Yes keep making excuses, that is gonna surely fix your gameplay. Saying excuses like you don’t even try anyway is exactly the reason why you stay bad, thanks for admitting how it is. If you are all just not trying but you can actually do it why don’t anyone on fedimian try hitting top 5 or at least top 7 dmg compared to all other servers this week? Will be nice to see
jTos has a server with low pop like fedimian but they’re still trying instead of complaining
Stay mad and bad
What you trynna to achieve dude?
That’d ain no tripple A leaderboard here. Life so bad that you need compensate in WB?
I play from time to time in Fedi and it’s hard like Ly mentioned. They have no excuses they been really play another game. Come down from your dead horse.
well i also don’t have the patience to try hard on the weekly big boss and I’m also slow to get the top items but for me it’s ok not to mention that the top weekly boss awards are not even that good
JToS’s 43rd Week Report, if anyone is interested.
whats the point tho? will you give out e-penis medals?
because you get that WBR ranking is just that, e-penis on a dead game, right?
cos if you dont get it or get off of it, welp, god may help you.
even having all the OPWHALE tier gear, whats the point in tryharding on ToS? you feel good?
much emptiness such sad, wow.
many ppl just get in, do the thingy get the rewards, no buffs, not even following the mechanics, theres literally no point unless you have to compensate with E-penis numbers.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Giltine Guild Raids, Boruta Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 57th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 47th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 48th week: Link
- KToS’s 48th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[February Week 4, 2021]
It has been 3 weeks since the content update, and IMC seems to have actually fixed the chaos that have doomed the servers into nigh unplayability … almost. The server bugs still remain, but have been mitigated to a huge extent, so props to IMC for taking 2 weeks after a content update to at least make the game playable again. Still, server issues remain lurking waiting to strike, and its repercussions are still in effect, particularly in GTW. With that said, IMC has once again released another TP Best Wishes package with levelling perks for sale after releasing a gacha with Boruta cards in it, so do check them out!
Over at KToS, the aforementioned KTest change focused on changing how buffs work with variable skill levels in real-time has made it to KToS, albeit with a few changes so the changes don’t affect every single skill. KToS’s Demon’s Temptation have also been updated with New Year Asian-themed costumes in striking shades of pink that is sure to be popular with the player base, KToS and IToS.
For reference,
KToS’s 57th Weekly Report, 57th Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 47th Weekly Report, 47th Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: GrapeSoda VS Megalomaniac
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
I have heard that Klaipeda and Silute main GTW maps were crashing on the latter half of their GTWs, causing various issues left and right and letting uprisings happen. With that said …
- Genar Field: Melody (previously Impetus)
- Nuoridin Falls: Tornado (previously Infinity)
- Sventimas Exile: FullMoonCafe (previously Alpha)
- Salvia Forest: Yorozuya (previously Tornado)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Maid Cafe (previously CarpeDiev)
- Baron Allerno: CarpeDiev (previously EriLayne)
- Nuoridin Falls: Amanecer (previously EriLayne)
- Sventimas Falls: EriLayne (previously Amanecer)
- Salvia Forest: Eternity (previously TheNineWorlds)
- Salvia Forest: Merchant (previously Aria)
- Genar Field: FireEmblem (previously Paradise)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Paradise (previously Skyline)
- Nuoridin Falls: lRagnarokl (previously Aqua)
- Sventimas Exile: EternalGlory (previously Aqua)
Paradise-sponsored meme
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- As expected of the hardest Guild Raid at the moment, it took 2 weeks for guilds to start clearing the Raid. As if the difficulty isn’t enough, guilds are taking over 1-2 hours to clear this Guild Raid.
- There had been discussions if this Guild Raid is even worth doing due to how mundane the rewards are in contrast to its sheer difficulty and time wasted, so that may have played a part in the lack of participation on the Giltine Guild Raid as well.
- The Giltine Guild Raid has seen many difficulty adjustments in KToS/KTest servers, so maybe participation will increase after those adjustments make it here.
