Tree of Savior Forum

Thaum question!

as a thaum3 that wants to use transpose, should i go full int or full con? also does the skill occupy the buff count?

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Transpose does use a buff slot. What is your purpose of using transpose?

  1. Full INT, but feel free to put a little into SPR as well if you feel the need for it. All Thau buffs scale off both INT and SPR. Having better SP regen can go a long way depending on what other classes you pick. CON in general isn’t really needed anymore thanks to the combat/stat changes, so you only need to use Transpose against tougher enemies or for healing.

  2. Yes, it occupies a buff slot.

I’d like to mention that even though Swell Left/Right Arm scales with both SPR and INT, Swell Brain scales only with SPR, so if you go all the way to Thaum C3 if you want to get the max benefits of the class you should’ve gone full SPR, unless you’ve other purposes for the class.


Int will still buff yourself more than spr (1int = 2 matk)
Swell brain also only used by Matk user (it scale the bonus matk not the int)

This is the formula for Swell brain:
60 + ([Skill Level] - 1) Ă— 10 + ([Skill Level]/3) Ă— ([Character SPR] Ă— 0.7)^0.9

A Thaum with 400 SPR would buff for: 353 matk
A Thaum with 0 SPR would buff for: 100 matk

That is in addition to the matk gained from Int.

I would say depend your build and content.
If you are offensive like pyro3thaum3enchanter1 or pyro2thaum3warlock2, you need the buff slot for enchant fire/lightning and invocation. and depend how much you rely on pardoner buff.

For support build, like wiz1pyro1linker3thaum3, full CON is better.

Full Con
Pros: When you transpose you doesnt lost HP, or when INT back to CON you recover fast. You have permanent animus effect whenever you enter map, if you doesnt swap it out later with transpose INT.
Cons: It taken a buff slot, and you need transpose 1st everytime you cast all buffs to utiliz the INT

hm… since there is no INT bonus per rank… I think you should not spend your points in transpose. It’s obsolete.
They are makeing you spend points that you dont need in SPR, so your buffs get some bonus from it, but as a thauma 3 myself I tell you: "dont take the bait"
Go full int and be happy with more points in swell body.

full int is better for link3thau3 support

becoz going 14 swell body is better than going pointless transpose

Swellbody is overrated, but if you aiming for farming support only, the +100% exp is meh compare to 500%+ where you stack everything, it have fail chance, cooldown, and random party will break your link very fast before you hangman’s knot. Shrink is much better but you dont need excessive lv14, 12 or 10 far enough.

And, I believe Link2Thaum2FF2 is much effective as solo farmer, link3thaum3 in party is excessive.

Transpose lv1 will be enough for 100% up time and do some tricks like hp fast regen with full con red pots (after combat system change, pot recover by hp%), but there is rebuff gap in each interval.

lv2 (70s) or 3 (80s) also to sync your swell left right arm buff time (right arm lv10 75s), if you full CON and rely transpose CON>INT

The reason to go high lvl transpose is only pvp/gvg when you need sustain in battle longer without luxury time to rebuff, or share stat longer in world boss support. but some world boss can break your spiritual chain

Anyway, i believe INT gears are easier to gear up (war mage & easy viena mace) compare to CON (you can’t wear Nyx!) and SPR (priest3chaplain, sorcerer/necro flooded everywhere) which is highly competitive in market.

I can say that Transpose is very niche skill but it is extremely useful in some situation. For example, my Pyro2Thaum3Warlock2 after I use INT to buff everything and I use Transpose lv1, then I can jump into full crowded mobs by drinking 2 type of red pots, the HP regen x2 make you quite invisible while my mastema is enough to clear them all at once with retain my high matk buff from INT state.

Well you can use transpose with the animus necklace to give a bunch of magic amp --> more self damage. Could be worth a single point.

True… but magic ampl is something we should not count on. The wave it gives to your total damage is to inconsistent. And every time you have to use transpose you lose your hp.

Honestly, I didn’t use that much, because i’m full INT thauma with lack of HP, and I prefer the Max Pentamion stats go into my buff.
But when I use it, It give a good amount of 700+ M.Amp, which equals to average 350 Matk.

I’m still using it sometime in Mission / Saalus boss to check the number or racing No1 with certain players, it actually pretty good. You can do it if you are in a strong cleric party.

And, Tranpose lv1 is not just for that trick, but fast HP recover trick as well. When you go from 1 battle to another battle, the interval is enough to fully recover your hp with transpose + red pots.

It seems to me like an odd choice to go Thaum 3 and not go SPR. If you’re not building to buff Wiz and Cleric nukers… Getting use out of transpose means FF2 which means thaum2… Otherwise it’s just a personal HP/regen buff.

As you go deeper into end game the stat choice is going to have less of a % impact on your personal damage. You can continue to stack SPR to help lessen the fall off of the buffs, full cloth HG315 etc. But the buffs will also begin to fall off when you’re buffing wizards with extreme matk.

dw guys it’s ok im full spr LMAO i just thought about putting into other stats, but i guess ill continue to put in sprrrrr

Hum why nobody speak about shrink body ?
I just want to speak about it because everyone seem to forgot or never pay attention to it since the balance

Shrink body + Swell left arm attribute = 220% damage dealt by anyone on shrink target (+120% FINAL bonus damage).
I mean… Unless you plan to make a farm build then it different.

Read the OP…nobody’s talking about shrink because the thread was asking a specific question that has nothing to do with it

Well, it depend on the build, the different for full SPR and full INT is only swell brain.
Since Swell Left Arm and Swell Right Arm give exactly same scaling.

But full INT will give you more flexibility on Transpose.
And, Thauma is not simply support class, it can be a Tanker or DPSer, that’s the fun of Thauma where you can swap your role conveniently by Transpose & changing equipment.

I Have a Question as well.
With Swell body, it increases Silver and Drop by double right?
I am getting the Double Silver, i just need clarification, but i am not sure how the drop works. I have thought it increases count of DPK by 2, but i notices i have been getting 2 items instead of 1. Does It just give you 2 items when an item drop, or does it increase count of DPK by 2 instead of 1? Also this is not in the Desc, does it double EXP gained? it seems to do so but the skill desc never fully explain skills so im not sure.

You don’t get double the DKP. It just causes two of the drop you would normally get to drop. Two applications of the silver. Two applications of the drops.

The XP is tricky. You see every zone has a modifier. Some of the zones have insane modifiers like +200% and greater. So the extra XP unless things have changed is never going to be double since it stacks additive. You can go all algebraic on a zone to calculate it. I remember playing with it years ago and being disappointed when I found out about how XP was being factored. Things may have changed? But I doubt it. I don’t recall ever seeing a patch that said improvements to swell body’s XP.

Other tidbits… is the duration of swell body can be refreshed without healing the mob (that was a change people tell me). Elites seem to be immune to swell body. And some zones seem to have very particular bugs with swell body that cause joint penalty to break. Unless you’ve applied the swell body before applying joint penalty. Not the HG that drops the 315 loot but the one before it had a few bugged mobs with that problem. I think it’s the first time I’ve noticed it.

Now I have a question has anyone experimented with shrink body’s bonus dmg. The 120% that’s now on left arm. I want to know if it applies to all abilities or if it just adds to a line to auto attacks only.