Tree of Savior Forum

Temporary Maintenance: April 12, 2024

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘Temporary Maintenance: April 12, 2024’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff

What a fuss for a problem you created…

We would like to announce that we’ve completed the recovery of goods that were created due to an error in the content invitation system during today’s temporary maintenance.

Great. And what about the goods generated by the hundreds of bot accounts that were created to milk this event? They will be funneled to the main account without any restriction, while the poor sob that did a few CM and earn a few extra shards will lose them… absurd…

Meanwhile: people using mouse mode still cannt play AA/single target skills because the target bug isn’t fixed after almost two months…

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