- IMC server issues yet again, so no Guild symbols for some reason, but with that said …
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe, Impetus, Paradise and Aqua for finally clearing the Giltine Guild Raid this week!
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe of Klaipeda for being the FIRST Guild across all servers to clear the Giltine Guild Raid, and also clearing it the fastest this week at 1 hour 8 minutes 52 seconds!!
FullMoonCafe Team Selfie!!
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- As guilds are starting to be able to clear Giltine Guild Raid and that players can only do one Guild Raid or the other due to limitations not allowing one to do both, the overall timings of Boruta Guild Raid may increase due to resources being focused on Giltine Guild Raid.
- IMC server issues, no Guild symbols for some reason
- FullMoonCafe, CarpeDiev, YN and LIMIT fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN for fastest Boruta timing this week at 19 minutes 34 seconds
[47th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
IMC sure can’t give players a break with all the odd WBRs we’ve been getting lately. Out of the ashes of the newly-introduced Trinity Tini boss, we now get the new Lucy boss with some rather interesting boss gimmicks that may trip players up, and needing a little mobbing capability to clear. This boss also sport traits of having lower critical resistance and physical defense, an advantage to Lightning/Poison/Slash/Arrow/Pistol damage and an increased magic defense. With that said, its Weekly Pattern is what really sets this boss apart, especially its Defense Specialty giving a +150% increase onto this WBR’s Defenses and Magic Defenses that will really hamper the scores of the typical meta.
It feels odd coming from last week where players dealt up to 40 B damage to this week where its Defense Specialty really pushes down the overall WBR score across the board, and I personally wish for a normal WBR once in a while (looks at next week’s WBR … eh never mind). In all this madness, Crevox of Klaipeda has managed to edge out of all the competition to take the top of the rankings across all top rankers this week, dealing 10.5 B damage as a Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot!
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 8.0 B
- Top Wizard Build:
Crevox [Klaipeda], Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot, 10.5 B
Crevox [Klaipeda], Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot, 10.5 B
- Top Archer Build:
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Quarrel Shooter | Ranger, 10.0 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- Zygozenith [Telsiai], Chaplain | Krivis | Dievdirbys, 6.5 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 10.4 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 2nd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- 3rd place: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Fedimian:
- 1st and 2nd place: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
This WBR’s slash advantage sure doesn’t seem to hold back any toothpick knights from dominating the Swordsman rankings, though it is clear that the slash advantage has allowed several 2H-Sword builds to rise through the ranks this week. Nevertheless, the toothpick build still prevails as Kirarin of Telsiai was able to push through the slash advantage and narrowly top over the rest of the swordsman rankings this week, dealing 8.0 B as a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian.
With that said, it is pretty nice to see 2H-Sword builds populate the WBR rankings more as opposed to the usual toothpick dominance, with the build running Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander. The toothpick build gets mentioned so much it may be forgotten that 2H-Sword builds are still great bossing classes as well. The previous WBR (Trinity Tini) also introduced a Nak Muay variant of the toothpick build, and it feels like a shame that it never made a return appearance this week. Personally, I feel hopeful that Nak Muay and 2H-Sword builds appear more in the Swordsman rankings to come.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- 1st
- Fedimian:
- 1st and 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 2nd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Telsiai:
- 1st to 3rd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Silute:
- 1st place : Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- 2nd and 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
With all the wacky WBRs the community has been getting since the content update, this week may well be the first proper week that the wizard meta has started to reflect the WBR builds used by KToS players, being the Summoner build and the Shadowmancer bossing build. The physical advantage, in particular, has given an advantage to Summoners, and Crevox of Klaipeda has taken top spot, not only for Wizard rankers but across all class trees and servers, dealing 10.5 B damage as a Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot.
