Tree of Savior Forum

Swordie: Who am I?

I dunno watching a decently geared cata 3 at 205 run around hitting rush for 1k’s made me not very impressed.

Haste lvl 5 + swordie dash was giving me 52 movement speed. So for swordies lvl 5 alone is like having max trot + mount. Lvl 10 probably gives max movement speed with dash. ( The tooltip on haste is wrong btw, definitely doesn’t give 5% or whatever ).

I see. My only concern for Rush is sometimes it doesn’t feel like it really has 5 AoE attack ratio. Somehow, Earth Wave that only has 4 AoE attack ratio deals damage in a wider area compared to Rush.

That explains my confusion. IIRC, running will give us 10 movement. If you had 52, that means Haste at level 5 gives you 12 bonus movement speed which is a huge amount.

AoE rate
Earth Wave = 8
Steed Charge = 5
Doom Spike = 7
Rush = 5

Tosbase Description Wrong

Are you sure? Man, all this time I always thought that Rush is the one with the largest AoE ratio. :confused:
That explains my confusion then. Thanks for the confirmation.

None of your business !

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ah i see so Swordsman has basic AOE 4
and the skill give more AOE by 4 so total 8

By that logic, Rush should’ve 9 AoE attack ratio then. But somehow everytime I watch a Cataphract, Rush still looks smaller even with AoE attack ratio bonus. Maybe 5 is really the maximum for Rush (special case)? I’m curious now.

Wait, what? So the “Range attack rate increases by 3 while [Finestra] is activated” is actually 3 bonus AoE attack ratio?

Yeah, finestra gives +3 AoE. It’s pretty nice.

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Wait, some spears also give “bonus attack range”, does that mean that spear gives bonus “AoE attack ratio” too?
With that spear, finestra, swordsman base AoE, we can have more than 10 AoE attack ratio (larger than Meteor)?

IDK about Rush
but according to the explanation in Tosbase (additional AOE rate ) and compare to Nexon official all the skills description are right, except for Rush
Maybe the Tosbase wrong or like you said has maximun range

AFAIK Bonus attack range only affects autoattacks.

Finestra has attribute splash Give +3 AoE ratio but Evasion decrease rate is doubled, also +6s cooldown

One of thing that i hate about Swordsman buffs. Most Swordsman buff give you bonus in one stat but decrease another stats.
To be Worst The more point you get in the skill the decrease stat increase.
Opposite from archer buff:sleeping:

Basic class AOE Rate
Archer 0
Swordman 4
Cleric 3
Wizard 3

Wizard +3, Meteor +10 = 13
Swordsman +4, Earthwave +4, Finestra +3, = 11
Most 2h spear has AoE ratio bonus like Lydeka +2

And that is how you lobby for change. You show how something is “bad” to convince them to change it.

This belt is too tight. Please do something about it. Maybe add another notch.
How is it too tight?
It’s leaving marks on my skin.
It’s cutting off circulation
It’s causing me pain


How is it too tight?
It’s built of strong leather on the outside so it’s very durable.
It has a stainless steel buckle so it doesn’t rust.
It keeps my pants up.

Or how about

I like the aesthetic of tos. The color palette is not too loud, it doesn’t hurt my eyes to look at them. The design is not over the top. The use of “sprites” instead of the usual 3D is very refreshing. Please change it to something better.

Same here. Archer has buffs from Running Shot, Steady Aim, Evasion, Sneak Hit, Cloaking (it gives more movement spd), Kneeling Shot, Swift Step without having to sacrifice anything.

Meanwhile, Peltasta’s High Guard reduce 50% patk and 100 critical rate at max level, Gungho decreases our pdef, Guardian decreases our patk (but it increases our evasion so it’s still acceptable for me), Finestra decreases our evasion (but we have critical rate and block and bonus AoE attack range so it’s acceptable for me).

Fencer has some decent “buffs” only after you hit your enemy. :confused:

Edit : 1 more thing that is unique from Swordsman. Swordsman is the only class with 7 buff limit while the other classes only have 5.

Yeah, like Geras Spear gives +2 AoE. Attack range is just that, the distance you can attack from. AoE range is AoE ratio. 1h spears mostly give + attack range, which isn’t AoE.

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Im really late on this but ill throw my 2 cents in here~
I REALLY hope that they implement gems that reduce the potency of CC.
And pain barrier should probably just be like a 5 sec stoic or something to super armor anything that’s not CC, because it doesn’t seem to me that pain barrier does anything…

But anyway we still need a way to deal with CC and if they DON’T give us a way to deal with CC then Swordies need gap closers for pvp or CC of their own that doesn’t require you to get super close…
which is mainly only a problem vs cryomancers in my experience in pvp with a swordie.
hit stun and freezing are the main things that keep swordie out

and -10% magic dmg when wearing cloth armor needs to be increased to at least 20-25% because 10% is literally nothing…

I couldn’t agree more

This is th biggest problem that I have with swordies, all their buffs have a cost and I don’t think it should be like that specially when other classes get free buffs most of which are stronger then swordies buffs in the first place.

Preist has Stone Skin which at lvl 5 (max) is “Block +(400 + SPR × 4)”
When Paltas gets High Guard at lvl 10 (max) “Block: +240, Attack: -50% Critical Rate: -100”
Like how do you even?..

even with block mastery on Paltasta, Priest still gives more block. AND ITS A PARTY BUFF WITH NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS!
(Rodel doesn’t even get block mastery!)

Not to mention that anyone who’s dabbled in any dmg dealing cleric class can EASILY out dmg a swordie and have more utility in general, and I have seen cleric classes heal tank bosses with CON builds and this should not be how a support branch compares to a DPS/Tank branch…

swordies need the gear they deserve or there really is no point to using them other then being a taunt mule in pve…

(Also am I the only one who feels like Paladin should REEEEALLY be on the Swordie tree?..) >_>

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I think the main problem with Rodeleros atually is the number of skills+lack of variety.

Hitting the enemy with your shield on 4 different forms is kinda dull.And having 9 skills to spend 45 points at C3 is terrible.

Maybe a simpler solution would’ve been reducing the 4 skills to 2 and getting some way to reset CD for Slithering and Shield charge.

BTW, while chekcing info for this post,just noticed Swordies have too many attack skills on most classes.That contributes even more to feeling Rodelero is bad