Tree of Savior Forum

The hope is real! \o/

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@Tomazelli @cosx774

Just kiss already.




:joy: brave yourself… the hype train is coming !!!:grinning::joy:

The hype train for this game is like Zombie. It’s die so many times already but it’s still keep coming back :joy:


hope this wont turn out to be “the NOPE is real” :joy: @Pidodido wants to play already :joy:

Look like this time is still the dead air :sob:

dude, seriously, can’t you see you’re just doing it again? XD

here is the part of the society you’re in, yeah, no matter how bad you want to be called alpha monkey, you’re just another chuunibyou in the world

last time i saw you, you created a topic demanding the girls in the forum to send you pics, either posting on the weird thread you create, or sending them directly to you

them you got all mad because nobody posted anything and called every girl in this forum “ugly”

i don’t know why i’m still trying to make you see, you can’t explain something when the other is determined not to understand

i seriously hope you grow up someday though XD

The hope dies in last place , please IMC , dont play with youre fans hearts QuQ, i still like you IMC please dont destroy our dreams QuQ.

only if you join ;3­

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Hi, hyped veteran here. Prepare something nice for yourself if the hype derails.


  • Ice cream
  • Walk in the rain
  • Cake
  • Something to hug on
  • A cozy dark corner

Newssss!!! IMC is online!!!

For a second, I misread the topic from “The hype is real!” to “the hype is derail!” :cold_sweat:

what is happening inside of IMC staff minds as they read this post:

owwww look, it’s like watching kittens play with a nice and fluffy wool ball.:smile_cat:
One with sharp needles in it, we know its gonna hurt them at some point, but they’re having so much fun, how can we take it away from them ? :innocent:

best to let them be happy a little longer, before we tell them that the OBT is in 5 month.:smiling_imp:

IMC laugh simulator :open_mouth:


Seens the IMC is uploading the game!! WTF


Don’t play with our emotions, where’s the source?

3 Likes imc is online for a long time