good thing lvl 4 effect is ■■■■, so i can just grab a lvl 1 and be done with it ( for pvp things xd )
A rushed Round-Up is forever bad, but a delayed Round-Up will eventually be good.
-Something something something a Monk once said somewhere probably
IRL issues preventing me from writing Round-Up on time this week, probably writing it tomorrow or something instead.
Take ur time my lord
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 71st Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 61st Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 61st week: On Break
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 62nd week: On Break
- KToS’s 62nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS WBR Rankings Translation Source (Yorocademy): Link
[May Week 5 (kinda), May 25 - May 31, 2021]
The next major content patch for the iToS community has finally arrived, bringing with it 5 new Vaivora weapons (only Monk Vaivora matters, really), reworks for existing raids, class balance changes and more which is sure to shake up the game’s meta! The main headliner for this patch though, is the rework of Giltine’s Demonic Sanctuary Legend Raid that has been notorious for giving IMC loads of problems and taking over 4 reworks to finally get to this point where the player base is satisfied with, along with new rewards for clearing the raid so do check it out!
Meanwhile in kToS, IMC is still underway with the 2nd patch of their May - June plans after their cancelled livestream plans for the game … and it seems that the kToS player base aren’t generally happy with it as the patch focused on increasing skill factor with lowering damage tick rates, and included a support rework that forces full supports to invest in attack power to actually make full use out of their support abilities, thus further potentially killing off their full support player base in hypocritical fashion. The mood seems grim with the whole community as a whole as IMC continues to struggle with their failed plans, and they may need to tough it out for some time for new content that can turn this situation around amidst these dire circumstances.
For reference,
KToS’s 71st Weekly Report and Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 61st Weekly Report and Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: Telsiai’s IMC $1 Amazon performance at its finest
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
You-know-who-sponsored meme
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 16
- Melody, CarpeDiev, YN and Aqua fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN of Klaipeda for fastest Boruta timing this week at 13 minutes 44 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 16
- Impetus, CarpeDiev, YN and Aqua fastest Giltine times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to Aqua of Silute for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 22 minutes 58 seconds!!
In addition to that, this week sees the release of the newly-reworked Giltine Demonic Sanctuary Legend Raid … so Congratulations to the following parties for getting 1st clear of the raid on their respective servers and getting the Death Empress title!!
In chronological order:
Telsiai: Tyhz, DestinedWing, Kirarin, Fufa, Ariez
Silute: Rowi, Ellohihn, Myz, Schramm, Brennan
Klaipeda: Adorish, coochlicker, Wyldrin, nobodyweed, Crevox
Fedimian: Akroma, Choo, PrayForMe, Kasane, Norman
… with that said, there seems to be a problem in Fedimian where the first clear isn’t given to the first party (even after clearing it twice), but was given to the next party instead. The party is probably bugged or something, but for some reason their report is getting flagged for whatever reason, so I hope for the best that IMC can clear this issue, this just puts a damper on such an auspicious achievement.
Read more:
[61st Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 61st week: On Break
(Disclaimer: This Weekly Boss is so much of a pain to fight that most players, Rankers included, just did this casually instead of trying hard for it, so expect some missing names here and there)
Top Player of the Week
: OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 15.2 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 13.7 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 15.2 B
- Top Archer Build:
- kubis19 [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 14.3 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- ArchKnight [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 8.6 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 13.0 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 13.7 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Lancer | Dragoon | Hoplite
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Nak Muay
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Lancer | Dragoon | Hoplite
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Top Wizard of the Week
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 15.2 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Terramancer
- Rank 4: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- kubis19 [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 14.3 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Pied Piper (???)
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
Top Cleric of the Week
- ArchKnight [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 8.6 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 5: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Druid
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 5: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
Top Scout of the Week
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 13.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Sheriff | Outlaw
- Rank 4: Rangda | Linker | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
[Yorocademy’s kToS Ranking Translations]
71st Weekly Boss Rankings: Link
(Figured it’ll be easier to just link the source here so I save space on the Round-Up, please give some feedback if posting images is better)
[62nd Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 62nd week: On Break
KToS’s 62nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
Congratulations for Reverie for being the first guild in Klaipeda to get to Lvl 20!
Yes, I got a Monk Vaivora today and it is awesome as heck.
Once again … Congratulations to the following parties for getting 1st clear of the newly-reworked Giltine Demonic Sanctuary Legend Raid in their respective servers!!
