Tree of Savior Forum

Swordie: Who am I?

thats cute, but this is not real warfare…
Also, in RO swordies had the same problems that they have here.
what fixed that was gear, there’s literally an enchant for everything you could want.
freeze resistance, atk sped, move speed, changing skill effects, magic resistance, ect.
if we had gear and enchants like this, then swordies wouldn’t have a problem and they certainly wouldn’t be broken.
I can only pray that this is what IMC is planning once they make all the classes they want

ToS swordman is towarding tank + support role OR mid-DPS role. what i meant mid-DPS role => a playable DPS character even not the best one. IMC has forgotten about rodelero while many players are awaiting IMC to lift this class. no doubt, peltesta does better at tank + support role at the moment.

i would request IMC focus on the multiplier at the defend ratio to swordman class rather than a same math calculation applying across all classes. only then, when people choose swordman class will mainly aim for tank role than DPS role.

look at 10 players we have now for swordman. out 8 of 10 are targeting very DPS classes. not because they don’t want to choose a tank role just because tank role is weak to be chosen. yes, for now peltesta is the only strong class but then rodelero becomes a wasted/forgotten class.

yet, a lot of the activities at this game is still depending on solo:

  • grinding materials
  • daily quest tasks

DPS in this game means everything still. imagine asking a low DPS tanker to kill 50x 100k hp monsters, sound unfair am i right?

Imagine some non-tanker for example archer, to kill magic enemies 50x while they hit archers back hard as truck before they are killed despite archers having high dps. Such dps archer can easily die on those. Sounds unfair am i right? At least tanky swordsman is more safe to kill the enemies, slowly but progressively. Fragile dps (glass cannons) dont have that luxury. And seeing how enemies are as fast or even faster then archer can walk/run you will have to walk back to these monsters many times after death. Swordies are the least difficult class to play i tell you. And thats what a swordsman is - a class for begginers and for those who want it easy.

i agree most of your points. but then DPS means almost everything in the game. without DPS, it is hardly doing anything alone. archer HP may be low or DEF may be low, but then if the player is skillful enough, he won’t receive much damage. put this example, archer could probably kill 10 mobs in 1 minute but swordman could just kill 2-3 mobs in 1 min. an archer skill can be trained to avoid getting hitted, while you have to spend time to kill mobs with low DPS at swordman class.

it is TIME vs PERSONAL SKILL. i would choose PERSONAL SKILL to reduce TIME DURATION to kill mobs.

Actually archer is better at killing weak on hp melee monsters, that i can agree on, especially if they are spread out, but those give less exp then say the tree-monsters in demon prison. Those monsters have tons of hp and hit hard too, it is a nightmare for archer to be there and swordsman can just tank them like no tomorrow. Even if both archer and swordsman get a help of cleric heals, the archer will be less likely to survive to get the heals, while swordsman will see no problem in that.

Heck i remember some monster (i forgot its name it was in that map with tunnels) who could kill me in 2 hits and i couldnt use my multi shot on it to kill it fast (needed 2 multi shots) while i could struggle to hit him with my other weak shots while trying to not get hit and burn my sp fast and still not kill it, while i saw a swordie killing them with ease, and the dmg they dealt was not a bigge for swordsman. It was a nightmare for my archer to finish this quest, a quest that swordie just did like anyother.



if you were pointing back to iCBT2, answer is yes. but if you are now comparing this to krToS (lv280), answer is no.

I already party with 3archer, 1linker once in 115dgn. Although im a cleric(healer) , i just leech there. Mobs die too fast and they dont even need heal. So, if they can kill fast, why even need to concern about their hp. The main problem for archer only in world boss and earth tower. But it’s different for swordie. They cant kill fast and cant tank well (mainly for dps path. not all going tank path). Still no problem for now, but that will be huge problem in future ( maybe if there is 4*/5* map later). The main problem with dps swordie now is they cant dps well as much as dps archer/wiz.

So back to main topic, swordie only for tank/support role only FOR NOW.

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only krToS players have these knowledge :smiley: it is totally different story back to iCBT2.

If a swordie could be as good dps as archer/wiz then you’d need to make archer and wiz capable of taking hits like swordie does.


If you got killed in 2 hits by the moles at Shaton Reservoir then your problem wasn’t the difference between swordie/archer, it’s that you didn’t spend any points in CON ( and probably some other things… ).

I don’t play swordy but i knew that sword dps come from damage multiplier such as

My theory craft (add Deeds of Valor if doable)

  1. [slash combo]
    -Lunge[pierce](make enemy more vulnerable to slash)
    -Crosscut[slash](make enemy bleed)
    -Skyliner[slash](more damage on bleeding)

2.[strike combo]
-High Kick[strike](make enemy more vulnerable to strike)
-Lethargy from wiz(100% more strike damage)

-frozen status from Cryo
-Targe Smash[strike](100% more damage on frozen)

3.[piece combo]
-Cross Guard(make enemy more vulnerable to piece)<require 2handed sword>
-Spear Lunge(make enemy more vulnerable to piece)
-Preparation(double damage on next piece attack)
LOL not work, hate those required stance.

Shinobi even more tricky.

I know it require too much setup and some status don’t work on boss? swordy is not ez this day.
w8 guy let them buff my hunter-falconer and oracle first.:joy:

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Actually i tried to use Con build too and that was counterproductive as i had to sacrifice my dmg for the con and the result was even worse. Archers dont get as much hp from con as swordie does. Ergo Archer need to kill before its hit back, not tank the dmges. What would be the point to be ranged if you gotta fight it in melee anyway. Better play swordie you say? Thats why i am saying swordies got easier leveling up times: safer.

This is however from icbt exeprience. I heard archer dmg got increased so i do hope 1 multi shot would be enough instead of 2 but who knows.

that is one of the reason why swordman hard to play along. some mobs, you could do the hits quite low and some could be extra a bit high. the inconsistency is hard to play at maps. IMC should get rid that table just like what wizard/archer just use 1 same pattern.

Besides tank the other unique aspect of Swordie is that they dominate the physical damage type category of the game.

Archers excel in missile type damage.
Wizards excel on magic damage.
Cleric are mixed but mostly strike damage and magic
Swordie has options for all 3 physical types(pierce/strike/slash).

You can clearly see that at C1,with a lvl 10 character.

I think i need to rephrase back my words. Sory for my bad english.

To maximize potential of swordy, u need to be support/tank path FOR NOW. If u take dps path, u will have hard time at high lvl due to ur dmg will not be as high as archer.

As dps swordy, mybe u will have abit higher hp than archer, but u will sacrifice alot of def due to some skill like deeds of valor, gungho, bunshin no jutsu, while archer can get many dps buff without any sacrifice at all. Im taking about full dps here, not semi dps. After sacrifice all those def +dmg buff, swordy should have same/almost same damage with full buff archer. But it’s not now. U will have low survivability and cant kill it as fast as u can. Im not saying dps swordy not playable, but u will have hard time, not as easy as archer.

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archer/wizard damage to the penalty seems not obvious :smiley: but swordman one does…

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this one i don’t agree with you. even i didn’t play cryo but i do have a wizard => pryo => linker => linker => pryo => pryo. not that you mentioned about i dont even feel there is any attack penalty. i didn’t play archer class, but none of the friends complain about archer. but people who have swordman besides me are telling the same, we have weak attack. i am not only one to say swordman weak, face it.

what i was saying: archer/wizard have better attacks than swordman. i never say, swordman is unplayable totally.