- Concentrate
14/07/2016 kTOS
Damage increased by concentrate is now boosted by the caster’s STR and DEX.
Original + { ([STR] × 0.04 + [DEX] × 0.02) × ([Skill Level] -1) }
- Restrain
14/07/2016 kTOS
Stun chance per level has been increased 4% → 6%
- Skyliner
14/07/2016 kTOS
Skill cooldown has been increased 0 → 15
Skill overheat has been increased 1 → 3
- Moulinet
14/07/2016 kTOS
Hitbox width has been increased 15 → 20
Hitbox length has been increased 40 → 45
- Pistol Shot
14/07/2016 kTOS
Skill overheat has been increased 1 → 2
- Cyclone
14/07/2016 kTOS
Skill sustain time changed from 2 + (Level * 0.5) → 2.5 + (Level * 0.3)
##Possible Ninja Patch
- Bunshin No Jutsu