Listed in chronological order from earliest onwards:
Telsiai: Tyhz, DestinedWing, Kirarin, Fufa, Ariez
Silute: Rowi, Ellohihn, Myz, Schramm, Brennan
Klaipeda: Adorish, coochlicker, Wyldrin, nobodyweed, Crevox
Fedimian: Akroma, Choo, PrayForMe, Kasane, Norman
… uh wait, wrong picture,
Just to explain the absence of the [Death Empress] title and the oddness in the Fedimian party picture, as previously mentioned, there is currently a bug in Fedimian with regards to raid rankings that caused the first clear acknowledgements to not be given to the actual first clear party in question. Due to that, the first party in Fedimian to clear the reworked Demonic Sanctuary was not rewarded the title at all. From the bug reports they’ve submitted, they even cleared the raid twice to no avail, only for another party to clear it next and get the title instead despite not being the first to clear it. Furthermore, bug reports on this particular issue has been flagged for some reason, making the bug-fixing process more irritating.
There have also been other information supporting the existence of this bug as well, with Fedimian servers announcing a new record for White Witch Legend Raid for a party even though there already is a faster pre-existing record from another party. I’ve also heard that this problem happened before when White Witch Legend Raid was first released, so all this is just a huge downer for what would’ve been a great time to celebrate the latest batch of content. All hopes are on IMC to right this wrong and to bring this whole situation to a closure. (Bug reports in question: Link 1, Link 2)
Also, JToS’s 58th Week Report, if anyone is interested. From a source, apparently Sierra powder prices are rising as JToS players are buying them up to probably gear up. Expect a good rise in the JToS rankings in the coming weeks!
Feelsbadman another delay, just got a vaccine shot yesterday and I feel like absolute bonkers today. I’ll try to get it out few days later.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 62nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 63rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 72nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 62nd week: On Break
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 63rd week: On Break
- KToS WBR Rankings Translation Source (Yorocademy): Link
[June Week 1, June 1 - June 7, 2021]
A much-delayed Round-Up has finally arrived after a short break I took from recovering from vaccine side-effect buffooneries, though with that said, quite a number of eventful things have happened while I wasn’t paying attention. From hilarious GTW incidents, dumb Giltine Legend Raid title mishaps, the release of Remake: Tree of Savior mobile game that’s only for JP, to what I hear are the attack of the invisible tornado nation in the once-peaceful JS village, it seems like even ToS bugs are acting like proper in-game events and features in iToS’s farming phase leading to the next content patch.
Over at kToS land, IMC has recently dropped a huge Developer’s Blog about their next major content update: Project NEXT, with part 1 of its contents being laid out a few days ago with a rather crude translation found in iToS’s official website at Tree of Savior (rather ironic how crude and official is in the same sentence, huh?). Feedback from all players across all communities so far have been tremendously positive with barely any complaints for once, much to my personal surprise, and IMC is clearly on the right track with their plans this time round. IMC usually releases Developer’s Blogs on these kind of major content updates in 3 or more parts, so expect more in the coming weeks!
For reference,
KToS’s 62nd Weekly Report and Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 63rd Weekly Report and Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 72nd Weekly Report and Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: Telsiai’s IMC $1 Amazon performance at its finest
Silute: Skyline VS Paradise, Australe merger with Skyline
No-context Klaipeda GTW picture:
Meanwhile in Silute:
Rather late (sorry for my short break) You-know-who-sponsored meme:
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 17
- Melody, CarpeDiev, YN and Paradise fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN of Telsiai for fastest Boruta timing this week at 13 minutes 17 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 17
- FullMoonCafe, CarpeDiev, YN and Paradise fastest Giltine times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN of Telsiai for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 17 minutes 47 seconds!!
A small update on Fedimian’s First Party [Death Empress] title shenanigans, from what I heard, it seems like IMC has taken steps to fix the issue by removing the titles from the party who cleared after the first party … but not giving the titles to the first party so …
AKA Bamboozled and IMC-ed
[62nd Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 62nd week: On Break
(Disclaimer: With recent weeks, the existence of fully-invested Res Sacrae has really given any class builds a huge edge over non-invested Res Sacrae even with disadvantageous typings at times, so for anyone using these rankings as reference for class builds, IMO any build within rank 1-5 or even 1-10 are all great references for what to go for, not just Rank 1)
While Shanochi is on break with his Weekly Boss Guide, I was thinking of filling in to some extent with my casual knowledge about the boss in the meantime … but a mixture of forgetfulness, like stocking up on potions before entering WBR and turning on enemy effects to actually see green walls and static floors, followed by a vaccine jab that took me out for a few day would make it impossible for me to offer any good advice.
Top Player of the Week
: RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 26.26 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander, 20.9 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- FFFFuta [Telsiai], Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino, 26.22 B
- Top Archer Build:
- kubis19 [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 22.0 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 26.26 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 20.2 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander, 20.9 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 3: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 4: Cataphract | Barbarian | Hoplite
- Rank 5: Lancer | Dragoon | Hoplite
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Cataphract | Barbarian | Hoplite
- Rank 4: Murmillo | Nak Muay | Peltasta
- Rank 5: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Barbarian
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
Top Wizard of the Week
- FFFFuta [Telsiai], Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino, 26.2 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 2: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 3: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Terramancer
- Rank 4: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 5: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 3: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 4: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Elementalist
- Rank 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Elementalist
- Rank 4: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Elementalist
- Rank 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Elementalist
- Rank 4: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Psychokino
- Rank 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- kubis19 [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 22.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Sapper (???)
