Tree of Savior Forum

Good fn game imc!

terrible terrible first impression…

I recommended this game to 3 friends and they all complained about something while we were playing during a skype call. They are all on the verge of requesting a refund and there’s nothing I can do to convince to stay because lets face it - the server is ■■■■!!! you delay and delay the release again. While you promised you would prevent any server stability issues, this is what we got?!?! a server that lags so bad that we can’t even accept and turn in quests?

I had high hope for this game, but seeing how IMC manages their game, I can’t recommend this game to anyone despite its interesting game mechanic. gg rip tos

lol its normal, they will fix in some days, its been like this in all betas before
if u want to go, well, go =)

And if a large portion of the population leaves? That’s when the mmo dies…

Your sentiment is true, most mmo launches are terrible… but that kind of attitude of driving away other players isn’t good for the health of any mmo.


Yeah just try again tomorrow. If not tomorrow try again the day after. What did you lose 10$? Thats why i only bought the 10$ pack cause i knew there would be problems like this. And if they fix these issues before the packs go on sale then ill buy the most expensive one when its on sale. =D

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bro, most ppl here alredy been to it in the last 2 betas, u really think someone will leave cus the first days of an MMO LAUNCH are laggy?

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Wanting to quit and get a refund after a day makes me question if your friends really wanted to play the game in the first place. If they actually wanted to play the game, they wouldn’t give up so easily

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Lol. Idiot. First time in a mmo launch? Please quit and gtfo. Dont need noobs like you and your friends.

If you’re quitting over a small hiccup in the servers on the first day the game is released (in early access of course) then I guess you really didn’t want to play the game that much to begin with.


Sorry but calling this a ‘small hiccup’ was just too funny. The game is virtually unplayable for over 50% of players on the first day, with no evidence tomorrow will be any different.

we paid 50 dollars for a non functional game. and you think that is completely acceptable? especially after much delay

Nah you paid $50 for early access before the f2p players. I paid $10. Lag is always an issue in every SINGLE mmo release because if you put out too many servers, which cost money, you will split the player base too much.

Well some MMO’s on release get shut down completely for multiple emergency maintenances o.o

I’m honestly surprised the game is still up at this point since people can’t accept quests.
Only problem I have so far is mob spawn rates are so bad, I can’t even suck it up and grind it out LOL

I would much prefer an emergency shut down. Then at least you know they’re doing something. Today, IMC has just watched and said ‘yeah if you’re on KP, your problem could be due to lag.’’

Nah, they working in the background atm.

servers didnt crash once, its better than CBT xD but i hope they can fix the lag tomorrow, cus i really want to play and kill all of u guys in pvp later =)