Tree of Savior Forum

Talked to my Bank. They are more then happy to do a Charge back

Know what?
I think the point has been made. With over 1000 views, people know that they have options they weren’t originally aware of.
That the situation was bad enough that I felt this extreme measure was justified for my case.

I’m going to ask a mod to lock this and let it die. The information will still be there case anyone still needs it.

Nighty Night folks.

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Wow sounds like a good legit exploit. Let’s all charge back our DLC money guys! We will still retain everything anyway.

Source : OP.

good luck with the charge back from your bank. Steam will prolly ban your whole account.

You should place this information in the first post.

Good bye cause you might be banned from your current ToS account :frowning: And if steam is the one losing in here, why wouldnt they ban your account too? Every game ive played has banned those accounts that charge the money back! Why not steam too as they would be losing money unless IMC gives them the money! (Most likely).

@Masamune I would love this too but as we can see he did lie to the banker instead. xD Or well, he didnt read what imc said and then went “OMG I DIDNT GET WHAT I PAID FOR, EVEN THO I WASNT EVEN SUPPOSED TO GET IT”.

“Yes mr banker I didnt read what I was buying and when I noticed I didnt get the service I wasnt supposed to get I got mad. Now I just want my 20 dollars back cuz boohoo and I want my steam account banned.”

OP please explain how would this be an issue? The transfers are working as they told us in the beginning.

Also the a BR server is coming up and thats about it. Was never promised anyways I think.

You chose your server and then what? Well too bad if you dont like your server. And unlucky for the DLC you popped there. :confused: (They will probably be selling transfers later on if you can wait but you already charged your money back.)

It isn’t working any different in germany. You can get your money back via charge-back just the same there is just not unlimited time for it.

IIRC it was 90 days.

How is it unfair to them? They are getting their own server when level up is ready to put it up. If they choose to play on international instead of their regional server then they have no right to complain about the ping. They actively made that choice.

I almost feel dumb answering back when you are already off the game by now, but hey i like to voice my opinion in relation to your experience.

First i been playing Orsha since day, at the start i did not even know the SA unofficial thing until i had a used my founders pack.

Secondly i had zero problems with BR players, actually talked to one of them through 1 word google translates cuz we were doing a quest together. That they chased me around for 1 hour sounds improbable.

Third this i quit because of no transfer is extreme, you could of just re-rolled on Klap and shed 60 dollars down the road to get the 600 TP if you wanted them so bad.

Sorry you had a bad experience but Orsha is fine with all the foreign players on it. As far as i heard most SA player are getting 150-300 ping so considering how they dont seem to like the partner in charge of the ToS local server, they are here to stay.

doesn’t ban? suuuure… and i’m sure all those Boleto exploiters didn’t get banned either.

“limited activity”… and is “blocking your ability to log in” one of those activities that are limited?
“until Steam support gets told what’s going on”… yea, of course. i mean the Terms and Conditions, they’re only for show right?

it makes me feel like you are misunderstanding (possibly deliberately) the information that was given to you.

if Steam -did- allow this without any penalty, it would be an open invitation for anyone to buy whatever they felt like, play it as long as they wanted (or until their banks’ charge-back policy is almost up) and then simply have it charged back. Basically, Steam would be saying that something like the Boleto scam was totally fine by them… and somehow i can’t actually imagine that being the case.

chargeback? enjoy your restricted steam account

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Thats not entirely true tho. I’ve stood up for BRs only to be accused of being racist towards them by some random guy on shout. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s definately a lot of BR hate against other people going on. (not all BR, but the ones that do are very loud about it)

Both sides ‘‘humor’’ or insults are kind of appalling. Well whatever, I know ill be glad to be gone from Orsha (even despite the BR on my friendslist, and some of the more enjoyable randoms on shout).

Orsha is definately not ‘‘fine’’. If it was just the ping I would of probably never transfered; I prefer more international servers.

We shall see how that goes after the transfers away from Orsha happen. They may yet get their BR tagged server.

Steam Support called; they waited 3 hours to get ahold of me, too.

Long story short: They had a follow-up question.

You know, regarding the phone conversation that never took place.

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Actually i have a pretty good idea, as i posed the question to the community already:

Im not refuting your opinion, but in mine it is. All those problems people have outed on the forum i never had, so why should i advocate for something i have not experienced when my experiences point the other way. As far as I know there is very few rotten apples on Orsha.

the BR aren’t leaving Orsha any time soon, if ever.

the Brazil server doesn’t open for a while (i’ve heard maybe as long as december, lol good luck…)

the BR server will be run by Level Up Games, and because it involves a different company, there will not be any server transfers.
by that point, anyone from south america still playing on Orsha will be well settled into their playing on that server, high ping and all.
they aren’t likely to just toss it all away to start on a marginally better server.

Unless they get region locked like every other country with an independent publisher, because it is part of the contract with that publisher to make sure people use their servers. Then they’ll have no choice. Well, they will have one choice, not playing at all.

for the old BR server news, it was specifically stated that it would not be region locked.

but there’s all-new news, and it tosses all the old news out the window.

IMC will be opening a SA server themselves.

and there will be server transfers.


If you searched a bit on the forums.
You would have solved most of these problems xD…

you clearly had the time to waste to post this on the forums after the bad time you had in the game. personally i’d just refund my dlc and leave. also they just announced SA servers for your people.

lmao exacty my thoughts