As expected, Shadowmancer | Feathefoot has abandoned Taoist in favor of Bokor and its bossing potential, and clearly it shows fantastic results so far. Taoist, on the other hand, has lost most of its Lightning element specialty and there doesn’t seem to be any outstanding Taoist scores this week, so it’s a rather sad change of times and class balancing. It is also interesting to note that more and more players are starting to hop on the Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot Summoner build as more have joined the rankings lately, a rather welcome sight. Also, with regards to the Rune Caster summoner variants that have appeared in the previous WBR rankings, it seems that IMC has deemed that synergy a “bug” (IMC, never change), so its such a shame that such an interesting variant will get stomped out in future.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 2nd and 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai:
- 1st
place: Arbalester | Quarrel Shooter | Ranger
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st and 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
Whether the boss has an Arrow damage advantage or not, it would’ve been justifiable for any player to assume the usual bread and butter 2H-Bow build to take the rankings and also reflect the Archer meta that KToS players are using. With that said, those assumptions couldn’t be any further from the truth as this week sports quite a few variants of 2H-Bow builds, and the most surprising part is that the top Archer ranker isn’t even a 2H-Bow user. xTsuyuri of Telsiai has dominated the archer rankings this week, dealing 10.0 B damage with a novel Arbalester | Quarrel Shooter | Ranger.
From memory, I believe this is the first time since the writing of this round-up that Arbalester has topped the Archer rankings for a server, let alone all servers. In light of this achievement, we have a video by xTsuyuri showing his prowess and the potential of Arbalester, so enjoy!
That aside, it is fascinating that of all class trees, the Archer tree is the class tree whose Archer meta does not really reflect the Archer meta on KToS. The KToS rankings on the same bosses have seen the dominance of Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher as the premier Archer DPS build for several consecutive weeks, but here, players have branched out of Fletcher into Falconer and even Appraiser variants, and the differences in DPS on all 3 Mergen variants aren’t so clear-cut to the point of a single class being the only “meta” option. I guess the KToS rankings aren’t really the end-all-be-all meta that many players make it out to be, huh?
- Klaipeda:
- 1st place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 2nd place: Exorcist | Crusader | Miko
- 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Krivis
- Fedimian:
- 1st and 2nd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- Telsiai:
- 1st
place: Chaplain | Krivis | Dievdirbys
- 2nd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Monk
- 3rd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
- 2nd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 3rd place: Exorcist | Crusader | Miko
This week’s WBR sports many advantages (physical damage, slash, lower critical resistance) that really puts Inquisitor builds in the running for top Cleric DPS for the week … or so it was thought. Meanwhile, Chaplain came in like a bolt from the blue to dethrone expectations and piss on the efforts of all other Cleric DPS builds this week who were struggling through this WBR’s +150% defense specialty to one-up each other. Zygozenith of Telsiai really showed whose boss this week, taking top spot for Cleric rankers this week dealing 6.5 B damage with an eccentric Chaplain | Krivis | Dievdirbys build.
Chaplain has really started to rise up through the rankings in recent weeks, especially taking advantage of its additional damage specialty to sidestep the increase in base stats (particularly Defense Specialty) and enemy levels that traditional DPS builds have to push through. The class really shines in content where other DPS suffers, and this WBR’s defense specialty is a great opportunity to show additional damage is not just a meme. A few reasons why I personally think players gloss over Chaplain is that, additional damage DPS is a niche playstyle that’s usually looked down upon, and that no one has set a precedent of showing Chaplain’s true worth, so kudos to Zygozenith! Other than that, the meta seems to be the same, though Krivis and Monk has started to appear in Inquisitor builds this week. To be fair, Inquisitor’s Vaivora gives freedom for its 3rd class options, and players may have found Krivis’s buffs and Monk’s defense-ignoring skills appealing for this WBR.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- 2nd place: Ardito | Rogue | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- 1st to 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st place: Ardito | Clown | Assassin
- 2nd and 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
Even with the pistol damage advantage giving pistol scouts an edge over dagger scouts, Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin seems to be this generation’s GT-SR making constant appearances in the Scout rankings while featuring top-tier damage. Tyhz of Telsiai has shown a stellar performance with the build, taking top Scout rankings with 10.4 B damage. It is of disgust to know that Tyhz was rather close to taking top spot among all rankers this week.
