Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsmen! > A discussion from your humble jack of trades side support healer!

Swordsmen this is at you. So normally I run the dungeons daily no problems everyone has fun and my healing has always sufficed no resting or breaks full runs always then i solo the boss and res everyone at the end. AND everyones happy.

Today I had two full as gods @sscrack of themselves melee’s in group with +0 garbage weapons and complete trash not even blue tier gear with below minimum requirement health and god only knows where it went because i wasnt in dps either, Come at me about my ability to heal them and buff them.

(Yes, these kids refuse to buy sacriment in town for 1k an hr and dont use forge durability buff either)

Thinking by now everyone would know to grab buffs before raiding but just in case I also carry top level sacriment & buffs and cast them every 30seconds when off cd.

So I buff everyone (costing money each time every 30seconds or so) And then in the lv 50 easiest instanced dungeon Im complained to about my +50holy damage buffs. yes max level buffs weren’t enough. So I went and destroyed a group of mobs to try to show these kids I was over half the total dps in the group. >wasn’t enough. So I show a +15 purple tier weapon and tell him of his +0 that had about 1/5th my weapons dps. >not enough yet. So I strip down. Having only my head deco’s on at this point and show him my bare hands are doing MORE dps then him. >he shuts up.

We get to the boss and I let the group wipe. except the two that stayed quite. The melees died almost instantly and other two group members ran and watched at a distance while I solo’d the boss in two minutes.

The melees then change attitude and go to say oh how there were no problems and how great the run was___________________________________

The point is if I am out dmging you with my fists while you’re using a weapon. Stop b*tching.

so humble

Glad you agree.

Annnd this post must be 20 characters long.

I am not going to read all because i know how the whole thing have gone for you lol, i do understand where you are coming from since not only on ToS i had this problem, but at other MMOs.

This type of scrubs is what cause a class to be hated on games, swordies are already on a bad shape in certain areas, and to complete these type of people appear out of nowhere to make things worse.

I have a Lv 104 swordie, tank build is mine and i know my limitations, but i do well tanking at the dung 90.

I know there are some swordies that simple think that they are tank just stand in front of the boss taking all the hits and expect the clerics, no matter what class the cleric is, to heal them.

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Holy ■■■■.

Where on this green earth did you get the idea that there was any sort of chance that any of us would care about any of this?

I’m not against swordies at all. Only the ones that do worse then I do at their job while im also paying to constantly buff every 30sec and laydown 12heal tiles before each fight and aoe heal group while tanking groups and dpsing.

Otherwise. Swordies in general I fully welcome and even prefer in groups personally for ease of healing & generally respectability.

I admit my play style is odd. I’m used to always being everything because im used to the pug life and if a roles missing someones gotta fill it. But ive made preparations to always use atleast +15 weapons and the absolute best in damage gears to make up lacks in other places. I do heal and actually ive never had anyone with atleast 30con die in my groups. Only those spetial 1.5k hp swordsmen in dungeons that until today I didnt realize was a thing.

Just remember you’re a vengeful God.

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You sound like a healer. AND the video explains why I build this way. :joy:

I’m a swordsman and I agree with you lol. I think people are too used to conventional healing that they dont realise it’s very different in ToS.

If you need healing and “heal” is on the ground, go stand in it.
You’re low hp and “safety zone” is on the ground, go stand in it.
If you have a status effect on you and “cure” is on the ground, guess what? go stand in it.

Sure theres mass heal but thats only for c2 priests and has a 30 second cooldown and you have to aim it so the dps have to not be running around like headless chickens. Ugh soo many conditions lol.

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Actually main a Swordsman. xD But the video is on point.

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I have a Sadhu (future druid) and i am glad that most people realize that i am a DPS on that char, i use my 10+ heal tiles to kill stuff, my cure is to kill stuff, if i see the necessity of healing, i enable the attribute to remove damage from heal, so far, the pugs i got i haven’t had problems, except a QS that thought she could tank and lure mobs and ended up dying, i couldn’t heal her even if i had heal ready to do so lol, ■■■■ happened so fast i only noticed she died because of the gems dropping.

