Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions on game mechanics, classes, skills and more

This is a list of suggestions that i think would improve the game. Sorry its so long…

Class choices
Im generally against class resets for reasons that isnt important for this post. However, i still think there are ways to improve this process that wont break the game and still be a bit more forgiving.

First id like to suggest, once you choose your class for the next rank, you have until class lvl 5 to change your mind and pick a different class. Maybe you have to complete some kind of quest to do this. Also you can only do it once per rank.

So lets say you get to rank 2 and pick swordsmanC2. If your class level as a swordsmanC2 is less than or equal to 5, you could switch to peltasta. You can only do this once per rank, cant do it for earlier ranks and cant do it if you are class lvl 6 or higher. This would solve many of the issues people have and i dont see how it could be abused.

Class choices #2
Another suggestion i have about the class system is the ability to reset your character back to character lvl 1, rank 1. This way you can reroll a character and be able to keep achievements and other things. Give some kind of small bonus xp until you get back to where you were.

Skill scaling
I dont think the current way skills scale is very good and it seems to be difficult to balance the way things are right now.

I believe you should make stat points play a much bigger role in skill damage. A big part of this is to make it easier to balance and make adding str or int have a bigger impact on skill damage so, for example, in pvp con wont be the only way to go.

I suggest adding int / str multipliers to ALL skills, kind of like how some already have. Possibly MATK / ATK multipliers as well.

For example:
Damage: [Skill damage+(INT * .5)+(MATK * 1.2)] * hitcount

This will give you many more ways to tweak skills instead of just changing the base damage to balance. You can even change the multiplier to work in pvp differently than pve. Also your stats and attack damage will have a bigger impact on the skills.

Advanced skill tooltips
I think you should have a toggle in the settings to show advanced skill tooltips.

Nomal tooltip:
Hexen dropper
Attribute damage: 0%

Advanced tooltip:
Hexen dropper
Attack: (537+ATK)
Aoe attack:(skill aoe attack + character aoe attack)
Hitbox: Front, square
Attribute damage: 0%

This is just come examples, but if you do the skill scaling suggestion that i mentioned above, then this would be needed.

Damage mitigation
Im not a fan of how armor and magic defense works. 1 armor = 1 physical damage reduction? i dont like this.

Armor and magic defense should be converted to a %damage reduction based on whatever the number is and your character level. This makes these attributes have a bigger impact on the game and be more important. Give it diminishing returns so its not OP.

You can also add more item combinations by adding a “reduce physical damage” stat and a “reduce magical damage stat”. These stats can stack after the % damage reduction to make more viable itemization.

I believe blocking should be stronger. Not sure how it would be accomplished though. Make it reduce magic damage as well.

But since blocking will be more effective, you will need to add some drawbacks to using it. I suggesting adding a buff/defuff when you equip a shield and have the ability to block. This buff or debuff will determine how many times you can block before you are unable to do it for a short while.

For example, make the number 20? up to you, then have it recharge 1 per second or something. if you completely run out you wont be able to block for a short while. This mechanic can be used in my next suggestion. keep reading…

Swordsman and Peltasta
This is an issue that many people have had for a while. If you dont have peltasta your usefulness in a party is greatly reduced.

Swashbuckling is very important for swordsmen and it should be moved to the base swordsman class, BUT you should cap the skill level to 5. Add attributes in peltasta to increase the effectiveness of swashbuckling. Have each rank in peltasta add 3-4 to max mob aggro count. So if you hit C3 peltasta you can aggro 20 or more mobs like normal.

But this makes peltasta uselesss you say? i disagree. With the changes to damage mitigation like i suggested above, blocking would be more useful and you need peltasta for this and the attributes that increase defense would be needed if you want to tank well, which is what peltasta is about.

As for what skill will replace swashbuckling i had an idea for this too. With the blocking mechanic i mentioned above with the block count, make a skill that works off this number that has different effects depending on how many blocks you have left.

Skill X(cant think of name)
description: Taunts and damage monsters around you. effects increase depending on blocks left
20 blocks left: taunt 5 monsters,
10 blocks left:taunt 10 monsters, aoe knockdown
5 blocks left:taunt 15 monsters, aoe knockdown, invulnerable for 5 seconds

Other player damage toggle
Please add a toggle to turn off damage numbers from other players. Sometimes it gets confusing to me if im even hitting anything. Especially on my sadhu.

Player name toggle
Please add a way to turn off my character name/healthbar, while keeping other character names turned on.

Chat filter toggle
Please add a toggle to turn off chat filter.

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Why not just make peltasta the base class lol.

I wrote that somewhere but let me write again. Like dandan wrote up there change Swordman into “Punchbagman” (main peltasta) and done. We dont need good buffs, good damage or tools to survive. Only tons of HP and taunt is enough. Better, delete all Swordman tree and sell in the shop your own portable in real size Punchbagman doll. It can taunt!
Joking aside, no, Swordman already have “provoke” that increase threat modifier so every one of then may be sub tanks. What Swordman and every class of its tree need is a very good BALANCE (scaling and not flat). Taking SB from pelt and putting into swordman is the same saying: “Now all swordman are tanks”. But i think THAT is NOT what people want.

True, swordsman do have provoke and that should be good and all, but i dont think moving SB to rank 1 would automatically make every swordsman a good tank… you would still have to take tanking classes to tank higher end content.

But your right about the skill scaling, which is one of my suggestions above to help with this. Maybe with this change alone it would make other builds without peltasta better in parties. So maybe the SB to rank 1 suggestion wouldnt be needed.

What i think people are angry is:
*Swordman sacrifice ALL for damage = lol. Cant survive (defensive skills are a joke), must face tank to hit, dont have mobility skill (aside a very few skills) and ALL that for a mediocre damage that even a support will do better.
*Mages all con will overwhelm our damage and laugh at you ( i know its not all of then but) .

In the end i think if you build a Damage Dealer swordman is not to tank but to er… DEAL DAMAGE? And people should remember that indeed we swordman have more hp, but we MUST facetank. Ranged atacks can always atack and run around. Instead take a punch head on is better just evade it. But we swordman, cant.

OBS: if you like to tank a little, you can always take just one rank of pelt. However if you have the other way, pelt as main, could people who love melee DD do the “All for damage no defense” build?

Well, pelt to rank 1 wasnt my suggestion. SB to rank one was.

As for mages going all con and being able to do alot of damage still, that is what my other suggestions for skill scaling and damage mitigation come in.

With these changes, your stat allocation matters more to where if you wanted to do alot of damage you will have to put alot into int. Armor and gear choices also affects damage mitigation more.

Just to add a little more for your suggestion: Paladins and physical/magical damage dealers could very well use BOTH Phy atk and Mag atk in the damage formula. That would be awsome.

Ops, really sorry. You did already write it. Guess i should go sleep. BTW how can we erase a post anyways?

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