Once again, the rankings have once again shown a slight difference in meta as Scouts have taken up Ardito instead of the KToS meta (IIRC) with only 2 variants, the Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin and Clown | Rogue | Assassin builds. This week was a fun one to write with all these observed variations to the meta initially paved by KToS, though with how interesting the other class trees are, I personally wish for more variations on Scouts, particularly pistol scouts and less-mentioned classes like Outlaw and Corsair. Maybe that’s just me, with all the current meta scout builds presumably having to use both dagger and pistol, it’s strange that classes with such dual-wield identities don’t perform at similar levels.
[48th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 48th week: Link
KToS’s 48th week: Link
JToS’s 44th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
thanks for the writeup as usual good work
I am a simple person.
I see new meme
I like
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Giltine Guild Raids, Boruta Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 58th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 48th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 49th week: Link
- KToS’s 49th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[March Week 1, February 23 - March 1, 2021]
*Changing the date format for better clarity and referencing
Players in iToS have once again taken the usual bait IMC puts out once in a while to keep afloat while forums have been filled with sparks about bug reports laced with drama this week, though it may be understandable that drama has popped up due to the recent chaos in last week’s GTW caused by server issues. With that said, there’s not really much going on in the iToS servers as players only have the [Dievdirbys and the Goddess Statue] event to look out for. New players should especially look out for this event as the event features the iToS server’s first free event Savinose Dysnai Equipment upgrade peripherals including +11 enhancements, Transcendence 8, set effects and even 2 free Vaivora stats for easy farming needs. These upgrades are sorely needed by the event Savinose Dysnai Equipment that players get from finishing main story quests as those equipment can only be upgraded with these pheripherals, so do try and get them before the event ends!
Over at kToS servers, nothing much seems to be happening either as always, though a recent Hope to Development Team post has particularly highlighted the player base’s concerns over the recently introduced Relics (or Res Sacrae in iToS) and Guild Raid changes that mirrors the iToS player base’s frustrations about them as well. It has been quite a few months since the release of those content in kToS, but it seems that IMC still hasn’t figured out a way to make the two content (and content related to them like Res Sacrae dungeon) feel worthwhile enough for players to stick with the grind and RNG. IMC has also been releasing many difficulty adjustment changes to Guild Raids since, so it is rather worrying that IMC still unable to sort this out to this day. Hopefully, this is one step in the right direction to a better rework.
For reference,
KToS’s 58th Weekly Report, 58th Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 48th Weekly Report, 48th Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: GrapeSoda VS Megalomaniac
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
- Genar Field: Impetus (previously Melody)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Melody (previously FullMoonCafe)
- Baron Allerno: Tornado (previously Yorozuya)
- Nuoridin Falls: FullMoonCafe (previously Tornado)
- Sventimas Exile: Alpha (previously FullMoonCafe)
- Salvia Forest: FullMoonCafe (previously Yorozuya)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: CarpeDiev (previously Maid Cafe)
- Baron Allerno: Maid Cafe (previously CarpeDiev)
- Nuoridin Falls: Maid Cafe (previously Amanecer)
- Sventimas Exile: Amanecer (previously EriLayne)
- Salvia Forest: TheNineWorlds (previously Eternity)
- Genar Field: Paradise (previously FireEmblem)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: LIMIT (previously Paradise)
- Nuoridin Falls: Aqua (previously lRagnarokl)
- Sventimas Exile: Aqua (previously EternalGlory)
Paradise-Sponsored Memes
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- Participation with this Guild Raid continues to remain low, actually lower than last week, due to various reasons previously discussed like how much of a waste of time it is.
- IMC has not fixed guild symbols not appearing on Guild Raid Rankings for the 3rd week, eh …
- An interesting thing to note is that SA has no Raid clear this week, probably because the two guilds who cleared the raid last week were unable to take a GTW map this week.
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe and GrapeSoda for clearing the Giltine Guild Raid this week!
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe of Klaipeda for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 59 minutes 25 seconds!!
