Tree of Savior Forum

Summon Changes in Ktest

can somebody explain to me the changes that is happening in KTest like in numbers? i want to know how scaling works and all that stuff.

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@LargeBanana i think we have no exact numbers … but our weapon matk will scale higher with our summon ( pets ) waaayyy higher and now our weapon matk and spr scales with pet skills ( summon skills ):nerd:

that means we should not go full spr? we don’t get MATK from spr

also if we are talking about matk then wouldn’t thauma be one of the best filler class for sorc2 necro 2?

@LargeBanana yep when you go for a full pet build then you go for full spr :slight_smile: … and yep we don’t get matk from spr but we need no matk for a full pet build because just our WEAPON matk will scale with our summon ( pets ) higher

@LargeBanana no because our summon scales only with weapon matk with the upcoming change … a better weapon = more pet dmg … more matk from other sources = not more pet dmg

are you sure? i’ve been seeing around that people said increasing int nets them more damage for their summons

edit: AH that is so great man. thanks a damn much. you always comes for the save.

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@LargeBanana yes i’m 100% sure :smile_cat: … that would be waaayyy to op :thinking:

no problem :+1:

yeye 20 character

by the way how come there isn’t any numbers to show? surely there is a patch note for the ktest?

@LargeBanana translated :
The attack power of the pets below will be upgraded .
Salami on
Wheelchair zombie
Big zombie
Coffs Tower
Skeleton Soldier
Skeleton archer
Standing Morning ( additional )

The pet’s performance will improve .
The attack power of the pet is changed to be affected by the magical attack power of the character weapon .

  • The magical attack power of weapons is reflected in the pet attack power by a certain percentage .
  • This also applies to the physical attack of the pet .
    [ Bocor ] Create Zombie : Skill range is increased by about 30% , the maximum number of zombie objects is fixed at 8 .
    Bwakai Network : The damage caused by Zombies’ stats is increased three times .
    Dam Bala : The skill range is doubled, and the limit on the number of explosive zombies is removed .
    [ Zombie Capsule ] Item cooldown is changed . 27 seconds > 5 seconds
    [ Fragment Complex ] Item cooldown is changed . 30 seconds > 1 second

and source:

awesome man.

honestly one of the most awesome changes that i always wanted for sorc has already been implemented which is the sp regen stuff. damn man i love it.

i know we talked about this in other thread but what do you think of the wiz>cryo3>sorc2>necro2? honest opinion.

@LargeBanana and here 2 videos of the changes from ktest server :slight_smile:

only sorc test:

necro and sorc build test ( at the end 290 dungeon test ) :

@LargeBanana with the upcoming changes : the best pet dmg build for wizard :slight_smile: … i make a new character with the exact same build[quote=“LargeBanana, post:13, topic:363624, full:true”]
i know we talked about this in other thread but what do you think of the wiz>cryo3>sorc2>necro2? honest opinion.

REALLY? yesssssssss i feel so happy that you are making the same build honestly even though we won’t meet since i’m not in the same region. would love to play iToS but region locked.

why do all these people always have 40 int? i have 15

@LargeBanana because of int from equip like war mage equip :slight_smile: … do you play on kToS ?

i used to but it takes so much effort just to log in, i forgot the things i need to do for that.

also i have a broken wiz3 ele2 sorc there.

hey i wonder. what skill should i take in cryo3 like where should i spent my points.

wait that guy was a necro 3. should we go that route instead? like cryo3 sorc 1 necro3?

kinda sad not being able to ride the summon.

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@LargeBanana go for : 1/10 ice bolt , 15/15 ice pike , 4/15 ice wall , 5/15 ice blast , 10/10 subzero shield , 5/5 snow rolling , 5/5 frost pillar

that was just a dmg demonstration … better go for your build ( cryo c3>sorc c2>necro c2 )
but you can go his / her route for more summons ( but i think lower dmg )