Tree of Savior Forum

Thanks for Nerfing Sorcerer/Necromancer


You’re welcome, we’ll see you again in a few months.

Pretty much the same cycle for almost every Nexon games :prince:

It makes sense why macro botters use necro in orange material maps if they die easily. Back when skeletons were hitting 1500 dmg … good old days.
AI has always been clunky , price to pay for cheap damage


It really shows that you do not have necro or have experience with the class and no basis to compare with the other wizard classes.

I have all wizard classes and I say with absolute certainty the necromancer class really sucks compared to the other wizard classes. Necromancer is Rank 6 Class !!!
Sorcerer 2 is a thousand times better than Necro 3!
And that’s even after the IMC did the craziness of lowering the HP of Summoning.
And that compared to Sorcerer, if it is to talk about Thauma 3 … nor has any comparison, my Thauma 3 increases ~ 3k Matk or 1k Def if I switch to shield.
If it compares with my RuneCaster I bounce Boss in seconds.
If comparing with Elementalist 3, much better than Necro …
Compare Warlock 2 looks like a joke.
With Feather Foot, no chance …

Now Necromancer is still weak, what they should do for Necro to be good was to leave the skeletons without HP, they had to be immortal until time runs out, or greatly increase the HP and the defense so that they had a survival at least , like Sorcerer’s Summon.
Not in PVP, only in PVE.

And please, this topic is about Nerf in the Sorcerer and Necromancer classes, if you do not have experience with these classes, do not come back to what you’ve heard from a third party, like a pirate parrot.
Talk about your experiences or stay quiet and listen to the experience of those who play with the Classes.

Are there no topics discussing the classes you play? Or is it lacking in what to do that makes you come here to meddle in subjects you have no experience?

I say again that the title of the topic is saying that the Sorcerer and Necro were nerfed.
Since I am agreeing with the author of the topic, I do not know what you are saying that I am speaking against everyone or that everyone is saying the opposite of what I say.

From the outset I am agreeing with the author of the topic, and in all my posts I explained the reasons why I agree with him. For data and my experience.
I play a long time with Sorcerer and Necro, my first character to reach level 280, before there was Rank 8 it was my Necro and it was also him who got my 1st pract …
When I say that Necro was nerfed it’s because I know how he was and how he is now, and he’s already been worse, but he’s still below what should be to be a good class compared to Rank 6 or similar.

And this HP nerf was a big change for Bosses.

Although Sorcerer C1 is worst circle, but i found my Linker2Chrono3Sorc1 with little geared full SPR (+11 T0 Windia Rod with some HG170 SPR gear) a faster orange mats farmer than my average geared SR3.

This is interesting. Mind sharing what you used as summon?

I want to try make a chrono 3 too but without cyro

I’m using templeshooter, once you joint them, summon 2-3 hits will clear them.

Videogames have a design. The design is liked by some and hated by others. The others ask for changes in their favor. Developer then “rebalance” to make everyone happy, but some lost in the changes, so it’s the same. Now you just as a developer made a game that wasn’t planned that way to make people happy but it is worst than before.

A developer shouldn’t listen to people because people don’t ask for what is good but what they just want in their favor. When you have a character that doesn’t work in the way you want, you just make another one. But things that worked and people expend time on shouldn’t be nerfed so others are happy with that, it’s stupid.

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Me too cry3 sorc2 chrono3