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
Top Cleric of the Week
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 26.2 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Crusader | Druid | Krivis
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Miko | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Druid | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 20.2 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Outlaw | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
[63rd Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 63rd week: On Break
KToS’s 63rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
[Yorocademy’s kToS Ranking Translations]
72nd Weekly Boss Rankings: Link
Shota Monk Master isn’t real, he can’t hurt you
My horrors at the existence of whatever version of Olfas Grimm above aside, here are some pictures of NPCs from the recently-released Tree of Savior mobile game, Remake: Tree of Savior! Don’t mind the few repeats here and there, and the new artist’s uh, preferences in how the characters are redrawn .
sapper sabed when kekw
pretty sure in fedimian swordman ranking, the rank 5th player is also doppel/bb/barbarian instead of highlander
Feeling so out of doing Round-up every time I take a short break from the usual posting date/time to the point I forget how to make one, especially after getting my first vaccine jab. Three days of feeling like absolute doodoo and one day of procrastinating over whether to just make 2 Round-ups next week or to tough it out right after I get better didn’t help either (LOL), I’ll try to be better in future. Also, a PSA for people who still and will PM me about this same question time and time again even to this day …
No, I do not get paid for making this Round-up.
Also, JToS’s 59th Week Report, if anyone is interested. Seems like JToS archstone prices aren’t dropping even with IMC’s future plans in mind, and PSO2: NGS has been taking up the JToS community’s interests lately.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 63rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 64th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 73rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 63rd week: On Break
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 64th week: On Break
- KToS WBR Rankings Translation Source (Yorocademy): Link
[June Week 2, June 8 - June 14, 2021]
Nothing much happening in the IToS community nowadays as players are finally pleased that the Invisible Tornado bug in Joint Strike has now been fixed. While IMC has released a new Attendance Check event and a new series of TP packs to lure in new, unsuspecting whales into the game and wring out more from current whales, from what I’ve observed, the IToS player base is looking ahead into future content with what’s in store with IMC’s latest major content patch, Project: Next. Players are expecting more Developer’s Notes about the patch this week, and with how IMC patches KTEST servers every 2 weeks, players are looking forward to what IMC has in store for the player base. With the player base feedback being generally positive, especially after that disastrous livestream, let’s hope IMC does not drop the ball amidst this momentum.
Over at KToS land, nothing much has happened as well, as players are in the same boat as IToS with waiting for Project: Next. IMC has released their next batch of costumes featuring college and laboratory wear, a planetary special effect and a periodic table wing, but I couldn’t really care less about them at the moment. Sources have also revealed that the new boss for ToS seems to be a Medusa-inspired creature, as shown in leaks and armor labelling … but I digress. Sources have also shown future pets with what looks like a Black Lion, another bird that’s not a penguin, a Griffin, an armored Otter, a Reindeer and a baby Cheetah (I think). These pets are a huge departure from IMC’s usual recycling and recoloring of current pets, and I’m personally looking forward for the Black Lion or one of the pets having increased Strike Damage. With those horns, ornaments, braids and the yellow eyes contrasting the black fur, the Black Lion could give the Panda pet (that has yet to come for Kim knows how long) a run for its money
For reference,
- KToS’s 63rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 64th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 73rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/Yorozuya/Infinity Alliance VS Independant Guilds, FMC left Alliance
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: Is there any point for me to fill this part of the section?
Silute: Skyline VS Paradise, Australe merger with Skyline
MuffinTime, who hurt you and turned you this way …?
You-know-who-Guild-sponsored memes:
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 18
- Yorozuya, Maid Cafe, GrapeSoda and Aqua fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to GrapeSoda of Telsiai for fastest Boruta timing this week at 12 minutes 49 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 18
- FullMoonCafe, CarpeDiev, GrapeSoda and Aqua fastest Giltine times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to Aqua of Silute for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 16 minutes 23 seconds!!
