Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions for Warlock skills (Please read <3)

Warning: Grand wall of texting :sweat:

I was doing some testing on warlock skills and noticed how some of them are weak and others are not as effective. Also, I have been reading around how other people think about the warlock skills. This is what I came up with…

Pole of Agony - The skill has really good damage, however the cooldown is really long and the AoE is small. This makes it hard to gather the mobs to damage them and it wastes the duration when the skill is active - reducing damage output significantly.

Suggestion - Reduce cooldown to 90 seconds and increase AoE range double its size. That’s the only thing I would say for now because even small changes can make a skill too strong.

Invocation - The skill is fine. There is one thing that I have been hearing from people though. It seems like this skill is being abused by farmers. They would leave the evil spirits on the field and recast the skill to have them permanently kill spawning mobs and this makes it difficult to finish quests for players.

Suggestion - I’m sure this is already being worked on or is already known, but maybe make a dungeon/instant area for the places that farmers are abusing, so players can finish their quests. These dungeons or instant areas can have slightly more gold and items, so the farmers would prefer that area.

Mastema - This skill has decent damage, but seems like it lacks a bit.

Suggestion - Increasing the hit count to five or ten hits more might do the trick.

Evil Sacrifice - I have mixed feelings about this skill. I do like how the spirits move to the located area, however you lose damage when they fly to the mobs. The first is that they hit only once when they could hit 4 or more hits per spirit. Also, sometimes they bug out when flying to the mobs or get stuck by an object and blow up. They move really slow to the targeted area and by then the mob already moved out of the range, which is a really small area. Sometimes I scratch my head wondering if its best to drop the skill and add the point to another one. So, this skill is used rarely. I don’t even use it on high leveled mobs because it does very small damage.

Suggestion - A few ways that might help the skill be more useful in battle.

option 1. Don’t blow up the spirits when they move and keep the hit count that each spirit has. Also, increase the AoE range when they move to that area so there is a better chance to hit the target. Right now the AoE range is about the same size of Swap - the Psychokino skill. And increase speed when the spirits move to targeted area.

option 2. If they blow up and only hit once, add all the hits/damage the spirits do and make the damage a single number. Also add a bigger AoE range for them to have a better chance to hit the target. And increase speed when the spirits move to the targeted area.

option 3. The spirit doesn’t blow up when it moves to the area. Combined all evil spirits into a huge spirit with an AoE range of Fireground. Add all hits each spirit has and that is the amount of hits it can do in that area. So, if 3 spirits are on the field, and your 3 spirits hit 4 times each, that is 12 hits that the big spirit can do within that area. Increase the moving speed when the spirit moves to any targeted area. Then add an attribute to evil sacrifice that can increase damage output by 25-30%. Since this skill idea is different, the skill name could change to Dark Fusion, Chaotic Massacre, Evil Gathering, Greater Evil, or anything else you guys can come up with.

Drain - I think this skill is weak at the moment. I’m not sure if its due to a bug or not working as intended, but right now it doesn’t do much damage at all.

Suggestion - Maybe each evil spirit absorbed adds a multiplier attack. So, if 5 spirits were absorbed that would be 5 hits of your regular magic attack. Having 1500 base magic attack times 5 would be 7500. If that’s not enough then you could add an attribute that increases spirit attack by 15-30%.

Sabath - I love this skill because it moves the spirits, but its not that effective and not used much at all. The cooldown is really high for a move that is effective only after you have killed the mob, which is confusing. Also, when using the skill when there are many spirits on the field, they try to make a line, however this makes them take a long time to assemble before they start to move to you. It takes roughly 2-4 seconds (depending on how many spirits there are) to gather them in a line. It gets even worse when they move to you very slow. Ether the skill is already done channeling or the spirits are still trying to line up before you can move them to a mob.

Suggestion - A few ideas.

Option 1. - Remove channeling. Spirits are automatically drawn by your presence after you cast the skill. If keeping the cooldown to 45 seconds, maybe have the duration last for 30 to 35 seconds. It wouldn’t be too much because you already killed most of the mobs to make the evil spirits. And increase the moving/gathering speed of the spirits.

Option 2. If it stays a channeling skill, increase duration to 15 seconds and reduce cooldown to 30 seconds. Because you still have to kill mobs to get spirits on the field to even use the skill. Then add an attribute that resists interruptions when channeling, making the skill effective. And increase the moving/gathering speed of the spirits.

That’s about it.

Thanks for reading :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sob:

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Please fix C2 skills IMC !!!

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