Warlock/SM. Not sure it would be worth trading Warlock 3 for it, but I’m going to have a really difficult time not taking it in any SM build.
Chrono nerfs are really frustrating. Especially since it overlaps with Sorc and (albeit to a lesser extent) Necro and Thauma, the other classically high SPR classes. Wiz3/Thauma3/Chrono3 and Wiz2/Link2/Chrono3/x/x look like interesting alternatives to the current CryoChrono meta. Alternatively, Cryo3/Chrono3/Ench2 looks like it will get quite a bit of mileage with the new +50% lightning hands damage to frozen enemies. I suspect that will be a very popular hybrid Support/DPS build.
Thauma3/Necro3 looks like its going to be pretty amusing, depending on how much swell adds to your minion damage.
Lack of changes to Sorc and Alchemist are depressing, though Sorc builds might get shaken up a bit by the Lethargy, Swell, and Cryo changes. Personally I’m leaning towards letting Sorc take care of itself and going something like Wiz2>Link2>Sorc2>FF1>SM2, but we’ll have to see whether swell adds more damage than link does. Gonna miss having Summoning 16/17 and Familiar 15/16 though