Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestions] Krivis skill changes and ideas made up by me

So I was bored…and I did this because of… whatever reason. :grinning: IMC said Krivis is about managing the buffs…so I gave Krivis some more buff managing effects…or I tried at least… I made my version a bit more fiery too… because I somewhat always thought they are more about Fire than Lightning.
I never thought btw that Krivis needs any big update before I read Indeed’s topic about moving Krivis skills to Pardoner… aaand I still don’t rly think actually :joy::sweat_smile: but that still didn’t stop my brain cells to make this… :blush:

###Changes to old skills I would make:

-Would be moved to C2
-Would be changed to max level 10 but basic buff limit would be icreased to 10
-Levels also icrease buff effectiveness by +1% per skill level (maybe this would be an attribute so scrolls wouldn’t have this effect)

-While the devs are afraid that this skill’s uniqueness will die off… I actually wanted to make it less relevant but still good :sweat_smile:…because I think the buff cap is too limiting and I find that worse than what about this skill’s uniqueness.

Divine Stigma
-Applies Burning status effect to enemies close to Aukuras.
-Has a small chance to reset the cooldown-time of buff skills (or just reduce their cooldown time…) when you get the buff.

-Now also protects the party from buff removing effects.
-While praying there is a (number of active buffs0,5)% chance that it will apply skill level5 sec additional duration to your and your party members active buffs.

###New Skills:

Catching Fire / Uzsidegtu (?) or Spark - Kibirkstis (?)…I used google translate…maybe I do it wrong don’t mind me XD /
(C3 Krivis)

-Your body catches Fire and the flames punish enemies around you.
-A party buff that can only be used around Aukuras but when it’s on, you can leave the range of Aukuras without losing the buff.

  • Does Hp Recovery/RecoveryTime/4 continuous fire element damage every 0.25 seconds to enemies around you but also damages you.
    -It’s somekind of DOT like damage that only can be reduced by Fire Resistance (and Fire element).
    -I think Arde Dagger wouldn’t affect it… If it would I have a feeling maybe it would kill you… XD
    -Maybe it could have more…or less dmage…I’m not that good with numbers and balance but I tried…

lvl 1 duration 20 sec HP Recovery x1
lvl 2 duration 40 sec HP Recovery x1.5
lvl 3 duration 60 sec HP Recovery x2
lvl 4 duration 80 sec HP Recovery x2.5
lvl 5 duration 100 sec HP Recovery x3
cooldown 120 sec

-Flame Keeper: You only buff yourself. Max lvl: 1 (toggle-able)
-Fire Feeding: Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Catching Fire] by 1% per attribute level. Max lvl: 100
-Fire-fighter: Decreases damage received from [Catching Fire] for you and your allies by 1% per attribute level. Max lvl: 50

Torch /Deglas (?)/
(c1 Krivis)

-This one is far away from well thought out sry I just started to lose excitement…:sweat_smile::blush:

-You collect the energies coming from the buffs on you into your weapon then turn it against your enemies.

  • I thought about different versions of this. I’m not sure which one would be the best. The basic idea was that this is a physical attack that sacrifices your buffs and the more buffs you have on the more damage you can do and it also removes the buffs from the enemies.

-One of the versions is that you either just use up/sacrifice all your buffs then hit the enemy (or enemies with a splash damage) OR what I think is maybe a bit better… That you start chaneling the skill and it uses up your buffs one by one and a counter counts how many buffs you used up (then you get that as a buff maybe and your next attack will be that much stronger)…so you could somewhat determine how many buffs you want to sacrifice.
Maybe it could hit much harder but nvm something like this:
lvl 1 - 26 damage per buff
lvl 2 - 27 damage per buff
lvl 14 - 39 damage per buff
lvl 15 - 40 damage per buff

-Or the other version is that it would be somekind of toggle-able buff skill and when it is on and you would use up your buffs one by one with every hit and your hits would be stronger of course.

-Or it would only use/sacrifice 1 of your buffs for 1 hit then it would go into cooldown…

-Using this skill in another Krivis’ Melstis would let you keep your buffs without sacrificing them maybe.

-…and I called it Torch because I imagined it like it would ignite your mace( can be used with other weapons)…so it would look like a torch. X)

Did they really actually moved Daino to C2 …?

whut? NOOO…XD these are just awesome ideas and suggestions by me… Now you confused me… is it rly not clear?:sweat_smile:

Thought this was an update on your experience as a krivis, I almost had a heart attack

haha…:joy: I’ll try to make the title more clear… If I can…