Tree of Savior Forum

The community is slowly dying

I feel that the community is slowly dying. the hype before when there was a CBT test was awesome and a lot of people are participating whether they are players or just lurkers. I suggest do some livestreaming or whatever, answer some questions do a Q&A, something like that, just so that the community would not lose interest. just saying.


No its not. What do you even know about the community? Perhaps Im wrong too. I see the same people in this forum over and over again, and new names pops up everday.


I love this type of topics. Kappa.

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Ugh the game isn’t out yet. It’s to be expected people aren’t going to be on the forums a lot but there’s still a lot of activity here despite that. Can we all just patiently wait instead of trying to rush the developers all the time? It’s gonna come. Just chill. Let them use their time to fix bugs and make the game better rather than waste it on Q&As.






Welcome to game forums. When the game isn’t out yet or even has a release date, it won’t be super active. Because there’s not much to talk about. When those things do happen, activity will skyrocket.

The streaming idea is nice and all and would of course bring more activity here, but what do you personally consider as ‘active’ for an unreleased game? At the time of this post, these are estimated the forum statistics for the last 30 Days:
New Topics: 160
New Posts: 14,600
New Users: 7,600
Active Users: 15,600

If that type of activity is what you call dying, then anything you consider active must be fueled by sugar and cocaine.


There isn’t much to add that hasn’t already been said two months ago when iCBT2 ended. We can discuss the Korean version, but most of us aren’t playing it, so we can’t really comment much on the game.

We are here… We are waiting… And we are watching.


The topics like game will die in 2 years, the game is slowly dying, and now the community…
Ohhh… yeah… I cant believe how much time this people have, im so jelly :joy:

I’m sorry if I might have perhaps raised a flag. I apologize, this post is stupid


I rather think the game is starting, this is just a pause before the tempest of topics and activity in foruns.
This ain’t a stupid post at all, you’re just looking at it the wrong way.

Nope this topic came up between each beta phase, its not dying. Relax and wait till we get our next beta or they decide to release, preferably a beta.

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We are here :slightly_smiling:


Yo we’re just hibernating here.
As soon as spring calls, we’re right back on the track~


I would call

Relax bro, this game is just getting better and sooner or later we’re gonna receive an Internacional Open Beta :sleepy:

The community is not dying, we’re just on hiatus because iToS is not a thing just yet.

Believe me between the CBT in August and the announcement of the second CBT in late October the forums were far quieter, and at the time there were also threads like this. But hey, when the second CBT came, thousands of new people appeared.

So yeah, just be patient. This time around the game will have a lot more new stuff for show compared to back then, too.

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