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- Contrary to popular beliefs, there is good reason for players to focus on Boruta Guild Raid over Giltine Guild Raid due to how Giltine Guild Raid is right now, so the overall timings of Boruta Guild Raid may actually improve.
- IMC server issues for the 3rd week, no Guild symbols yet again
- Melody, Maid Cafe, YN and Austale fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN for fastest Boruta timing this week at 15 minutes 14 seconds!
[48th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
With all the funky WBRs the community has faced so far, it is rather refreshing to get a rather normal (albeit new Solcomm WBR) this week that can properly reflect the bossing potential of class builds compared to the last WBRs. While the boss has a few irritating Weekly Patterns and an ability to zone out places with Silence debuffs, the boss is on the easier side, especially for Fire-element wizards who can capitalize its weaknesses. With that said, it is no surprise that Pyromancer-focused builds are at a huge advantage, and Mercies of Telsiai has pounced at the opportunity to take top spot across all class trees and servers, dealing a whopping 29.4 B damage as a Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor!
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Myz [Silute], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 13.8 B
- Top Wizard Build:
Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 29.4 B
Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 29.4 B
- Top Archer Build:
- DestinedWing [Telsiai], Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher, 14.5 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor, 13.7 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 15.7 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Fedimian:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Telsiai:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Silute:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- 1st
As always … the toothpick build, oh the toothpick build. Here I was hoping that any Swordsmen changes could bring about new things for Swordsmen, but here we are with the toothpick knights yet again dominating the Swordsmen meta with virtually no end in sight. Myz of Silute proved to be the sharper toothpick this week and taking top toothpick spot this week, dealing 13.8 B damage as a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian.
… need I say more on Swordsman meta?
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 2nd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- 3rd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Fedimian:
- 1st and 2nd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 3rd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Elementalist
- Telsiai:
- 1st
and 2nd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
The traits of this week’s WBR really benefits Wizards due to ther Magic damage with all the numbers to prove, with them generally dealing the most damage across the board compared to other class trees. Fire-element Wizards especially benefits from the boost this week, putting Pyromancer-focused builds up in the running for top Wizard spot. Mercies of Telsiai has come out on top of all server rankers across all servers and class trees this week, dealing an astounding 29.4 B damage as a Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
In a series of Deja Vu, an interesting information to note with the recent Wizard meta in iToS is how the Pyromancer | Taoist fire-element build differs than that of the meta in kToS, where players in kToS used to take Elementalist while those in iToS have picked up Bokor instead, an offbeat choice at first glance. A peculiar set of circumstances were in place, where Elementalist has been deemed to be rather lacking as a class after recent changes, the introduction of reworked Bokor with its 15% magic defence debuff and decent damage looking like a great bossing alternative, and the possibility of swapping between 2 Vaivora weapons for further damage mileage, may have tipped the fire-element meta to Bokor. If so, it seems like Elementalists are in for a rough time for the next few WBRs until further balancing.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 2nd and 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai:
- 1st
and 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 3rd place: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
With all the weird WBRs the server has received these past few weeks, this week may be the first time since the EP 13 content patch that players can finally test out the Archer bossing meta and finally put to rest which Archer class best suits the current Mergen | Ranger meta. With that said, Fletcher has finally lived up to its kToS hype as every server’s top archer now sports the Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher build, and in particular, DestinedWing of Telsiai has conquered the archer rankings this week, dealing 14.5 B damage with the build. This is even more impressive considering sources have said that the player is competing against other players wielding +29 to +34 enhancement weapons while only using a +21 bow, a rather substantial gear gap to overcome.
