Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

forgotten, quite alot of silver, I am currently lv.70 in attribute and every attribute worth it.

Another guy who claim swordsmen is just a swash-buckling tool, in a party with full con team that has higher HP than swordsmen and able to dish out more DPS then swordsmen (ele3 warlock), and can get aggro and run around with haste no proble, u srsly think swashbuckling is going to be helpful? lol

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lv 70 attribute cyclone outdps lv 70 attribute frost cloud with +15 superior corona and full con animus.

there is snowball and frost tree and it makes cyclone does even more.

lazy to explain further, not interested in trying to guide or teach, just stay under the shadow with the beliefs that swordsmen is weak.

I’m convinced that the most useful Swordsman build for ET is Sword > Pelt C3 > Rodelero C3 with high CON/DEX

High Kick for increased strike damage so a SR can do extra damage to enemies, max Swashbuckling, good evasion, magic negation with Slithering, high block, and CC.

Stat scrambling effect from Rodelero seems to interact weirdly-well with Blessing… at least on kToS ^o.o^

That being said, this is far from a dps build ^o.o^

Its good if the the defensive stats (magic negating and so) is applied to whole party instead, but not great now since rodelero is the only 1 tat gets the buff.

cryo3 chrono3 does a better job than the mentioned build by u…since it gives 2 CC aoe skill that will make sure the party’s defense and haste giving the party easy time on 2F and 4F, and quicken for 3F, sadly thats how it is now

SW = Swashbukling tool. yeah imc should delete “red icon job” on sw path.

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Thats cute. I dont want to argue with you. You know I directed my comment to the other guy. There is an ele 3 warlock in Telsai that can also bury your claims with facts.

I know you are trying your best to defend the swordsman class but know your place. If you are insisting that swordsman is stronger than dps wizards then okay. It’s normal to defend your character. I guess. Lmao.

SW DPS are not “STRONGER” than wiz, but with proper build, gearing, and experience mechanics @ET, sw can pass ET. (just need more effort) yeah ATM sw dps are FAR BELOW wiz and archer.

Swash are just CC Utility.
do you see any1 tanking there? hello swash?

While you Ciclone twice for 11 seconds, a Wizz3>Ele3>WL can pop Frost Cloud+Pole of Agony+Hail+Prominence and start casting Meteor followed by other skills, and everything from distance and while kiting the boss/mobs, on top of that they also have Quick Cast’s 50% extra magic damage to everything. How do you outdps that?

Not to mention the cooldown on Cyclone is 55 seconds if you have the movement attribute active. So even if you follow up with other skills Wizz3>Ele3 will also be casting other skills in the same time frame, resulting in a much stronger DPS while evenly geared compared to the Doppel.

Currently we cannot beat this DPS, it’s just delusional if you think your DPS is good compared to Archers or Wizards


This. So much this.
Important part highlighted and bolded. Nothing more needs to be said


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There isn’t any good reason I guess. I just wanted to say it and didn’t really have anyone else’s post to go off of. Though I guess I could have just posted it instead of replying instead lol

Lol 50% aint that good enough make it 70% and im pretty sure “elitists” would take you on your dps stance :imp:

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I can’t believe how this topic drag on for so long -_-

I can see that dopel guy dedicated his life for his sw to a be atleast decent
but if that’s what it takes just to be above average you still can’t deny that sw is broken af!

sw has long skill animation but meh damage but other dps class
can leave their skill while it can release another.

its fine if you want to stick to sw if you can enjoy with all its present flaws
but you cannot deny the problem it currently has and why it’s struggling with the game’s core mechanics -_-

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Peltasta 1 isn’t just for taunt so for some class builds it isn’t a sacrifice at all and helps with overall DPS surprisingly enough

Mango’s group (the guy on here known as Veritas I believe) has gone up to 14F ET and he says he wishes he had a Pelt C3 for Swashbuckling to clear further floors.

They’re running two Cryo/Chronos and a SR too to my knowledge, so apparently Cryo/Chrono is not enough ^o.o^

While i do think swordsmen can not beat pure dps wiz/archer builds i don’t see why that should be a reason to not take dps swordis in parties, even for ET.
As long as you reach your intended goal (a certain ET floor, grinding EXP or completing quests/dungeons), who the fck cares if you have a wiz or a swordi with you if the only difference is some seconds of total kill time.

Also, when grinding it’s not like this game has instant respawn rates so as long as you kill monsters before the next spawn intervall (usually ~2 minutes) it’s all ok for me.
As long as it’s fun and your party is a success nobody should complain.

[quote=“Chakri_Griffindor, post:546, topic:220944”]
And that is what I’ve been saying. DPS SW can be an alright DPS but is it a real DPS?[/quote]
“alright DPS” is still real dps since it’s still a dps build for that particular class. I think what you wanted to use is “high dps”.

Swordsman should really be doing higher damage than Archers and Wizards, because they have to balance being in melee, taking damage and chasing enemies down, and taking CC… so they can’t even do constant damage as much as Wizards and Archers can do.

I really have no idea why IMC is being so strict with buffs for Swordsmen. If they won’t buff Swordsmen to contend with or do higher damage than Archers and Wizards, they should at the very least reduce mob hp by 70% to make Swordsman viable again.