Tree of Savior Forum

(BUG FIXED) Symbol of wealth? in Gacha box?

but you can exchange it >.>

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If IMC was reasonable (which they aren’t) then OP’s point would be well worth looking into. Except they’re not and that’s that I guess.

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they just wanna ban all alche

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i like this, nice way to get rid of all the stacked talts and goldbars. It’s old fashion in exchange shop ppls who wanted them badly already got em with their wallet (:

i would say refrain from abusing this unless all alchs want to get banned

Sad life, you’re right!

I won’t do it though, don’t really need it.

I exchanged 4 times crafted Symbol of Wealth
30 medals * 4

Are you guys telling me this is not intended?

If I was the guy that works in IMC, that decided to add Symbol of Wealth to the gacha box, The same ID and same item, I should have predicted it can be traded to medals.

If this is not intended, this guy somehow manipulated us to doing this,
Either, this guy obviously not plays the game or wants alches to get banned or both.


btw ppl need talt for lvl 14 guild for practo; it’s feels like war for talt between alche and guilds

I’m just going to assume this is intended. The talt is a fixed in-game currency as is gold bars. They have to have been fully aware.

and just think about the work alchemist have to do to convert all these talts D:

Well played by IMC. Setup this trap to ban all the old players and force them to make a new account and participate in the First-Time Player Event.

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omg u got all their plans :scream:

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just have to post this xD

Ban to all Alches Cheaters ;v

Personally, I hope that this sticks around because it’ll standardize the silver-to-medal value ratio. IMC probably won’t allow it to last because it enables access to the medal shop without anyone paying real money for the goods.

Do this at your own risk. When the Seed Event bug exploit happened, there was no punishment. When the Mystical Cube exploit happened, people got temp bans. Who knows what’ll happen here.

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Ok simple math time. Lets look at an example of someone making 5x Symbols of Wealth.

Every symbol needs 6 bars which is 60 talt.
So 60x5=300 talt for 5 hats.

Each hat is worth 30 medals so 5x30=150 medals.

300 talt vendored is 1.5m.

So around 300 medals is 3m worth of talt.

Because of this event talt in market is already 9k.

So unless you saved up a few thousand talt you’re not walking out with too much victory. But basically during this event you can get an outfit for around 3m silver from the store if you can convert all your own farmed talt.

Basically if you don’t care for the stat reset potion for close to 9m worth of talt or so, this isn’t a big deal. Unless you really want an outfit I doubt this matters. Less population means less talt in marketplace but if you’re new, list your talt in the market. I’m sure high level people will buy all of it now for 8k to 10k prices easily. That and gold bars for 100k ofc.

Most of my Talts and Bars are actually held in [cold storage] by merchants. :stuck_out_tongue: Just sharin’, I ain’t touching this possibly ban-able option just to get Medals.

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You’re foregetting that Gold Bars are a reward from the level 50 Shadowgaler cube, which contains very few items and tends to drop Gold Bars fairly easy and with a low reroll cost.

You know that IMC disabled buyback because of an exploit, right? You can’t get those bars and talt back.

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