This week’s rankings have given Fletcher a strong case for being the best 3rd class to go with the Mergen | Ranger combo, with even Arbalester picking up Fletcher. Previous WBRs had interesting shenanigans where the boss features the need for some mobbing ability or had some debilitating traits that don’t lend well to the usual Archer meta, so a rather laid-back WBR this week seems like a great start of determining Fletcher’s worth. With that said, the fact that Fletcher was only able to out-DPS Falconer and Appraiser variants in this ideal situation may also prove that Fletcher is sitting on a fragile throne compared to the other two variants that offer a lot more utilities for party play in exchange for damage. Either way, it is nice to see that Mergen | Rang- uh I mean Archer is finally starting to have some variety and trade-offs to choose from.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st place: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- 2nd to 3rd place: Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- 2nd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- Telsiai:
- 1st
place: Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor
- 2nd and 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st and 2nd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- 3rd place: Exorcist | Miko | Druid
This week’s WBR being weaker to magic certainly helps the meta Magic Clerics over Physical Clerics this week as Plague Doctor | Druid and Exorcist | Miko builds are expected to reign this week. RoseQuartz of Telsiai has taken top spot for all cleric rankers this week, dealing 13.7 B as an Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor.
There’s nothing much to discuss about this week’s cleric rankings really, though it is a shame that Chaplain didn’t make it into the rankings this week. While the class does shine in content that other DPS builds suffer in (mainly higher defense/magic defense content), it is rather disheartening that the inverse is somewhat true as well, as seen in this week’s cleric rankings. Plague Doctor continues to be a versatile class with stellar DPS that can either be a class the whole build works around with Druid + Miko/Krivis or a class that can support other classes, while the Exorcist | Miko combo continues to be a solid pair with plenty of 3rd class options to choose from.
(Read this part at your own risk)
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 3rd place: BM-W | Toy-ta Clown | Assassin
- 2nd place: Audito | Nissin Rogue | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- 1st to 3rd place: BM-W | Toy-ta Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place BM-W | Toy-ta Clown | Assassin
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st and 3rd place: BM-W | Toy-ta Clown | Assassin
- 2nd place: Audito | Toy-ta Clown | Assassin
The Scout Car Manufacture Inc continues to produce stellar cars with excellent speed and mileage under the Assassin Range even after the disastrous tragedy that is the GT-SR line, as the steadfast BM-W and the state-of-the-art Toy-ta Clown continues to carry the company’s earnings and reputation. The Assassin Range has performed especially well in the Telsiai Circuit with its top driver, Tyhz, scoring 15.7 B with his BM-W | Toy-ta Clown | Assassin line-up after abandoning the GT-SR to triumph the performances of his peers across all circuits.
With the fall of the GT-SR joining the list of bygone cars like the Fard Corsair and so on, the huge majority of the customers driving the Assassin Range have switched over to the reliable BM-W though the company still intends to maintain support for any remaining GT-SR owners. With that said, the release of the Toy-ta Clown, along with old favorites like the Nissin Rogue and the Audito, has left many customers spoilt for choice as their garage size can only fit 2 cars. Scout Car Manufactore Inc played it smart by releasing the Toy-ta Clown after the death of the GT-SR, sparking new hype and interest in the line while also reigniting interest from old customers who have abandoned the line due to the huge faults the GT-SR had that lead to its downfall, resulting in their growing customer base. While preferences with local customers have shown their favor towards the BM-W | Toy-ta Clown and Toy-ta Clown | Nissin Rogue pair, customers here have instead opted for the Audito over the Nissin Rogue, so perhaps the charms of the Nissin Rogue didn’t quite translate over very well to this market.
[49th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 49th week: Link
KToS’s 49th week: Link
IMC … when?
This week’s been busy with IRL stuff so I can’t do things on time, such is the quality of 4lk Fake Monk News as always. Since the round-up’s inception, I’ve been getting PM’ed from time to time for information about top players and their set-ups and what-not, I may try to open up a new section to “interview” players (nah, its just giving a questionaire to fill, interviews with keyboard chatting SMH ) using ranked builds one day. I’ll see how far I can go with that, but wondering if anyone’s interested?
Also, JToS’s 45th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
Dying from this one, quality shitposts as usual 4lk. Keep it up!
