Tree of Savior Forum

Team Storage for Premiun Costumes and Hairstyles

The costumes and haistyles are really expensive for an online game, even the hairstyles of this game cost more than the hairstyle of the real life, its ok i love this game and i love the costumes i don’t have any problem with that… BUT… the problem is i can’t use my costumes and hairstyles with another character why ? even if i paid a virtual item with real life money i can’t use it with my characters, and these items are not cheap… oh no … they really cost an eye of the face… but don’t be like that IMC at least let use our costumes and hairstyles with our different characters let us team storage our items, don’t be a penny picher

so are you happy buying every costume for your alts ?

okay then

I kinda get what OP is saying. The premium hairs are more expensive than the costumes, which is the first time I’ve seen that in a game. 178 TP for a hair thats both untradeable AND unenhanceable?

But you gotta understand that sharing the cosmetics between accounts potentially reduces their revenue by a lot since you’ll just trade your stuff over from main rather than buy it again. I think the solution isnt to make it tradeable, but to lower the prices so that more people can bear with shelling out more cash for a hairstyle.

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Already suggested and IMC already noted… In kToS, they are preparing to make cosmetics to account bound…no news on our side.


This was recently added to the Korean version. I am positive that we will receive this necessary change very soon.

Your voice is heard.

So glad this is on the way. I have a useless rerolled char with a ton of premium crap. x’3 There’s some pain there.

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