Tree of Savior Forum

[Temporary Fix] Add AFK kicker to reduce queue time

Most people will just afk in game to avoid queue time. Adding a time based auto kick frees up the server a bit and rotates with people who are waiting.


Bumping this.


This is an idea that will dramatically help with Queue Times. Players, including me, will have to AFK all day to avoid the queue.

It really helps with server traffic to auto-boot AFK players.

Thanks for your feedback. :slight_smile:
We’re currently looking at more options to reduce queue times, including new servers, and will make an announcement when a decision is made.


Sorry but me and my friends do not agree with that. The best games I ever played didn’t need this system. Sometimes you just want to go in the kitchen, take a shower or take a call and whenever return has to go into a queue of 200 players?! This isn’t fair…

Sometimes you go on shopping center and want to stay online to receive messages from some friends and when return, speak to the guild or read what they talked in chat channel.

Please, don’t do this. In the end, like any games, this kind of choice end up causing players to create macros to not leave the character AFK through outsourced programs.

Removing players afk doesn’t solve the problem of queue list, believe me. Players always find solutions for these changes made ​​by developers.

Believe you why?

WoW has this system, and that is literally the most successful MMO ever.

And you see people macroing in wow all the time?

It won’t solve the queue problem, I believe every wow expansion has had like 10k queues on the popular servers.

The people who want to avoid queues will just macro or tape their keyboard if it is implemented; it won’t solve anything.

Remiri, I play wow and I know that they have it there.

But, you know man, blizzard has a system that works and finds open programs working along with their games. People continue all day being banned in diablo 3 for example. But here, we have no security at the time and right now I’m in a channel with 2 players and it’s obvious for me that they are bots…

We need more security. The game is currently being targeted by third-party programs. Players who are AFK in the city are people who really play this game. Those players running 24 hours, killing the same monsters over and over, that has to be removed.

We should think about it. We have people in steam with 700 hours of game play. Only a machine can play this all the time, for days or hours without stop!

You understand why I am saying this? I’m not complain your post is simply because we are focusing on the wrong players here.

If you stop one minute and look to the top of your screen you will see a lot of advertising third party sites selling gold less than a week of launch.You think these sales are made by players who are AFK for 2 hours or players who leave the character 24 hours playing alone/automatic?

My question for add an AFK kicker: Is it worth kick a player who will return in about 2-4 hours to play without any cheat and replace him with another player that maybe will open a program that will let him play 24 hours straight without logout to make gold for sell in shout channel?

Is it fair?

Do we really prefer players cheating than truly active players? Even if these active players are AFK in the city?

The answer of my friends and mine is: No!

I get your point, I just prefer a multi-faceted approach to a problem.

Removing AFK players should be a standard of any MMO, not to deal with bots, but to remove AFK players who are attempting to bypass a queue.

You’re right. But if a player has the right to be online with a bot leveling up and making money for him without even being in front of the PC, so I have the right to be AFK in the city. What is the difference? I’ll be online playing properly and those kind of players will be online at the risk of being banned.

There are no excuse to kick a player AFK. He has the same right as you to be online.

If you want kick players AFK you should also kick players online who are questing/hunting for 12 hours or more… we can’t play for many hours a day without rest.

In the end, the truth is that we need a better server and a server security that really works. Better server so that everyone can be online at the same time. And server security so we don’t have players using programs that screw up the game economy or create instability to the server like these lags that we have today.

An AFK player is literally like having a backpack take up a seat on a train while you’re not boarding it because you’re gonna catch the next train.
Then have the Toll booth operator tell a person “Sorry, the seats are filled, you cannot get on right now.”

So if you wanna talk about rights, a person has the right to AFK but others have the right to actually get onto the server to play.

So the RIGHT thing to do is like players take turns playing the same game they both have equal rights too especially if they’re not playing.

Guys, I’m now in a queue of 130 players (klaipeda server), the problem of this game at the moment are not servers full of players AFK. The problem is a person buying 5 early access accounts and botting hours and hours per day, the instability of servers and silver sales messages in chats prove it…

Do you really prefer take turns with a player AFK than a player that is ruining your server and cheating?

In this early access we have an average of 20 thousand players online. If servers can’t keep running with this amount of players, how about we imagine in a month when the game will be free access?

Sorry, but this isn’t the solution for our problems.

KingSponge, your ideia will really works if the toll booth operator knew each person who is sitting without paying (cheating) so he could ask them to get out. And we would have more seats, because you know that in this situation there are more people without paying the pass (cheating) than backpacks tanking up a seat on this train.