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Giltine Guild Raids, Boruta Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 59th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 49th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 49th week: Link
- KToS’s 50th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[March Week 2, March 2 - March 8, 2021]
This month’s been busy IRL for me, and IRL planned their busiest when I was about to write this round-up during maintenance. The 5th Anniversary NPC has finally been found as well, bringing iToS one of the most confusing event to date and adding to my round-up delay as well. With that said, the event seems to be worth the trouble, with costumes, items and even Vaivora equipment up for grabs, so this isn’t an event to miss out on. IMC has also included new Demon God’s Temptation costumes, and shared their thoughts on changing the Exchange shop, so look out for that!
Over at kToS, IMC has added a new kTest patch allowing Luciferie Accessories to be exchanged, and also focusing its attention to non-rapier Swordsmen classes while serving it with a plate of roasted-black Falconer and potentially killing off Falconer’s whole purpose due to its nerf on Aiming. Nothing else has been happening in kToS, and I personally hope kToS players voice some complaints about the nerfs to Falconer’s Aiming without replacing its effects with something actually decent.
For reference,
KToS’s 59th Weekly Report, 59th Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 49th Weekly Report, 49th Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: GrapeSoda VS Megalomaniac
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: FullMoonCafe (previously Melody)
- Nuoridin Falls: Yorozuya (previously FullMoonCafe)
- Salvia Forest: Melody (previously FullMoonCafe)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Maid Cafe (previously CarpeDiev)
- Baron Allerno: EriLayne (previously Maid Cafe)
- Nuoridin Falls: Amanecer (previously Maid Cafe)
- Salvia Forest: Amanecer (previously TheNineWorlds)
- Why is this here, just to suffer
- Genar Field: Skyline (previously Paradise)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Paradise (previously Limit)
- Salvia Forest: EternalGlory (previously Australe)
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- IMC has not fixed guild symbols not appearing on Guild Raid Rankings for the 4th week, eh …
- Congratulations to Impetus, FullMoonCafe, GrapeSoda and Aqua for clearing the Giltine Guild Raid this week!
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe of Klaipeda for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 43 minutes 55 seconds!!
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- IMC server issues for the 3rd week, no Guild symbols yet again
- Melody, Maid Cafe, YN and Paradise fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to Melody for fastest Boruta timing this week at 18 minutes 24 seconds!
[49th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
This week’s WBR seems to be on the easier side like with the last WBR, with a notable boss gimmick that’s rather easy to get by, making the weekly patterns more manageable than most. With one of the most neutral traits for a WBR so far that only Psychokinesis-specialized builds can take advantage of, this WBR may be a good opportunity to show the potential of various class builds in a neutral setting (heck, some classes may be in trouble, not due to not dealing enough damage, but due to hitting damage cap too easily and losing that excess damage). With that said, Crevox of Klaipeda rose above the competition to deal the most damage this week as a Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot with 23.0 B damage.
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 16.7 B
- Top Wizard Build:
Crevox [Klaipeda], Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot, 23.0 B
Crevox [Klaipeda], Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot, 23.0 B
- Top Archer Build:
- DestinedWing [Telsiai], Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher, 19.6 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor, 12.3 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 16.9 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- 2nd and 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
The neutral traits of this boss typically lets the normal meta shine, and it is of no surprise (yet again) that the toothpick knights dominate the Swordsman rankings this week as always. Kirarin of Telsiai has edged out over the swordsman rankings to deal the most damage this week with 16.7 B damage as a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian.
With how many times IMC has re-balanced the Swordsman tree, it is somewhat disappointing that the changes barely resulted in any changes in the meta for the Swordsman tree as the toothpick knights continue to dominate the rankings for months with no end in sight. The kTest has received another Swordsman re-balancing that focuses on non-Rapier classes, and it seems from first impressions that 2H-Sword builds may have some hope in changing the current state of things. It is nice to still see the presence of 2H-Sword users in the rankings and I personally hope they stick around to see the day things change.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st
and 2nd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 1st
- Fedimian:
- 1st and 2nd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 3rd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Telsiai:
- 1st place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- 2nd and 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Silute:
- 1st and 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 2nd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
The Wizard meta had seen 2 builds constantly top the Wizard rankings, the summoner build and the bossing-focused Shadowmancer build, and this WBR seems like a good opportunity to see which of the two is superior. Crevox of Klaipeda has shown a strong case for the summoner build, taking the top of the rankings across all wizards and other class tree rankers this week with a Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot dealing 23.0 B damage.
