Tree of Savior Forum

[Telsiai] Rhythm Mortis -- Grandt bows down

Beautiful! Will PM you soon! please hit me up when you downloaded discord. Thanks sir! @twofaceee141

Sex&Age: male/25
Characters and Levels:

Lvl 279 (85%) Wiz>Cryo3>Sorc1>Necro3 (Party)
Lvl 248 Wiz>Cryo1>Kino2>Sorc1>Necro2 (One on One)

PvE or PvP-oriented?: Built this for GvG and PvP. Works well on PvE with my Cryo3

Play-time (rough estimates will do): 10am-6pm (will be on and off depending on the urgency of my work). ehe he he

What can you do for the guild?: GvG ready. Currently, I would love to get into ET party and Dullah/WB for cards since I’m lacking in DPS. Any end game content works fine for me too.

hey @darkness2!! Could you Pm me once you get the discord app? :slight_smile: add me there, docshrimpy#7222, so that I can start the interview asap. we will also be having an event later, around 9am server time. would be nice if you could come. we’ve been hunting cerb diligently these past few days!

Oath: I solemnly swear to cooperate with every member of the guild to
reach the guild’s endeavors, to attend every guild event when able, and
to socialize with everyone inside the guild.

IGN: Scram
Sex&Age: M/25
Characters and Levels:

  • Cleric1Krivis2Saddhu2Druid2 Lv280 [First character/ PVE/ Solo-play/ Bossing/ Uhmm… Adv. Journal Rank 34? Lol]

  • Archer2Ranger1Rogue1Scout3 Lv280 [Farmer/ Materials Hunter]

  • Wiz2Kino3Necro2 Lv268 (Can 280 if I want to) [PvP / GvG / AFK Farmer]

  • Archer2Ranger3SR1 Lv179 [ET]

PvE or PvP-oriented?: Either. I have characters for them.
Play-time (rough estimates will do): 8PM - 4AM
What can you do for the guild?: Free Dina Bee Exp (Necro), Reliable in Bossing (Druid), Add Rainbows to your Lives

bumping this thread just because hue. :))

Hello @hermesjamesriconalla! Thank you for sending in your application. Sorry for the very delayed response. I was busy with school work. Please send me an invite in discord and PM me when you’re online. Thank you!


Bump! XD /what20characters?

bump! keeping this post alive. XD

Oath: I solemnly swear to cooperate with every member of the guild to reach the guild’s endeavors, to attend every guild event when able, and to socialize with everyone inside the guild.

IGN: Waba
Sex&Age: 25/m
Characters and Levels: wiz3>ele3>warlock lvl 270. plenty of alts currently at team lvl 45 XD
PvE or PvP-oriented?: PvE
Play-time (rough estimates will do): 6am-12pm mostly and during free time :smiley:
What can you do for the guild?: Farming grinding WB hunt pretty much anything PvE oriented need a party mate im almost always on! ~

Hahahahaha I wasn’t able to reply to this post, nevertheless, welcome to the fambam :smiley:

FROM ASHES I RISE, wtf laifu has been a harsh waifu. Recruiting! More slots open!!

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Oath: I solemnly swear to cooperate with every member of the guild to reach the guild’s endeavors, to attend every guild event when able, and to socialize with everyone inside the guild.

IGN: Keyre
Sex&Age: 25/f
Characters and Levels:
Lvl 250+ C2>Kriv1>Priest3>PD - Buff monster
Lvl 200+ C2>Kriv2>Bokor2 (going PD) - Hybrid dps
PvE or PvP-oriented?: PVE and PVP (Middle?)
Play-time (rough estimates will do): GMT+8: 7PM onwards (night time because worky); Weekends as well because weekends!
What can you do for the guild?: Support and help out those who need thy healing powers.

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PM me when you’re online in Discord! Thanks for the app form!


those are nice bumps XD we have 2 slots guys!

I come to say hi :slight_smile: (FrostxE)

Froooooost, you coming back to us? heehee

Bumping the thread :smiley:

UP you go :smiley: come join us :stuck_out_tongue:

Bumping up! 6 slots opened up! Need supports, join us now :3