I’m not “complaining about you complaining.” I’m telling you that your complaining is childish and won’t garner you any sympathy or support here. The free stuff being offered to you is of comparable value price wise(actually a little higher in value, I think) to that of the Founder’s Pack you bought, but you’re here complaining they are only doubling your investment in the game for you rather than tripling it.
The stat reset has tremendous value because it doesn’t expire in 24 hours, and we know the balancing is going to continue well after the event is finished. The cost to actually get a non-expiring Stat reset in game is something around $100 if I remember correctly. That’s a lot more valuable than some extra EXP, in my opinion at least.
As for hours and hours of grinding saved…if you are grinding for hours and hours, either you enjoy it (check, you’ve lost nothing and gained hours of enjoyment) or you’re playing wrong. I’m not going to hold that against you since you’d have no way of realistically knowing that at level 50, but the argument is no less invalid. And if those hours are still so precious to you, you can do what the rest of us have to do - pay for our nice things.
Your analogies all fail because you still got and get to keep your $50 worth of stuff, which the new players cannot get. And yes, they are getting free stuff now, but so are you. You are still complaining just because you don’t feel you are getting enough free stuff - when you are still getting a lot more than the vast majority of us.
Newer players getting more EXP than you doesn’t hurt you at all, and nothing is stopping you from just buying more tomes yourself. Your money is only wasted if you decide to waste it. Stop acting like you’ve been conned just because some people who aren’t as well off as you are getting a slightly better incentive to play than you.