Tree of Savior Forum

The Founder Pack is a Done Deal

btw im not against the founders pack

This is a great example of expectation vs reality meme.

You were expecting an OBT, then they gave you founder’s beta test (i want to call it that way). It really hurts you know.

You were given an expectation, you were hyped for it, thought of it when you’re in bed, talked about it with your friends and then they broke that expectation that they were feeding you all this time.

If only they have been honest and been vocal about it, we won’t have this conversation. It could have been much easier and much understandable if they announced that they decided to run a founder’s beta test first before launching an OBT instead of hyping us with “Soon”.

This is about trust being broken, faith shattered. In which most company failed to realize that trust and loyalty is more valuable than money.


Head start huh?

So what about those people who find this game 6 months from now? A year from now?

It’s an MMO. It really doesn’t matter who has a ‘head-start’ unless you make it matter, and I think it’s a little silly to make it matter.

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Main difference is, it’s exclusive. It’s not like the person who finds the game in the future wasn’t able to play in the past because they weren’t allowed. You can’t really make that argument.

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If you spent as much time looking for a job as you did whining, you’d have a job by now and the money to buy early access.

Pretty weak bait. Do more research on how to properly bait and try casting your line again another time. Good luck.

In the time it took you to write that response, you could have started writing a job application. “I am writing to apply for the role of”, come on, do it with me.

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Firstly no one is forcing you. Also have you considered that devs might need the 3 extra months to polish the game up to OBT standards? I personally doubt that they had much time to improve things since iCBT2 in this short amount of time.

What people do with their money is their business. You have no say in it. Maybe people find that 600 TP = $9*6 = $54 is a good deal especially with EA thrown in it. Again your opinion whether it is ok or not has no weight in people’s decision, especially to what they do with their money. Your moral judgement does not apply to other people.

Except they are not sidetracking F2P players. The game will be F2P in June. (based on latest available information). Before you throw out that “3 month headstart” argument:

  1. you can join the F2P server which will be fresh
  2. What does 3 month head start to a game with no end game content buy you? Nothing. You wait for the next expansion patch while other people catch you up.

This is not a competitive game, there’s no race except with yourself.


Yet I doubt they did it deliberately to piss off the community.

It makes me laugh that people think it’s bad to support a game by paying the developers money. It also makes me laugh that people think the people who will not pay for anything in the game are the “most important” players.

Here is the cold hard truth. You are only supporting the game if you make money for IMC, which most people will do by simply giving IMC money. The most important players are the ones who make IMC the most money.

IMC need money to develop and run the game. You are doing nothing to help or support them or the game if you are not getting them more money. Do not even dare pretend otherwise.

The 3 month early access is what I’m more concerned with than the $50 dollars. Like you said, people can spend their money on whatever they feel like, but when free to play players are the life blood of the game and you focus on those who are paying money from the get go that’s not good business. 3 months is insane blue balls, and by blue balling it is going to cause more people to fork over money, it’s a greedy business move. That’s not an opinion, that’s called intelligence buddy.

How exactly are free players the life blood of the game? What do you bring that paying players don’t? Because paying players bring money, which free players do not.

Why do you think so many pay to play mmo games turn into a free to play game? There is your answer.

imc triggered me so much

And why are WoW and FF14 the two biggest MMOs on the market? Both are subscription based. There is your answer.

Yeah, because they have no advantage whatsoever by being Warcraft and Final Fantasy…/facepalm

Are you forgetting that FF14 originally did so badly they had to shut the game down and remake it? And do you think Warcraft was a huge, well established series before WoW?

And what about F2P MMOs based on established series, like Digimon, DC universe, Conan, Warhammer and so on that all didn’t do nearly as well as those games?

Are you even being serious? A lot of WoW’s initial community was heavily into Warcraft.

I’m not against founders pack. Anyway lets see what will happen.

Final fantasy had a bad run at first so I don’t think the name matters if it where a terrible game. I’m not a fan of war craft but I think it lasted long because people find it enjoyable. Both games are successful because of their pay to play model. More money into the game means better and frequent updates and fixes