Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX


Swordsmen has +30% more dmg obtain from STR compare to other classes, other classes doesn’t get it. And do I need to mention 80% str bonus from rankings for 8 ranks?

lol i mean…trying to add DEX like an archer…with the arguement of DODGE and ACCURACY…laughable, ella card x7 gives way enough DEX for crits and srsly, never missed in PVM =))

And pvp argument is invalid, Doppel 3 is PVM classes.

ella card x7 = 70 dex true
marnox card x7 = 70 str also,

don’t worry i’ll try to provide you with vids showing how 10k / spin cyclone stands in front of mirtis. true it is outscaled by your 20kish damage, but the fact that i can manage to fully stack all those 10kish damage in full duration outscales your High damage. but you ran away instead of dealing it.

simple enough. you suck looking at the reality.

edit: until then, feel free to boast all your senseless videos and bragging achievements.


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Obviously not but we have gears, green gems and more stuffs for that matter. In reality, a high evasion build can deal properly sustained DPS without much problem while high Str builds will have to be extra careful.

Buffs and patches is going to scale more in favor of Dex than Str whether you pro-Str guys accept it or not

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So it will be like:
Fck STR, Who need 1500 more damage from 999 STR when your skill can 40k Damage anyway.
Fck DEX, Who need Crit when you got cap at 99.999 damage and your base damage is 80k anyway.
CON all the way. When boss hit you, just: “Meh”

I believe you all still have your stat reset potion from the last event. And no, we are discussing about stat distribution, not builds.

Wizards are and have always been the major DPS in games. Your sarcasm lacks punch, try to do better next time

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ur a laughing joke in my guild discord ehem now due to what u wrote, i dun think u know what ur talking about lol…

getting DEX from ella worth more than getting STR cards, because Swords gets so much bonus from STR in rank up and etc.

Swordsmen str vs dex, is not even an argurment there lol…
str will get 80% more from rank 8 total (each rank gives 10% more
and swordsmen is special, they get 30% more physical attack in putting str

Save urself stop embarassing and spreading toxic info around

2nd thing is doing 50% less dmg and trying to compete for DPS…why dun just ask for heals, lma, u staying infront of mirtis with Cyclone in CD wont make u deal more dmg than me running, facts right here, get it in yr tiny head.

Never trust this guy words. He is trying to make everyone to reroll. Siding with str because he want more people build str so he could kill in Team battle league. Hehe

I’ll be waiting for that vid of yours and of course as you say that you would outscale aki’s damage because he runs while you stand still should make you get 1-2 rank dps like his or should be 1 of course also if i may request i’d like you to have the same party setup as his so the battle between your builds would be relevant… So up to this point im still siding with str.

If you guys watched that video of proxied that’s not a valid comparison to aki’s for that vid only has like 2 parties trying to kill the boss the dps ranking will then not matter its like doing wb for an easy cube and as you guys see he as a dex build also gets knockedback sometimes so the 100% uptime claim is invalid

Anyways I don’t want to join this debate but just to be clear im with str on this one and i do not care whatever you dex guys would say because i am hybrid built because shinobis require you to have dex for bunshins to be able to take some hits but im really interested on how you guys would prove yourselves here especially @Palazzo and @elzeraus i would like to see your own vids of wb and show us that your claims are not just talk,theorycraft and all you guys treat aki like his achievements are easily done which is really offensive for him i know his head’s kinda big but lets just leave him for what he believes in the end we all have different beliefs, dont get me wrong im not saying you can’t do it but “seeing is believing” that’s all.


That’s why I like noobz.

Looking at the allmighty str buffed Dopp of @akisera can whoop out some ass for some cubes while being cradled by his friends.
Long story short.
STR build DPS=Burst damage
DEX build DPS=Sustained damage

DEX= for those w/o friends
STR= only suggested for those with friends

Magic is still OP and curbstomps both builds.

Agree with what? I think you guys need to learn to read what I said:

No, I did not say Dex > Str in dps with the nerf. I don’t know why you guys automatically think that one simple statement means anything beyond pointing out a new fact.

You guys can go on jerking off about how much better str is than dex. :sweat_smile:

also this.

this is why i resent all you’re theories dex peeps, because all of dex supporters here use 100% crit rate like all you’re hits will definitely be a crit that cannot be accounted for in all scenarios which is why im asking you people to back up your claims with you’re own vids

im pretty sure anyone won’t win a case in the court without valid evidences / proofs to show that the suspect is guilty with just theories right? … well unless the judge was payed to fvck with his job then idk,.

how many threads r there on this debate? o.o

personally i would just pump spirit to be different from everyone else if i ever made a swordie. who knows…one day there might be a skill that does damage based on max mana.

try int for finestra.

i made a full SPR archer in beta =)
it did work for some time, but dmg start to fall of when u hit high level =/

In case you forgot, Dex does provide evasion too. That’s why people say Dex is meant for sustained DPS. Fencers have been doing this for quite a long time. Mind you only till Fencer C3 that Dex will actually improve Fencers, not before that

STR: raw damage.
DEX: hit, dodge, some chance to hit a bit harder.

Do you guys compare INT vs SPR as well? I just see apple vs oranges in this kind of thread…