Tree of Savior Forum

The hype is really real!

It’s funny how they go from “open beta coming soon” to “founder’s server coming soon”. The next web update will be “sooner soonish sooning soon”.


founder’s server? what does that mean?

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the Header still shows the old OBT comming soon announcement though, for me atleast

EDIT: op, nvm, it changed after i updated it again

It’s mean “Here come the pay-to-play…before everyone else”:open_mouth:

A founder’s server is only available to those who bought a founder’s pack.
So basically vip kinda like server, but most of the time it’s for early acces to a OBT and then 1 day later everyone can join without a founder pack.

Lots of MMO use this those days.

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oh yeah like bsn did (thanks for the answers!)


i thought it was photoshopped until i refreshed mine @@

founder’s server coming soon:

money abit thin this month, i hope i get my money before its too late D:

They’ve literally waited 20 days since “Coming Soon” to say: Coming Soon

Seriously IMC…


The thing is , They even called it “Founder server” so I think maybe we will have a very long period of Founder-only up time. A week or two I guess.

Ok ,now : How to be founder ?

i just hope that its not limited to founders in the end, that after the founder period ends it opens to everyone, so they dont segregate the population like that

It means you have to get your wallet ready.

Does that mean founder server is like buy2play for a short amount of time, but with a lot of goodies that comes with it? Then its open up for everyone?

That’s the most importance point :hushed:

Founder will get Money In Game like : You buy the founder pack 20 € , you got 15€ cash shop money + 1 skin . Something like that


its just that they way the formulated it makes me abit nervous: “Founder Server”

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What I fear is it’s maybe a Founder-Only server, This is just a guess but it’s scary isn’t it? if it true…

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