But generally i am running around with the group, only during the trash cleaning, at the boss it is generally after me because of my damage output being higher than the rest of the group, but i do have SZ and Fade so i am covered.

And by chance the melees that are attacking the boss end up being healed by the tiles that don’t hit.

I try to have atleast 2k sp 10k hp and every skill max attribute so it doesnt fall short to others and have +15 gears and +32 or higher on all head deco gears and all +dmg gears like bearkeas,vubbe fighter gloves ect. But that was the first group in over 70 that 2k sp wasnt enough. lol

I place all heals spread out but close together behind me near the group before charging to tank every group of enemies and use aoe mass heals every time the groups at 70% and max lv resurrect in case it happens and max buffs in case they dont use town buffs or are broke. I place the heals to the sides or behind not in the agro area so its easy to see and safe to grab.

And I totally agree with you. This is why I love most swordsmen they know if they need healing go grab a band-aid thats why they’re there. lol

mass heal is actually my preferred even though as they run around like headless chickens you can still angle it well most times

I understand all that. I personally turn heal damage off in favor of healing the group. But my support roles are purely to support others I make sure I can always tank and dps the entire thing if needed and I never use my own heal tiles they are placed for the group. The only healing I receive is mass heal which heals myself and the group. Except on bosses. On bosses I clearly tell everyone if they get scared, run.Then I place down the tiles for them and charge the boss I stand behind the boss and cast heal tiles and mass heal at the group and throw down cure as the cd finishes all while tank and casting all dps skills. and if they are instantly dying they wait til im finished killing the boss to get ressed. otherwise I will tank boss & res by throwing down safety zone and casting resurrect then mass heal to ensure a full res

pity you mate. Saw a few swordsmen with sub 10k HP at higher level missions.
And some noob Fletchers who wont use Arrows on Bee because its an easy mob.

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Also, jfc, a +15 purple weapon in the level 50 dungeon? quite something you got there lad

I can only imagine a 10k swordie in +0 gears in blue fortress or prison lol

IKR. And then there are the wannabe DPS dealers who think they went hoplite and they are the DPS kings on Bee grind when i try to invite people with DPS builds for grinding.
Or that monk i met the other day who was Cleric1-Priest3-Monk telling me he was DPS lol

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I dont know if you’re being sarcastic. But It has fairly decent damage even up to the low lv 120ish weapons of the same type.

Also Ive crafted/enhanced my lv 75 & lv170 weapon’s for when the time comes so I like to atleast think a +15 Valia with +10 arde’s dagger will get me to 170 then +15 Drake Tail to be my end game weapon for a LONG while.

Note that it took many several failures, many weapon replacements and over 30+ toons using team storage with all worth while auction drops to come up with barely enough to buy the weapons or recipes depending on prices to create such items. That even so I was lucky on drops during farming though. got about 11mith in an hr at one point and few fighters bloods and a few battle rings & luck head deco enchants. But as always we’ll see if its enough when we get there

i mean i personally wouldnt care about buffs, not so much as i do heals. and i get not every healer aims buffs/heals for the one who is tanking. i dont know if these melee were tanking, it doesnt sound like it but yeah. though we dont spend as much in dngs, we often find that our gear needs to be repaired each run.

The melee from OP were not tank-able swordies no. 1.5k hp in an instanced dungeon using what appeared to be 2handed wet noodles for offense output.

as a healer I must pay for repairs, and items for every single time i buff every 30seconds and even town buffs if i want to survive. I spend on average about 30k silver on mats to continuously buff weak pug groups every 30sec then 1800-2100 per weapon I keep both slash and blunt and a dagger for pierce types so 5400-6300 silver per weapon durability enchant then I use npc blacksmith to repair items and luckily thats only about 3.5k-6k depending and add 1.1k-1.5k per town buff and usually thats 3 buffs. So about 45k-50k silver per 3 instanced dungeon runs and two of those runs are in all fully broken armor as i tank.