Tree of Savior Forum

TBL Search abuse, and rank maintain

Hello dear IMC, i’m here, just to report a glitch abuse from some players, without saying names :smiley: !!!

When you try to find a match in TBL, some players just “leave the game” during the load screen, just to search togheter and make the “perfect team”, to maintain the score. that’s really ridiculous, cause if you stay in the match, you loose rank, but the player who quited, don’t lose anything… another way to abuse and win/stay in top 10~~ :wink:

Possible solutions:

  • Lose a great amount of points if leave during the search or quit the match,
  • Search match ban during TBL times.

Kind regards, and have a nice week! :wink:

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @GM_Francis