Tree of Savior Forum

Surepsell Necessary for Psycho

To all they Psychokinos out there: How important (or unimportant) is Surespell to your DPS?

If you took Wiz 2, how often do you get extra ticks of PP / Gravity Pole due to not be interupted from damage?

If you didn’t take Wiz 2, how often are you finding yourself losing ticks due to errant mobs / players smacking you in the face while you are channeling?

Most kino builds only have wiz 1. in order to get more ranks in kino/cryo. generally you depend on ccing your enemies to not be interrupted.

I suppose surespell could be useful but in general wiz c2 is considered bad if your not going for c3

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Depends on how your options for Rank 8 is going to look.

(In future.)

I’m psyho3 and i can say that psychic pressure with atributes and gravity pole don’t need surespell at all.

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On Kino C2 you get stun for Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole can be used from afar and locks the monsters down. You don’t need Surespell at all.

You have to learn how to position yourself on the battlefield and after you master that (it’s not that hard), it’s gg for everything that had the bad luck to cross your path hahahaha.

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As a lv 277 psychokino i can say surespell is really necessary:

  • From level 240+ there are a lot of mobs (atleast 1 on each map) totally resist to most kind of cc, included psychic pressure stun.
  • Gravity Pole has a limit 10 targets, there are cases you can’t cc all targets in the range (like earth tower for example) or sometimes mobs suddenly respawn behind you or mobs arrow hit you right after your GP pulled out.

So you just take Cryo 1?

If you go wiz 2 better go wiz 3 for quick cast attribute (i’m wiz 3- psy 3 - WL).
Or you can also go cryo 3 - psy 3 for Frost Pillar which is irresistible too

False. Shortsighted statement. On higher level maps where you have most if not all ranged mobs like Nahash for example at 230s or even 250s and plus, one AA could disrupt your channel. And no amount of positioning could remedy that. Taking into consideration pvp like battlegrounds or GvG rarely will you have players just lining up for you so you can GP them.

Yours truly,
A high level and competent Psychokino.

Thanks for the info. Could you further break this down for us? I understand that you may get interruptions in solo content, but do you find yourself getting interrupted when playing in groups (where I assume a tank is pulling monsters) or PvP?

How often do you find yourself getting interupted by knockback/knockdown despite having Surespell?strong text

Surespell protects you from interruptions brought about by auto-attacks.

Reflect shield seems to offer uneven and inconsistent bouts of resistance to CC like impale in pvp per se as an example and a number of other CC’s. I’m still not 100% as to the resistance mechanics in this game but that helps in keeping your channels going as well.

I rarely get interrupted when i’m grinding with my group and i’ve gotten into the habit of avoiding channeling PP or GP if surespell isn’t up… of course an exception would be if you know for a fact that there’s nothing in the vicinity that can interrupt you.

I duel around quite a bit and practice PVP deathmatches with my guild in anticipation for GvG and so i can familiarize myself better with the skillsets of all the other classes in game. I’ve grown to be quite judicious and adaptive in managing my skill rotation as a result. Since PP and GP are your bread and butter i highly suggest you take your surespell. Given that your selling point as a kino in general is your CC, and gravity pole being your best one, you wouldn’t want a stray archer or a melee rushing you to interrupt you while you’re locking down the rest of their team. Granted you have the rest of your team to help cover you but again, without it only 1 AA is all it takes.

For the record i’m a wiz 3 kino 3 warlock.

Sorry Mr. Competent, i was only trying to help the OP, i don’t mind if you step up and send your input.

But next time, please, bear in mind that your experience with the class is greater because your level is higher than mine and that hardly makes you more competent and you don’t have to be rude about it.

You went through more stuff, fought different monsters and therefore can provide precise information about this topic, which i totally respect. I wasn’t trying to mislead the OP, i just haven’t faced such difficulties yet.

So, building on my last post. All of what i’ve wirtten before is true until Lv.130 at least, that is my experience and positioning IS indeed effective but as serusalti said, on higher levels it’s unlikely that it will work.

