Tree of Savior Forum

‘The First Fan Art Fest’ begins!

what do you mean?_?

you want to make a post on a thread there or create a thread itself on that section

i can reply but i cant make a post at fan art. The new post icon is grey and cannot be clicked.

wait… it suddenly can , i dont know why. Thanks anyway.

can you link to the thread

EDIT: Happy to see it was fine now, If I has to guess the forum was in read only mode for you at that time…

it happens at random, just pay attention to the text at the top of the page

okay, thanks~ Because just now as i make post, the fansities fan art category is missing.

i wonder how many winners we will have for this event,
and are there rewards for ppl who participated?

still unknown… hopes all participants at east have rewards~

how does one submit their fanart?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

The new topic button is not clickable :joy: Can admin have a look?

Well, it seems you have not reached a sufficient level of forum activities to post a topic on the Fan Art category. Please, read some more posts and topics on the forum. (It won’t take that long.)

And just to clarify, such restriction was set in order to prevent spammed accounts posting inappropriate materials.


Thank you, it is accessible now :smiley:

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greeting dear sir. if I may ask, is this contest limited to only International TOS players? or can other countries like SEA TOS players join this contest?

hi there! may I know how did you do it? >_< mine is not clickable.

please disregard my post above. :blush: it’s okay now

I’m working so hard for this, hope it turns well. I finished now the sketch and lineart, time to paint!

Oh nu! I should begin my art :3

So… How many winners overall will there be? This info is kinda essential? I’m surprised that this question is still floating in the air.


uhm can i dress the characters in casual clothing?

or do i have to dress them according to class?

Reading and Searching, the skills lost to humanity…