[63rd Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 63rd week: On Break
(Disclaimer: The existence of fully-invested Res Sacraes has really given any class builds a huge edge over non-invested Res Sacrae even with disadvantageous typings at times, so for anyone using these rankings as reference for class builds, IMO any build within rank 1-5 or even 1-10 are all great references for what to go for, not just Rank 1)
This week’s WBR feels like an easy win for Physical builds, with some manageable Weekly Patterns allowing Physical builds to properly, a typing that’s weak to Physical damage and its defense typing being advantages to Slash/Bow which are convenient typings for the current meta class builds of Swordsmen and Archers. The boss may have a Critical Resistance Specialty, but even then the boss’s typing having less Critical Resistance may have mitigated that Pattern somewhat. Solcomm’s attack patterns are manageable as well with some bursts here and there, though his Silence debuff quirks is something to watch out for. With the changes since 2-3 weeks ago increasing WBR stats to JS stat levels, the damage across the board has generally gone down, but this does not stop players from pushing out impressive damage numbers.
Top Player of the Week
: Penril [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 15.1 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander, 13.0 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 11.6 B
- Top Archer Build:
- Penril [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 15.1 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- Bluvoyei [Telsiai], Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis, 8.7 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 10.8 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander, 13.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 3: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 4: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 5: Lancer | Dragoon | Hoplite
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 4: Hackapell | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Top Wizard of the Week
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 11.6 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
Top Archer of the Week
- Penril [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 15.1 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Hunter (???)
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
Top Cleric of the Week
- Bluvoyei [Telsiai], Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis, 8.7 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 2: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Chaplain | Kabbalist
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Exorcist | Druid | Krivis
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 2: Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis
- Rank 3: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 2: Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis
- Rank 3: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 10.8 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 2: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Sheriff | Outlaw
- Rank 4: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Rangda | Linker | Assassin
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 3: Clown | Shinobi | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
[64th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 64th week: On Break
KToS’s 64th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[Yorocademy’s kToS Ranking Translations]
73rd Weekly Boss Rankings: Link
I will miss the comfy Solcomm week, I don’t think i’ve ever had a comfier WBR
Men silute memes are dropping in quality shame silute shame… xD
This week’s Zaura doesn’t seem to be bad either (ice wall + assault). The problem with WBR is putting the OS mechanisms in two different sets with simpler mechanisms, so you get easy weeks (rockslide/sequoia flame) and impossible weeks (poison stack or fire wall + tornadoes). They should sort all gimmicks differently: major threats (poison stacks, fire wall, meteors, tornadoes…), normal threats (ice wall, breath…), minor threats (rockslide, thunderbolt…), AoE effects buffs/debuffs (floral scent, overcharge, runes…).
Legend has it the Fedimian Cleric’s quest accessories hasn’t expired yet.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 64th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 65th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 74th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 64th week: On Break
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 65th week: On Break
- KToS WBR Rankings Translation Source (Yorocademy): Link
[June Week 3, June 15 - June 21, 2021]
No, I’m in no mood to even write a Round-Up this week, this will be a short one while I survive on copium trying to live through this pain …
For reference,
- KToS’s 64th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 65th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 74th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/Yorozuya/Infinity Alliance VS Independent Guilds
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: Is there any point for me to fill this part of the section?
Silute: Skyline VS Paradise, Australe merger with Skyline
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 19
- FullMoonCafe, Maid Cafe, GrapeSoda and Paradise fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to GrapeSoda of Telsiai for fastest Boruta timing this week at 14 minutes 17 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 19
- FullMoonCafe, Maid Cafe, YN and Skyline fastest Giltine times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN of Telsiai for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 16 minutes 11 seconds!!
[64th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Damage Compatibility Table for Reference
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 64th week: On Break
Top Player of the Week
: Penril [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 11.2 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander, 9.9 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 10.8 B
- Top Archer Build:
- Penril [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 11.2 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- Bluvoyei [Telsiai], Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis, 7.1 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 9.3 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander, 9.9 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Lancer | Dragoon | Hoplite
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Lancer | Dragoon | Hoplite
- Rank 5: Cataphract | Barbarian | Hoplite
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 3: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Top Wizard of the Week
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 10.8 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 5: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 4: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- Penril [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 11.2 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Appraiser
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
Top Cleric of the Week
- Bluvoyei [Telsiai], Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis, 7.1 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 5: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Crusader | Druid | Krivis
- Rank 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Miko | Krivis
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 9.3 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Ardito | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 5: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Rangda | Linker | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Sheriff | Outlaw
- Rank 5: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai
- Rank 1: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Silute:
- Rank 1: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 2: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 3: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
[65th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Damage Compatibility Table for Reference
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 65th week: On Break
KToS’s 65th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[Yorocademy’s kToS Ranking Translations]
74th Weekly Boss Rankings: Link
Goon: stabbing sounds
Hoplite: noob, you still stabbing enemies?
Goon: but I’m a spear class What are doing differently?
Hoplite: I don’t stab with my spear, I graduated from that through my vaivora. I throw it throwing sounds
Goon: mindblown
Now the Goon has graduated from noob status, instead of stabbing air he’s stabbing with it
Edit: fun fact: Orin barely evaded the obligatory Goon Rank 5 meme