Tree of Savior Forum

[Telsiai] Rhythm Mortis -- Grandt bows down

Hello Mr Grandt,

I haven’t used discord before…is there another way to communicate? but I’ll try to download the app and try it out.

I’ll add pm you in-game


IGN: DeathSLayer
Sex&Age: M, 28
Characters and Levels: cl2diev3mikopd-lvl 224
How social am I?: somewhere in between, not too shy, not too noisy
Play-time (rough estimates will do): server time from 6am- 10am
What can you do for the guild?: try and know everyone at least
participate in guild events
try not to bring shame(hopefully) to the guild
*never joined a guild before hand

yes sir I would like you to download the discord for me since it’s a guild requirement to have an account and being active there :1234:

hello @pumpkin_tomb89 add me on discord! thanks for your application :slight_smile:

Dear Admiral,

sorry for the late reply. added in discord.
if i am not replying, means i m working/sleeping XD.

hey hey no sweat. I already added you on discord, we shall talk tomorrow. :slight_smile:

IGN: EldritchTear
Sex&Age: M 22
Characters and Levels: 223 dragoon, 125 wugushi c2, 82 cryo c3
How social am I?: i like asking questions and giving opinions
Play-time (rough estimates will do): 7am to 2pm in game time
What can you do for the guild?: i can help with boss hunts and gvg, I haven’t tried the pvp yet so that’s a maybe there. will also help if farming is needed

Hello sir, we are full as of now, I will notify you when a slot opens up! Thank you for expressing your interest in our guild. :slight_smile:

sorry been really sick for the past 2 days, just sent requests to u on discord and in game


I added you in discord…I might not be able to reply on daylight since I have work. Philippine time. I online every 7pm onwards…I don’t sleep as long as someone needs me :slight_smile:

fake ryu, you vampire?

Wew! Hi Uncle :stuck_out_tongue:

Update: We need aussies who can play early morning, aussie time. Thanks :))

And with this post Why Grandt Quit, I drop my mic, take a bow, and leave. It has been a good run folks. To the old alumni of RM who wants to join our discord, just for social purposes, add me Hamham#7222.

Ciao. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I miss the guild tower.

Uwah. ;w;) Just when I started on playing again.

Add me on discord hahaha, I stopped playing this game but the server still lives

IGN : Minoria
Age: 23 F spanish
Char lvl - Fencer 330 and a few more
How soacial am I - I left Eminence for this. You are nicer and doesnt enslave people for talt
Play Time- Night SEA time.
What can you do for the guild - We miss you :(((

GET BACK TO YOUR CAVE SLAVE OMG you are not allowed to leave once you’ve joined in :angry:


Girls, girls, there is enough of Grandt-sama for everyone @SkyKirisame @ToiletMaster

Lmao, Papi Grandt still popular as ever. I think we’re still friends on discord. HamHam was it? :v So what’s le discord server?

Oath: I solemnly swear to cooperate with every member of the guild to reach the guild’s endeavors, to attend every guild event when able, and to socialize with everyone inside the guild.

IGN: SilverThorn
Sex&Age: 22 Grilled Cheese
Characters and Levels: Shinobi 273, Bokor 116, Sapper 62
How social am I?: Well, I want to know which topics you guys don’t want to discuss about. I gotta know what boundaries I cant cross cuz I still value my life.
Play-time (rough estimates will do ) 3- 5hrs a day. GMT + 8 12nn -5pm or 8pm - 12mn
What can you do for the guild?: Talts, Doujinshi stuff, dankest memes I can find from kancolle and FGO etc.