This week’s Wizard rankings personally feels unreal, with the bossing-focused Shadowmancer build losing out in bossing and Psychokinesis-focused builds being non-existent (I heard Psychokinos got screwed by damage cap) while the Summoner build reigns above the other two. It really seems like poor balancing that Psychokinesis-focused builds are unable to even rank this week against a Psychokinesis-weak boss, and really makes one wonder what’s the point of elemental wizards if they can’t capitalize on such elemental weaknesses. On the other hand, the Summoner build has really gained a lot of attention lately, having comparable bossing capacity to Shadowmancers while still having good mobbing ability as well on top of that.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
It is now week 2 of Archers getting a neutral, standard WBR since the EP 13 patch and players get another go at seeing what 3rd class goes best with Mergen | Ranger. As expected, Fletcher remains on top of its game as every top Archer ranker of every server is of the Fletcher variant. DestinedWing of Telsiai remains on top of the Archer rankings this week, dominating the competition with a commanding lead with 19.6 B as a Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher.
On a side note, a brib- uh I mean a source revealed that SwagLord of Telsiai was afflicted with a medical condition last week, and was not able to perform his best for this WBR. I offer my well wishes for his/her proper and speedy recovery, and hopefully he/she can get well soon.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st place: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- 2nd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 3rd place: Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
- 2nd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Monk
- 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- Telsiai:
- 1st
place: Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor
- 2nd place: Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis
- 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st place: Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor
- 2nd place: Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko
- 3rd place: Inquisitor | Zealot | Krivis
With nothing particularly of note for Clerics to take advantage of, the rankings actually have a good mix of various Cleric builds taking the rankings this week. With that said, RoseQuartz of Telsiai has taken top spot for the cleric rankings across all servers, dealing 12.3 B damage as an Exorcist | Miko | Plague Doctor.
While I do not have a clear grasp of things on other servers, players across all servers have started taking interest in the Additional Damage Cleric Build as of late, and the community, especially Telsiai, has seen a renaissance of the Chaplain class as a proper and viable DPS class option. While Chaplain’s appearances on kToS WBR rankings few weeks ago was widely seen as a fluke and not worth paying attention to, the appearance of the Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis build is really starting to turn heads with how the build seems to rely on Chaplain to pull the build’s weight instead of being a filler class. While its appearance in previous weeks may seem reasonable considering various factors like disadvantageous Weekly Boss Patterns for other cleric builds, this week’s WBR is a rather solid case for Chaplain’s strength, as Zygozenith was only about 0.11 B damage behind this week’s top cleric ranker, and his/her damage is significantly higher than the top rankers of other servers. We might be seeing the beginning of a new Cleric meta that even the kToS meta has since ignored.
- Klaipeda:
- 1st to 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- 2nd and 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st place: Clown | Ardito | Assassin
- 2nd and 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
Forgive my car puns last week, since it seems that only a small few seems to understand its implications, rest assured as I won’t do it ever again (really!!). With that said, the Scout rankings just feel so bland with all the Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin builds dominating the ranks with a side of Ardito and Rogue, especially after writing the Cleric rankings with the Chadlain Chappuccino trailblazer (this is the last time, really!!). Tyhz of Telsiai (Ew) has once again taken 1st place among all scout rankers this week, dealing 16.9 B as a Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin.
For some reason, I’m starting to miss the GT-SR (third time’s the charm, never again, really!!).
[50th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 50th week: Link
KToS’s 50th week: Link
JToS’s 46th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
What does the flower bloom buff for this weeks wbrdo?
you should check from ingame boss mechanic list, but simply it increase your dmg if you stand in there for some time, like seed buff.
If you’re talking about the “Floral Scent” Weekly Mechanic,
Just hover over the mechanics on the boss’s Weekly Pattern Information.