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I think I agree, but I haven’t tested it myself. Wiz2 is just so lacking offensively speaking. Does IW + PP fall off late game?

Then don’t make absolute claims such as this. Knowing full well that your experience is limited thus far, why even bother making such a statement? You say you wanted to help but isn’t it a bit counterproductive to give him said information knowing full well (you said so yourself) that you don’t have the experience to qualify you to do so, thereby ultimately misleading him?

I didn’t know that my knowledge was at fault then, i came to realize that by reading your post and if you had presented your arguments politely like you did right now, our discussion would have taken a very different route.

I would gladly take tips from a senpai Psycokino, so, you think we can get passed that and help the op and if you don’t mind give me some tips on how i can perform good later on without Surespell?

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I’m just brutally straightfoward and honest, to a flaw, obviously. That whole competent psychokino bit was more of how I view myself and not necessarily one stated purely as a jab to anyone. In any case apologies are in order so I apologize for being rude.

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Thank you, it means a lot. I would also like to apologize to the OP, my intentions were the best ones but as we have already settled, my knowledge was at fault. And to all the kinos out there, including you serusalti; seems like i let the kino community down by spreading wrong information, this won’t happen again.

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No need for such overtures. Don’t take it too personally. Everyone succumbs to it every now and then and i’m much harder on myself if and when I catch myself doing it.

On my leveling experience until I reached 280 on Cry2 Kino 3 War -

Essentially I would say that surespell does eliminate a lot of annoyances surrounding psychokino but it is definetly not 100% required, you would be trading some of your ability to throw out spells as quickly as possible for whatever utility that one circle (or two if you want quick cast) can provide. Surespell provides a much smoother playing style and the edition of quick cast allows for much higher damage.

Up to the point where you get raise and gravity pole it can be pretty irritating, but these two spells make it very feasible to control every enemy, even cc resistant Nuos in storage and cc resistant Crossbow ticens in Maven. It mostly comes down to not throwing out your spells until you are sure you won’t be interrupted, i.e. letting the mages that target you cast their spell first if you plan to channel gravity pole or PP or using raise first, so that you won’t be interrupted by a spell still in midflight during channeling. Mind you this also means playing smart around bosses to not let your ice wall/PP and gravity pole be interrupted by certain rotation spells like a poatas knockdown in missions or mirtis’ shotgunning lightning bolt (field boss version).

For your interest, I went psycho 3 with cryo 2 mainly for 2v2 pvp, and I would honestly recommend surespell if you wanted to do something like 5v5 or earth tower as the chance of interruption is much much higher. In my situation, having tested both with and without surespell on the kr servers,I deemed it not something I needed to have in the current pvp meta.

I hope this helps you a bit.


I’m pretty much happy hearing all your thoughts here because from ***my thread here***, I was hoping for anyone to persuade me into taking a path that will lead to a late game experience that really contributes to being an effective crowd controller.

Psychokino really makes me feel ‘powerful’ in the sense that its cc is insane with proper positioning and rotations. Being immobile and having spells like swap & teleportation round out its flaws in that aspect, I feel like this class is balanced as well as having a great kit overall. I was looking at kino3sorc2 path but kept me thinking “what would my rank2 be?” A cryo, pyro and wiz2 are the only paths available on that rank and it’s very early in the game so that, up until the 5th rank in my opinion has to be decided to lay out an interesting job path for the later classes to be chosen.

Like many said and I have been feeling the same sentiments, an incomplete 3-ranked job is a wasted job advancement. Though having in mind a wiz2>kino3>sorc2 as the path in consideration with the 7-rank limit now, this thread made me convinced it is the better job path among the others that I have shown in my post. Setting up for a better future content game experience over the availability of classes now creates that sense of valuing the time spent leveling on fewer characters with better endgame potential than spreading out on different paths that one has to try out.

I do thank the people who went through paths that I am having trouble with deciding and sharing their experiences. Those thoughts made me at least more content with what I can build as soon as the maintenance is over. (Unless… someone points a different take on my thread about which path to take… then I might have to reconsider the path I am feeling more comfortable after reading this thread.)