Tree of Savior Forum

TeamSpeak for the NA community?

Sup guys, lurking around i found a few TS servers for ToS but all of them are down now.

Any plans on opening a TS server for the community???

Discord is the new free thing these days, so a lot of communities are using that.

The largest unofficial discord for the community is run by, here’s a link to more info:

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Yeah i saw that, havent tried it.

For a long time i used RaidCall, which is free. All the time ppl told me to switch to TS that it was much better, i thought they were exagerating… i was rong. After trying TS i noticed the diference in quality. But i guess i ll have to try discord and see.

Yeah raid call is pretty bad, Team Speak is amazing and I personally use it for my guild and probably won’t change for a very long time.

But discords quality isn’t bad, and it’s free. Most of the communities that do use Discord, use it for text chat regardless. But it’s free and it’s cross platform, so people like it.

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I also would like teamspeak. I have the app on my phone too

Well, Teamspeak in general is not free unless someone is willing to share his own server with community. Choosing between Discord and RaidCall, which are free, Discord looks way better. And, as you mentioned earlier, ToSbase Discord seems to be the biggest atm. We should all group up there an get to know each other.

TeamSpeak? RaidCall? What Stone Age do you live in?

All the cool kids use Mumble. :grin: Which is…also free.

Since when mumble let you create your own server for free? O.o

They don’t, though there are a lot of free mumble servers. I think you can get 5 or 10 slots for free but I’m not sure.

Personally I found mumble to be pretty bad, the quality is better than most, but the interface is pretty bad, I had mumble for quite awhile, made the switch to TS3, and never looked back.

But to each their own.

What are you talking about? Mumble has always been free. Both Murmur, the server, and the client portions. The only limitations to your server are your own bandwidth constraints, and your ability to actually edit an options file. <_< Which few seem to actually be able to do.

Also, it’s Teamspeak that has the limits. The free version has a 32 slot limit. Unless I am missing some fine print…

@Hellkrasher I could set you up on my Mumble server, come OBT, if you’re ever that desperate.

I dont like mumble tried it before.

I just tried discord and i must say im loving it, in fact, i have lower ping with it than with ts3 :slight_smile:

Oh your correct.

Team Speak is also limited, unless your a non-profit organization/guild.

Then its 512 slots for free, that you can host.