Tree of Savior Forum

INT scales a lot if the game ever reaches rank 10 - level 600

Honestly tho, if any stat were to increase your chance of landing debuffs it should be SPR, since most debuffs scale with SPR.

It doesn’t have to be as effective as SPR’s reduction.

All I’m saying is STR doens’t affect only attack, so it would be nice to have some 5% more proc chance for every 50 or 100 INT or something like that.

I dont think INT should increase chances of debuffs, it should be SPR, imo.

Yes, SPR going both ways for resistance and extra chance to procc. Would make that stat more meaningful for wizards.

If anything, I could see INT giving +3 SP per rank along with @satoru 's suggestion.

This would enable casters to invest points into SPR without hating themselves, and for those who go heavy INT, get a bit more SP to play with.

I think the bigger issue is that there’s a lack of SPR scaling skills (for wizards especially). As far as I know, it’s just reflective shield and summons, when a bunch of the more supportive classes (chrono, thaum) could easily have SPR scaling skills.

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I think each int should give 1 matk and 1 mamp, basically 1.5 damage. Since with attributes and no crit magic falls of lategame.

This is just flat out not true? Magic is the ranged AoE burst that everyone still wants late game.

well the lategame I am talking about is not achieved yet. As people get skill damage attributes %80+ magic damage will fall because:
lets say you deal 1 damage with your atk

physical can crit
1 damage -> 1.8 damage with atributes
1.5crit -> 2.7 damage with atributes

magic will sit at 1.8 plus magic has no modifiers while physical has +%100 pierce damage, +%100 strike damage and many more debuffs as modifiers.

except physical attacks will probably require most of your stats in dex to crit at those higher levels.

You don’t really need to invest much into int if you don’t plan on being a damage/multihit wiz, so I don’t see what stat diversity you’re asking for.

??? There’s no diminishing returns on CC atm and there’s very very few people investing with decent amount of SPR. What are you even talking about? It also kills certain wizard classes that have their own unique CC. Cancer post.

A % scaling buff will always be good because it will scale with you’re current damage.

the thing most people arent seeing here, is that phys dmg users need dex and str in order to actually land hits and boost their dmg.
And then they are counterd by high blockrates from con-builds (which would need spr to counter) and high evasion from dex builds (which counter str builds). Its some weird rock-paper-scissor situation.

Int is self-sufficiant. It always hits, and doesn’t need a secondary stat to boost its dmg. Dmg is boosted by putting more stats into it, which results in more int bonus and higher scaling. AND the only stat that counters int is the stat everyone is avoiding: SPR. I don’t think it gets better than that.

So you dont need to split your stats in 3, you’re fine with allocating your points just in 1 or 2 stats. That results in much higher int values, which explains the lower dmg numbers per point spent.

rant edit:
Adding an additional cc% on top of that… wow… that would make builds like Cryo completely broken. Why would I spend ANY stat in anything else than INT with that kind of change?
Mage 1 vs 1: whoever lands the first cc wins the fight x)


actually i got high SPR on my wizard. i can say at lvl 175 now, I can grind and questing without need to rest at all. 90SPR and 240+ INT right now, and some CON. now hp only 8.9k. using plate armors

I could probably go full int fencer and still be fine till earth tower. But that doesnt make it an effective or optimal build.

There are also full SPR fletchers out there, but that doesn’t mean that this kind of build is good or even very competetive in pvp. They will always lose vs a fletcher with str/dex.

SPR can just be replaced with mana potions atm, so every point spent there is lost dmg. (except endgame catas for blockpen)
SPR is nice to have, but it isn’t NEEDED. If any stat needs a boost, its SPR, and not INT.

I don’t think you understood my point. There are 2 modifiers in the whole wizard class, one of them is quickcast, other one is Rune Of Ice. Both of them are Circle dependent not stat dependent. Rune Of Ice is only useful with cryokino combo so its a very limited build.

Each Int Gives 1 matk. Nothing else.

On the other hand, physical classes have A LOT OF damage modifiers, most basic one is Critical. Yes it requires you to allocate points in to dex but when you crit you deal 1.5 of your damage so:

Each Str gives 1 physical damage and 1 crit damage.
For Each of your crits 1 Str adds 2.5 damage.

In the end magic damage is bound to falloff lategame.

I do accept magic classes have great CC potential, but taking the CC path already leaves you with very low damage. Take cryo3 crono3 for example, I haven’t seen even one of them not struggling soloing things. They already lack damage.

Going DPS or Burst mage path, usually wiz3ele3warlock, you will have only one reliable CC which will be Sleep. I don’t see this class being CC heavy.

There is a reason why most Mage players go Con heavy builds, its because they find int useless.

I know you will come up with things like Flame Ground does 30 hits so each int=30 damage but yeh, like physical classes don’t have multi hit abilities.

That will be all, please tell me if you don’t agree with me, I am open for discussions.

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Okay, so. You’re flat out wrong about the multipliers. Magic has elemental modifiers AND a +50% boost against ghosts.

Then on top of that as people have said: crit rate requires dividing your stats and is also off set by the ability to miss. And I’m not 100% sure about this because I’m a cleric, but I’m pretty sure magic has better multihit options (aka late game scaling) than STR.

Phys builds don’t constantly crit, that is the thing you’re not considering.
Those 2.5dmg more don’t do anything for the rest of the time when you don’t crit.

[quote=“eralp96, post:23, topic:230212”]
Going DPS or Burst mage path, usually wiz3ele3warlock, you will have
only one reliable CC which will be Sleep. I don’t see this class being
CC heavy.[/quote]
Not sure why you’re coming up with an example nobody is even talking about.
“We should add an additional cc chance to INT since burst mages barely benefit from it. Let’s just all ignore the fact that it will make cc mages absolutely broken”

[quote=“eralp96, post:23, topic:230212”]
There is a reason why most Mage players go Con heavy builds, its because they find int useless.[/quote]
those aren’t usually burst mages, those builds are either cc heavy for pvp (since cc is really powerfull by itself already), use meteor or other high base-dmg skills, or are build as support mages. And yes, INT doesn’t do much for most support-mages, but that doesn’t mean that it should.

I think I think INT is fine, but if they were to add something else to it, id like +0.25 magic amp per int. Nothing major, but it will still give a little boost. Maybe even 0.2 would be better.

Well there are armor modifiers but yea, Physical classes also have them strike/slash/pierce damage more effective against other types of armor types. I was talking about the reliable modifiers that you can carry with you against every enemy. Its not that you can change the element of your dps skills on elementalist. Even tho its called elementalist its pretty much Iceamentalist.

SO, let me show you:
All calculations will be done with lvl 280 rank 7 character that has 60 bonus stat point.
therefore we will have 339 stat points to allocate.

Physical Dex Focused Build:
100 points spent in STR and 239 points spent in DEX results in:
208 STR and 314 DEX
Lets assume that your enemy has 67 crit resist, which is common at high level maps, we wont take any crit modifier such as swift step attribute, etc.

You will have around %46 crit chance, 488 physical atk, 208 physical atk.
Average damage with a %100 attribute skill:
4880.54+4881.50.46+2080.46=695.92*2=1391,84 damage on average.

Moving to Mage:
The 200 CON PVE build. (20-22k hp)
158 points in CON, 181 points in INT;
Ends up with 379 INT.
659 magic atk.
659*2=1318 damage on average.

Now the Damages look very close, but physical classes have debuffs that can remove enemy defense and debuffs that can increase certain damage types giving them a lot more potential. On top of everything, Mage weapons give a lot lower magic atk compared to physical atk gained from weapons such as spears and swords.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that mages are weak, I’m just telling that they falloff lategame.