Tree of Savior Forum

Thanks for Nerfing Sorcerer/Necromancer

I’m finally done with this game they kept nerfing the class that nobody plays i’ve been a Sorcerer c2/Necro c2 since the start of the game i dont care if you wanna put timer on summons but to reduced the hp of summons is beyond unacceptable. Now with 600 spr my skel warriors dies faster than my summoned cat whytf would you nerf such skill its not even doing that much damage. and quit saying improved ai which never fking happens riding(skill) while fighting a boss when the boss summons fire bomb or traps my freaking summon will start attacking those fking traps.

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Its not nerf its called rebalancing.

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Another crazy man who does not play with Sorcerer or with Necro talking bullshit.

Ignore this nonsense. This nerf in the HP of the Sorcerer and Necro mobs was blatant and it only disrupted players who did not farm AFK.

AFK farm was already solved with the timer, had no need to decrease the HP of the mobs. And if it was to be very strong in PVP it was only to decrease the HP inside the TBL and not from the outside.

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im doing saalus quests etc with my necro and my skeletos hardly die ._. so dont know what are u guys doing ;v


So even if you bought lv.50 attributes for skel health, it still dies fast? I haven’t played a Necro3 in awhile.

Let’s talk seriously, with rationality, to put this attribute that increases the HP of skeletons at level 100, which would increase only 50% of HP’s skeletons, costs no less than 262KK (262 million silver).

It has to farm VERY MUCH to increase this attribute.

And, in the end, this attribute only affects melee skeletons, archers skeletons would continue to die easy.
And in fact, 50% more HP wouldn’t make the skeletons survive much longer. Instead of them dying in the second Boss AoE skill they would die in the third AoE skill.

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Oh, I didn’t know it got that expensive now. Before, getting to lv.50 was really cheap.

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First of all lvl 40-50 is 2-4kk, so stop your bs regarding “farm VERY MUCH”. You don’t need lvl100, and the cost is high for ANY lvl100 attribute so just don’t share misinformation.

Second, people here confirm (and also seeing the same from my guild-mates) that it is not as bad as you describe (of course skellies will eventually die if you want to still AFK farm and/or use skellies as tanks as before the changes,but that is not an intended playstyle for necro, that’s why the changes were made in the first place).

And last, l i personally am not super experienced in necro, but for sorcerer I can assure you the class is in a very good spot right now to say the least with both good damage and survivability.


I think your the one who is talking BS?
And I don’t have to be so pro Sorc/Necro like you to tell me that I have no idea.

I also have necro and sorc for your info.

Its hardly noticeable that they die fast.

If so that you been playing it why you can’t just play it well?

Nerf is not suitable for Sorc/Necro
Still there are tons of bots/ macroers doing FINE
With the said class. :slight_smile:


I’ve no idea what’s going on…
I made a necromancer recently and man they kind of rock. I run around with no armor and survive just fine in fields. I’m able to rank not 5 in bosses with a lv 170 weapon at lv 300. I spent so little and got so much that necromancer is great as far as I can tell.


Sorcerer the class that nobody play ? Necro ? No one to point out this nonsense first sentence ?

I mean I can agree that they did nerf necro summon hp and it’s noticeable but as others said it’s not that bad… (Besides I did notice better archers and AI and it totally makes up for it with easier corpse management.)

What I don’t understand at all is that why sorcerer is included in this? Like literally I saw no negative effect on my sorcerer playstyle. At least personally I tend to re-summon before summon expires to reset skill cd and I haven’t seen my summon die even once yet.

yep, skeletons archer and normal skeletons attack now a way faster than before so imo necros get bigger buff than nerf -.- but w8 we must whine more!


If you find something serious like a 330 World Boss, your Skeletons will be dead before you’re allowed to resummon them again, and with 10 corpse cost it ends up not being worth it to use the skill.

You’re fighting baby stuff like dungeon bosses, your Skeletons will die pretty fast but it’s possible to keep em alive long enough that you’re satisfied, but this class is pretty ■■■■. Sorcerer isn’t too bad even though it is nerfed and C2 and C3 were always pretty bad, but Necromancer is just horrible.

Regarding Sorcerer C2 being bad… you even ride? if no, you should and i think you’ll change your mind pretty quickly (assumed using attribute of course and having a decent card/weapon).

To be honest I wouldn’t world boss with a necro anyway.
It doesn’t need to, but, if you think it should, I’m sure you’ll find a way.


C1 sorcerer is by far the worst circle of sorcerer… I mean I know c3 skills sucks but even so c1 without riding is just awful and only works with necro builds.
When was sorcerer nerfed tho?

How? Its very easy to replenish corpses and in the case of simply bossing you can use the items sold by necromancer master and they’re pretty cheap, not to mention you could stock up hundreds of corpses before facing a boss which should last for a while before even needing to use items.

I use necros to farm mats, hg, and even dungeons for silver. They are consistant, compare to other classes with long CD skill with 1 hit burst, I find necros very powerful and consistant playstyle wise.

3 mins is a long time, not to mention u just need to walk pass a mob for the summons to kill mobs for you.

Also, my summons barely die. However, I do wish there is a conman which allow u to direct which target your summon should focus on.

Necros and sorc nerfed ? If anything they are stronger than before. If you want a one trick pony that can do every single content you are out luck.


I’ve seen naked Necro3s farming just fine in Jeromel, Kugheris, Tehvrin, and other high level maps. As what @fujiwari said, I think people should just stop wanting to make this class an all-in-one to the point that they can WB with it too.

Necro comes with non-summoning offensive skills too plus your lower rank picks, but if you took the pure summoning route (especially with full SPR investment) then you’re stuck with that playstyle and its limitations.